The Movie Critic Gives Brad Pitt A Chance To Redeem His Last Movie’s Poor Box Office

The Movie Critic Gives Brad Pitt A Chance To Redeem His Last Movie’s Poor Box Office

Brad Pitt’s upcoming role in Quentin Tarantino’s The Movie Critic offers the actor the perfect opportunity to redeem his previous movie’s poor box office performance. Quentin Tarantino’s The Movie Critic‘s latest update confirmed that Brad Pitt will be involved in the project, having worked with Tarantino twice before. The Movie Critic cast Brad Pitt in an unknown role, but with the film centered around Hollywood, the part won’t be completely new to Pitt. While the actor has played a variety of unique characters across his career, Brad Pitt’s latest acting outing also focuses on Hollywood.

It seems likely that Tarantino’s final film will offer a different tone to Pitt’s previous movie, but it does offer a chance at redemption. Despite his great performance, Brad Pitt’s most recent movie failed to light up the box office, becoming a massive financial failure. Working with Tarantino again will allow Pitt the chance to prove that he can thrive in this kind of role and secure a much better box office at the same time. The Movie Critic should perform better than Pitt’s last film, which will let him put the box office issues behind him.

Brad Pitt’s Role In The Movie Critic Gives Him The Chance To Redeem Babylon’s Disastrous Box Office

Babylon Bombed At The Box Office But The Movie Critic Should Be More Successful

The Movie Critic Gives Brad Pitt A Chance To Redeem His Last Movie’s Poor Box Office

The Movie Critic casting Brad Pitt is a great opportunity to make up for Babylon‘s shortcomings. Babylon made just over $63 million despite having a $110 million budget, highlighting how its financial struggles. Despite the movie having big names and being directed by Damien Chazelle – who has a tremendous track record – the film couldn’t find its audience and bombed at the box office. Although the movie had a fairly underwhelming reception, people have slowly warmed to the film, with Stephen King even commenting on Babylon. He was full of praise for the project, suggesting it would age well.

The Movie Critic also has a Hollywood setting like Babylon, which gives Pitt another chance to prove he can find success in the Hollywood environment. Pitt has had previous success in the setting, winning an Oscar for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood which should make The Movie Critic just as memorable, since it will be Tarantino’s final movie. The director’s name alone should help sell the movie and potentially give Pitt another Oscar-worthy role. This will likely provide The Movie Critic the box office and attention that Babylon deserved and make up for Pitt’s underrated box office flop.

Why Pitt Not Starring In The Movie Critic Doesn’t Matter

It Seems Unlikely Brad Pitt Will Be The Lead In The Movie Critic

Although Pitt is the first name announced for The Movie Critic, he looks unlikely to be the star, but that won’t be overly important to his redemption. Brad Pitt probably won’t be the main character in The Movie Critic after Tarantino revealed he wanted someone younger to lead the movie and claimed it would be a new leading man for the film. While the director often reuses actors, it appears he wants to go in a new direction for his final outing. This won’t deny Pitt a chance at redemption though, as he didn’t lead Babylon either.

He still played a major role in Babylon and gave a compelling performance, but he wasn’t the movie’s main character. If The Movie Critic provides Pitt with a similar amount of significance to the plot, it would be the perfect way to overcome Babylon‘s difficulties. This would show Pitt doesn’t need to be the lead for one of his movies to sell and that playing a supporting role in this style of movie can still achieve a big box office. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has already proved this and The Movie Critic should do so again.

Margot Robbie in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


The Movie Critic Is Continuing One Of Quentin Tarantino’s Biggest Trends (& It’s Perfect For His Last Movie)

The lead character of The Movie Critic, Tarantino’s tenth and final movie, already suggests the film will continue with a fifteen-year trend.

The Movie Critic Could Offer Another Babylon Star Redemption

Margot Robbie May Also Get The Chance To Redeem Babylon’s Troubles

Margot Robbie as Nellie LaRoy in Babylon

While The Movie Critic will definitely offer Pitt a chance at redemption, it could also provide Margot Robbie with the same opportunity. There are still plenty of actors to be announced for Quentin Tarantino’s The Movie Critic and there is a possibility Margot Robbie could be among them. Tarantino enjoys working with actors he is familiar with, and while The Movie Critic‘s leading role will be someone new, he will likely have familiar actors join the project as well. Brad Pitt being cast has already proven at least one of Tarantino’s favorites will be involved, and Robbie could join him.

Robbie and Tarantino have only worked together once, but the actress played a key role in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and if there is a big female role in The Movie Critic, she would likely be a leading candidate. There are still a lot of unknowns regarding Tarantino’s final movie, but it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for Robbie to be involved. This would give her the same trajectory as Pitt, appearing in OUATIH, Babylon, and The Movie Critic, and being cast in The Movie Critic would allow both her and Pitt to fully avenge Babylon‘s box office performance.

The Movie Critic

The Movie Critic is a new film by writer/director Quentin Tarantino. No information on the film has been unveiled yet.