‘The Muppets’ Get Ready for ‘The Hunger Games’

Disney’s marketing for The Muppets was probably one of the more successful promotional campaigns of 2011 – and was downright fun, to boot. Jim Henson’s beloved puppets lampooned just about every big movie that hit in the latter half of last year, including Green Lantern, Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Paranormal Activity, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Hangover II…even Bollywood.  After awhile, even we here at Screen Rant felt compelled to get in on the fun, and created our very own Muppet Avengers mashup trailer.

Well, if you were one of the many who enjoyed those spoofs, you’re in luck: Disney is releasing The Muppets on home video this month, and in honor of further promotion, the puppet gang is back to making fun of the hot topic movies hitting screens – and nothing is a hotter topic right now than Lionsgate’s adaptation of The Hunger Games.

Below you’ll find a trailer for The Muppets DVD/Blu-ray release, styled after the more recent trailers for The Hunger Games. It’s really more of a mashup ad, to be honest; it’s not so much new footage or direct spoofing as it is scenes from The Muppets set to Hunger Games-style music and text lines.

In any event, check out “The Muppet Games” trailer below:

Admittedly, by the time the promotional campaign for The Muppets wound down, even the Kermit and Co. were happy to be done with the spoofs. However, the passage of (a short amount of) time has rekindled my own admiration, and it is once again good to see The Muppets poking fun at something that others take all-too-seriously (*cough* Hunger Games fans *cough*).

If you’re interested in picking up The Muppets on DVD/Blu-ray, the official release date is March 20, 2012 – mere days before The Hunger Games hits theaters on March 23, 2012.