The New Flash Has Already Destroyed Barry Allen’s Legacy

The New Flash Has Already Destroyed Barry Allen’s Legacy

Warning: contains preview pages for Teen Titans Academy #8!

Wally West recently returned to the role of the Flash, while his mentor Barry Allen fought evil through the multiverse with the Justice Incarnate. It was a victory for Wally, who had overcome much darkness to reclaim what was rightfully his, but this darkness continues to haunt Wally West, tainting his legacy and making people fearful of him, as seen in a preview for Teen Titans Academy #8, on sale November 30 in print and digital.

After being shuffled out of continuity at the beginning of the New 52, Wally West returned to the DC Universe in 2016’s DC Universe Rebirth. After accidentally killing Arsenal and others in 2018’s Heroes in Crisis, Wally briefly held Metron’s chair, also wielding the powers of Doctor Manhattan. Wally returned to the role of the Flash at the dawn of Infinite Frontier, when his mentor Barry Allen was recruited by the Superman of Earth-23 to join the Justice Incarnate—essentially a multiversal version of the Justice League. Now, with Barry imprisoned on an “ideal” Earth somewhere in the Omniverse, Wally is on his own once again and trying to escape his mentor’s shadow, and in Teen Titans Academy #8, he is on not off to a good start. The issue is written by Tim Sheridan with art by Rafa Sandoval.

DC Comics provided AIPT with an exclusive first look at the issue, including preview pages shared below. A group of prospective Titans Academy students have gathered, but their parents have grave concerns over not only the statue of Arsenal, known to kill but also the Titan’s alliance with Wally West— who is also perceived as a murderer. As Donna Troy and Cyborg attempt to assuage their fears, Wally West arrives on the scene, his kids in tow. The crowd does not give him a warm reception, calling him a “murderer” and erroneously believing his children are “hostages.” It turns out he is here to inquire about enrolling his children at Titans Academy. Wally gets a less than warm reception from his fellow Titans once inside as well; Starfire and Donna Troy keep their interactions polite but short, despite Wally’s attempts to ease the tension.

The New Flash Has Already Destroyed Barry Allen’s Legacy
Teen Titans Academy 8 variant cover
Teen Titans Academy preview page 1
Teen Titans Academy 8 preview page, showing Wally West arriving at Titans Tower with his kids
Teen Titans Academy 8 preview page 3

When Wally assumed the mantle of the Flash after Barry Allen’s death in Crisis on Infinite Earths, it added a new layer to his character as he attempted to forge a new identity for himself. He proved to be a worthy successor, but much of that was erased when Barry Allen returned in Final Crisis. The erasure of Wally West from continuity during the New 52 era was the ultimate insult. Wally’s return in DC Rebirth, and his subsequent arc since, from Heroes in Crisis to Infinite Frontier has added yet another layer to this already complex character: he now seeks redemption.

Barry Allen’s time as the Flash has made him a saint in the eyes of many, with whole museums devoted to him. Wally West, on the other hand, does not receives such treatment, as many still view him with suspicion. Wally may have redeemed himself in Barry’s eyes, but he still has a ways to go with the rest of the DC Universe.