The O.C.: Summer Roberts’ 10 Most Relatable Quotes

The O.C.: Summer Roberts’ 10 Most Relatable Quotes

The O.C. had plenty of memorable characters, but even among the “core four”, Summer Roberts was a fan favorite. Perfectly portrayed by Rachel Bilson, Summer was a highlight of the series across its entire four-season run. She initially appeared to be just another brainless socialite-in-training but very quickly evolved into so much more.

Summer was funny, clever and pretty much the best friend a person could have. Seriously, this is the girl you want in your corner when things get rough. Regardless of the situation, Summer always found just the right words to get her point across. Let’s take a look at some of the character’s most memorable quotes.


The O.C.: Summer Roberts’ 10 Most Relatable Quotes

The O.C. creator Josh Schwartz has previously noted, Rachel Bilson “had me at ew.” The actress’s part was meant to be much smaller. However, she quickly won him over, particularly with her delivery of what would become one of Summer’s signature phrases.

Although Summer would continue to use this word for many years to come, it didn’t take long for the character to move beyond Schwartz’s original plans for her. Imagine how different The O.C. could’ve been if Summer had remained the ditzy girl we all saw in the pilot. Luckily, fans will never have to find out.

“I suffer from rage blackouts.”

Summer Roberts frowning in The O.C.

After several episodes in which she was little more than the object of Seth’s affections, “The Escape” is the first installment where fans not only caught a glimpse of the real Summer, but also witnessed the undeniable chemistry between Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody – who would go on to become a real couple offscreen.

Summer threatened Seth with physical violence before apologizing and admitting to this condition. To be fair, if you were traveling with Seth, Ryan, and Marissa on this particular trip, you might also suffer a rage blackout. Seth was taken aback, but of course, was no less into her as a result of this revelation.

“It’s Like One Guitar And A Whole Lot Of Complaining.”

This quote also comes from “The Escape”, which is a truly excellent episode. Summer was referring to Seth’s choice of road trip music, which happened to be Death Cab for Cutie. Depending on who you ask, Death Cab is either one of the greatest bands of the early aughts or they’re just painfully boring. Summer clearly fell into the latter camp.

In Summer’s defense, there are plenty of fine times to put on Death Cab, but if everyone’s being honest, it’s not exactly the perfect mix to get psyched for Tijuana. Perhaps something a bit more upbeat next time, okay Seth?

“I Hope You Have Motrin In The House, Because You’re About To Feel Pain.”

Summer Roberts and Seth Cohen The OC

Seth and Summer probably had the best relationship of the series – except perhaps for Sandy and Kirsten. The couple certainly had the happiest and healthiest of all the teen romances. That doesn’t mean that Summer’s trademark rage never reared its ugly head.

After a lot of season 2 shakeups, Seth was having some trouble moving on and was hoping to reunite the core four. Summer wanted him to stay out of it, but Seth is kind of a born meddler. The guy can’t help himself, because it’s obviously in his genes. Seriously, just look at who his father is. At least Summer gave him fair warning that he was about to get hurt.

“I Was Really Good At Ignoring You. Now I’m Just Getting Back In Shape.”

Seth and Summer in The O.C

Summer said this to Seth during a rough patch the two went through in season 3. College discussions are almost always difficult for high school sweethearts and Seth hadn’t exactly been forthright with her. He claimed an angry Summer couldn’t ignore him forever. So, she explained just how wrong he was. Ignoring Seth Cohen had actually been a major pastime of hers.

Dedicated fans of The O.C. will remember that Seth had been in love with Summer since they were kids. However, she kind of didn’t know he was alive. Seth even famously remembered her mermaid poem, a fact that Summer greatly appreciated when she finally found out.

“How Can You Live Like This? Your T-shirts Are Touching Your Sweaters!”

Marissa Cooper went through a lot of changes during her three years on the show. One major crossroads was her parents’ divorce in season 1. Marissa chose to live with her dad, Jimmy, rather than her mother, Julie – though this was short-lived. However, that meant Marissa was no longer living the life to which she had become accustomed.

Summer spoke these words to Marissa after being horrified to see how her bestie was living in Jimmy’s cramped apartment. Of course, Seth and Summer took it upon themselves to find an amazing way to make Marissa feel more at home.

“You know, it seems you only want me when you can’t have me. You like the chase, and that’s all. And you know what? You can have it.”

Summer said this to Seth in season 2 when he was desperately trying to win her back after torching their relationship by literally sailing away from her. Summer really let him have it. She reminded Seth that she’d once actually suited up as Wonder Woman for him and that at the time, he still chose Anna.

So, for Seth to come for her now that she was happy with someone else was the ultimate act of selfishness. They’d reunite eventually, but Summer explained some things here that really needed to be said. Even still, Seth and Summer for life. Come on, they even both had toy horses they were too attached to!

“…And you, with all your little flaws, and your little quirks, somehow you keep drawing me back in.”

Summer said this to Seth in season 2 after they got back together. He couldn’t understand why she wanted to be with him over someone as seemingly perfect as her ex-boyfriend, Zach. The guy made him “feel very Jewish.”

Zach may have seemed more perfect on paper, but even he could tell that Seth and Summer were always going to be a couple, whether they were together or not. He gracefully bowed out of the race for her affections, though he would try one more time. Poor Zach, he never had a chance. Summer didn’t love Seth in spite of those flaws, but because of them.

“Sailing is, like, so not the fastest way to get anywhere.”

Summer had a difficult time confronting her feelings for Seth initially. She couldn’t acknowledge that she was into him until she had some serious competition in Anna. While Seth and Summer were an obvious case of opposites attracting, Anna and Seth actually had a lot in common.

One love they shared was sailing. Summer, feeling jealous and not prepared to admit it, chose to shoot down boats as an optimum mode of transportation. Hey, we’ve all been there, right? Plus, Summer might be missing the point about the joys of sailing a little bit, but she’s not exactly wrong.

“Oh my god, we cannot be more annoying than Ryan and Marissa. We’re monsters.”

First of all, Seth and Summer could never and were never more annoying than Ryan and Marissa. That’s not to say there’s not a fair amount of people who continue to ship those two, but Ryan and Marissa were undeniably a bit of a mixed bag. Seth and Summer always had fan support no matter what.

Season 2 saw Seth and Summer having some major problems and even after they got back together, she was worried that Ryan and Marissa had somehow become “the functioning couple.” Lucky for her, that could never happen. As loved as Ryan and Marissa were as a couple, their disfunction was clear. Seth and Summer could never have competed with them in that arena.