The O.C.: 5 Best Couples (& 5 Worst)

The O.C.: 5 Best Couples (& 5 Worst)

One of the most compelling aspects of any good teen drama is its romantic relationships. The O.C., which aired on Fox from 2003-2007, had its fair share of love affairs, some epic and some entirely forgettable. The series centered on Ryan Atwood, a troubled teen who was taken in by the wealthy Cohen family. Although it has spawned plenty of imitators, The O.C. remains one of the best teen dramas ever to air.

While we all leave high school in our review mirrors, many of us are defined by those experiences. Everything is life or death when you’re a teenager, and that desperation can make for extremely good television. Here’s a refresher on The O.C.’s romances, both the swoon-worthy and the yawn-inducing.

Best – Seth and Summer

The O.C.: 5 Best Couples (& 5 Worst)

While certain couples, such as Ryan and Marissa, tend to spark debate among fans, everyone can agree that Seth and Summer were amazing. The real-life chemistry between Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson was obvious from the start, causing viewers to root for the couple immediately. No matter what came between them, fans knew that they’d always find their way back to one another.

Seth loved Summer from the time they were kids, although it took her significantly longer to notice him. From their witty banter to their undeniable passion, these two were always meant to be each other’s endgame. They may have had their ups and downs, but seriously, Seth and Summer for life.

Worst – Ryan and Lindsay

Say what you will about Ryan and Marissa, but at least they were never boring. Lindsay was an annoying character from the moment she appeared and pairing her with Ryan certainly didn’t make her any more likable or interesting in her own right. Plus, there was zero chemistry between these two. The series wasted far too much time on a romance that no one was invested in.

Season 2 did its best to shake things up by introducing new love interests for everyone and Lindsay was the least compelling of them all. Sure, the revelation that she was Caleb’s daughter was a classic soapy twist, but also added a bit of an ick factor to her relationship with Ryan. Ultimately, Lindsay was just another in a long line of obstacles between Ryan and Marissa.

Best – Sandy and Kirsten

If anyone is deserving of the relationship goals hashtag, it’s Sandy and Kirsten Cohen. The O.C. put this couple through so much, but fans surely would’ve rioted if the couple hadn’t survived everything that was thrown at them. No one, not Jimmy Cooper or Rebecca Bloom, could destroy the foundation that Sandy and Kirsten had built.

The O.C. was one of few teen dramas who made the adult storylines just as engaging as the ones revolving around the younger characters. In many ways, Sandy and Kirsten were the heart of The O.C. They were the couple that kept it grounded even as some of the show’s soapier elements threatened to derail it completely.

Worst – Julie and Caleb

The Gruesome Twosome indeed. While it is true that in a way, Julie and Caleb seemed made for each other, their pairing was still brutal to witness. Julie never loved Caleb quite as much as she adored his money and Caleb never proved himself worthy of anyone’s affection anyway. This was never a couple to root for.

Julie started out as a bit of a villain, before becoming a fan favorite. It wasn’t until she and Caleb were finished that she could truly come into her own. Sure, the guy died and that was sad, but honestly, did anyone miss him?

Best – Ryan and Marissa

Admittedly, Ryan and Marissa were a bit of a mixed bag. However, that doesn’t change the fact that these two were at the center of some of the show’s most unforgettable moments. Particularly in season 1, Ryan and Marissa were undeniable, fogging up the screen every time they were on it.

While it is true that it was only too easy for everyone from Oliver to Johnny to come between them, that didn’t make their final farewell any less heartbreaking. By the time The O.C. killed off Marissa, her death had become necessary for the show’s creative rebirth. Still, watching Ryan carry her limp body for the last time was utterly soul-crushing.

Worst – Marissa and Volchok

This relationship was never meant to be anything other than just plain toxic. While Ryan found himself a nice girl in Sadie, Marissa once again chose a path of self-destruction. Sadly for her, by the time she finally remedied this, it was too late to save her.

It was one thing for Marissa to drown her sorrows in Volchok, but then the series chose to spend time on establishing these two as an actual couple. Viewers were not pleased. Maybe Volchok tried to be better for her, but in the end, her death was literally his fault, so, worst boyfriend ever.

Best – Marissa and Alex

Aside from Ryan, Alex is really the only other person that Marissa dated who she actually could’ve had a good relationship with. Sadly, The O.C. took the easy way out with this romance. When the writers decided that they wanted to bring Ryan and Marissa back together, they chose to write Alex like an irrationally jealous jerk. This didn’t really make sense with the personality traits previously established for her.

So, Alex and Marissa basically crashed and burned before they had really begun. Even though these two were never endgame, their relationship was really sweet while it lasted… at least until the writers ruined Alex as a character.

Worst – Marissa and DJ

You can be forgiven for completely forgetting who DJ is since there was nothing memorable about this romance at all. It was just another attempt to put Marissa with someone other than Ryan. To be fair, DJ seemed like a solid guy and these two did end on okay terms.

Honestly, DJ’s greatest sin was that he was painfully dull, which made it really difficult to become invested in his relationship with Marissa. Poor Marissa really did have a more tumultuous love life than anyone else in the series, as evidenced by her multiple appearances here. Like mother, like daughter.

Best – Ryan and Taylor

Ryan and Taylor together in The O.C.

This is obviously a controversial opinion, but Taylor was exactly what Ryan needed at the exact moment that he needed it. The same could be said about the character of Taylor Townsend in general. After the train wreck that was season 3, The O.C.’s fourth season was a return to form for the show. Marissa left some big boots to fill, but Taylor was such a starkly different character and replacing Marissa was never the point. Taylor brought an entirely different energy to the series.

Ryan and Taylor were good for each other and their romance was adorable. It was easy to root for them because Ryan had been through so much and it was obvious that Taylor always had his best interests at heart.

Worst – Summer and Zach

Of all the season 2 love interests introduced, Zach was definitely one of the best. He was handsome, charming and thoughtful. However, he was also twelve shades of bland. Much like Lindsay for Ryan and Marissa, Zach was just another obstacle standing between Seth and Summer. No matter what a sweetheart he was, the guy was never going to be anything more.

Obviously, Summer could’ve done way worse, but fans were never going to ship these two with Seth still pining for his one true love… even if it was his own fault that he lost her. Zach didn’t go down without a fight, but he also didn’t stand a chance.