The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Titans Characters

The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Titans Characters

Every time Titans wraps up a new season, fans are left with lingering questions about where the heroes will go next and which villains will pop up for them. Now streaming its fourth season on HBO Max, Titans has given fans an interesting take on the comic book (and animated) characters fans know and love. Initially, fans might have been skeptical of the new iterations of the characters.

Still, Titans did much better than people originally said. The universe the show created isn’t connected to the DCEU or to the Arrowverse. This means they can offer up their own interpretations of these characters, and they do. While fans recognize the names and vague outlines of the characters, the Titans universe did something different. The bones of the characters remain the same, allowing fans to better understand them by looking at their Myers-Briggs® personality types.

Tim Drake: ENFP

The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Titans Characters

ENFPs are also known as Campaigners. They are typically optimistic, the ones who provide hope to others. Campaigners are those who are outgoing and open-minded, making connections with others easily, and never giving up.

When Tim Drake is introduced in Titans, that is very much who he is. He lives in a Gotham that is full of fear. He sees the Titans as a beacon of hope, and he sets out to help them. His optimism and commitment to his new friends earns him a spot on their team to begin training with them.

Conner Kent: ISFP

Conner Kent's Superboy in Titans Season 4

As an ISFP, Conner Kent is an Adventurer. Despite being created in a lab and used by those around him, Conner is willing to trust and try new things on a regular basis.

Adventurers aren’t just willing to try new things though. They are also flexible, taking in new information quickly and finding creative ways to use it. They also adapt to new situations faster than most, like Conner joining the Titans. Conner also continues to put himself in dangerous positions for the team, able to assess the threats quickly and understand that he’s least likely to take on significant damage compared to the rest of the group.

Blackfire: ENTJ

Blackfire's eyes glow outside in Titans.

Fittingly, Blackfire is a Commander, just like her real name of Komand’r. This extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging personality is someone who loves to achieve their goals and is all about making big moves to get them. They’re natural leaders who don’t like to follow the orders of others.

That’s why Blackfire clashes with her sister so much at first. It takes a while for the two to understand one another. Blackfire isn’t just confident in her own abilities; she can also be ruthless. She’s willing to take risks others wouldn’t to make her dreams come true.

Bruce Wayne: INTJ

Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne Batman in Titans

Bruce Wayne and Blackfire have a lot of personality traits in common. They both are big thinkers and ready to impose their judgments on those around them. Those traits, however, both allow them to work toward their goals.

Bruce’s more introverted nature, however, makes him an Architect instead of a Commander. Bruce is more likely to internalize his thoughts and judgments, which can make it hard for him to get close to people, despite him having so many allies willing to take up his crime-fighting cause.

Slade Wilson: ISTP

Esai Morales as Slade Wilson Titans

Slade Wilson never met a project he didn’t want to commit to. That’s right in line with a Virtuoso. Despite being an introvert, Slade Wilson is more than happy to share his goals and projects with others, like recruiting his daughter to be a part of his revenge scheme against the Titans.

Virtuosos are also very talented. They tend to pick up skills quickly, always ready to learn new things and apply them to their everyday life. There isn’t a fighting style that Slade isn’t willing to learn about or find a counter to. His personality traits actually mean he has a lot in common with his biggest enemy in the series.

Dick Grayson: ISTP

Dick Grayson shows his bade in HBO Max's Titans

Dick is Batman’s former teen sidekick, Robin. In the Titans universe, Dick works as a detective with the Detroit Police Department and has distanced himself from his Gotham days. He eventually finds himself as the sort of reluctant leader of the Titans and obligatory mom-friend.

He easily fits into the ISTP category with his skills in, well… pretty much everything, and his penchant for jumping into action. ISTPs are good at analyzing and fixing things and like to remain coolly relational about the world around them. That makes them true introverts and as such, Dick is difficult to get close to, which is obvious from the beginning of the show. He distances himself from those around him, but at the same time, he just can’t help getting involved.

Rachel Roth: INFJ

Rachel with her blue hair and dark eyes in a Titans poster signaling her Raven transformation

In Titans, Rachel is a young girl who has demonic powers that viewers eventually learn she has inherited from her father. She is picked up by Dick after her mother’s murder, and he becomes something of a mentor to her.

Rachel is idealistic and insightful, like a lot of INFJs (or Advocates). Despite everything she’s gone through, she seems to always know what to say to her teammates to inspire them. She does what she can to help her team, but she’s also very much determined to achieve her own goals. She can also be incredibly hard on herself, which is definitely an INFJ thing.

Kory Anders: ISFJ

Starfire using her abilities in the first image of her for the live action Titans series

Also known as Koriand’r, Kory is an alien from Tamaran. Starfire has the ability to absorb and expel solar energy. At the start of the series, she suffers from amnesia and doesn’t remember who or what she is. She eventually discovers that she was looking for Rachel and seeks her out in hopes the girl will be able to tell her who she is.

ISFJs are Defenders, and Kory proves that point very quickly. She quickly becomes protective of her team and is more than willing to use her devastating powers to defend them. The moral of the story is just don’t mess with an ISFJ’s friends.

Gar Logan: ENFP

Ryan Potter as Beast Boy in Titans

Gar is an orphan and a former member of Doom Patrol. A doctor saved him with an experimental drug when he contracted a rare disease, and while it saved him, there was a side effect. He now has green hair and can shape-shift into a green tiger. Other animals have come to him as the series has progressed.

Like Tim, Gar is an ENFP – curious and energetic, which describes Gar to a T. He’s always asking a lot of questions, sometimes to his teammates’ annoyance, but he’s a much-needed lightness in the group. But ENFPs can get stressed out easily, which Gar does often.

Dawn Granger: INFP

Dawn sits on the couch smiling in Titans

Dawn is Dove in the Hawk and Dove duo. She’s a former ballerina turned vigilante and Dick’s ex-girlfriend. She helps Dick look after Rachel when the two appear on her and Hank’s doorstep.

Dawn seems to be able to find the good in people, which is a true INFP, or Mediator, trait. She’s warm and open-minded and bonds with Rachel quickly, despite her unresolved feelings for Dick. She does her best to keep the peace, especially between Hank and Dick, although it is with varying degrees of success. But no matter what, she does seek out harmony, which becomes clear as she tries to convince Hank that they should get out of the vigilante business.

Hank Hall: ESTJ

Hank Hall appears angry in Titans

Hank is Dawn’s other half, also known as Hawk. He and Dawn met after the deaths of loved ones in their lives and took up the Hawk and Dove mantle to cope. He is much less forgiving than Dawn, which is made clear by the animosity that still exists between him and Dick.

Executives, or ESTJs, are nothing if not dedicated to the task at hand, and Hank definitely takes his role as Hawk very seriously. Even when a mission looks dire, he’s the type to still go out and finish it. But this obsession with crime-fighting has a lot to do with things in his past that he has difficulties dealing with. ESTJs aren’t so great at expressing emotions. Good thing he has Dawn by his side, who is very understanding.

Jason Todd: ESTP

Jason Todd stands in smoke in Titans

Fans know Jason Todd as Red Hood, but in the Titans continuity, Jason is first the new Robin. Dick doesn’t even know Bruce has replaced him until Jason pops up to give his predecessor a hand.

While the comic version of Jason is obviously much darker, this version of Jason is just a kid having the time of his life. He’s sociable and adventurous, as ESTPs (Entrepreneurs) are, and doesn’t initially seem burdened by his role the way Dick is. He also has that ESTP rebelliousness, which viewers see when he goes to help Dick out without Bruce’s okay. He also has no problem beating up police officers, something Dick hesitates to do because of his own law enforcement connection.

Donna Troy: ESFJ

Donna Troy smiling in Titans

Formerly known as Wonder Woman’s sidekick Wonder Girl, Donna Troy has since left that world behind her. She now works as an investigative reporter and is Dick’s best friend and confidante. Unlike Dick, she hasn’t struggled with her transition away from the vigilante lifestyle.

Donna Troy’s MBTI® is ESFJ. ESFJs are known as Consuls. They are good with people, and Donna displays that trait right off the bat. While Dick is shown to struggle with human connection, Donna just seems to get it. Still, she does her best to help Dick and give him advice when she can, because she can see him struggling. Even though she’s left the vigilante life behind her, she’s loyal to Dick and is there for him when he needs her.

Dr. Adamson: ESTJ

Dr. Adamson sits at a table with tea cups in Titans

One of the early villains in the series is Dr. Adamson, who the audience discovers is part of a cult with an interest in Rachel. The cult, known as The Organization, wants to bring back Rachel’s dad, Trigon, so he can cleanse the earth. Though the team thinks they deal with the group in the first season, remnants of the group reform in season 4.

Like Hank, Dr. Adamson is the Executive personality type. Even though his motivations aren’t so great, it’s undeniable that he’s not dedicated to his goals. He brainwashed people into being his minions and even went so far as slicing his throat to force Rachel to use her powers.

Trigon: ENFJ

A holographic image of Trigon appears in front of Dick and Donna in HBO Max's Titans

Trigon is the big bad of the series and easily one of the most powerful Titans characters, who also happens to be Rachel’s dad. Trigon is a demonic entity who destroys worlds when he “cleanses” them. He was successful one time and was somehow locked away in another dimension, but not for long.

Trigon doesn’t physically appear much in the series, but fans know that he’s charismatic, and he is passionate. He’s been around for a long time and knows how to get people behind him. He can understand people’s motivations and desires, which makes him very good at manipulating them. This is evident with Rachel’s mother, his followers, and even Rachel herself. ENFJs are known as the Protagonist for their charm and their drive. They make good heroes, but they also make very good villains.