The Most Iconic Green Lantern is Recruited in Picture-Perfect Cosplay

The Most Iconic Green Lantern is Recruited in Picture-Perfect Cosplay

One of the most iconic Green Lanterns is recruited in a new piece of picture-perfect cosplay. Earth has had many Green Lanterns throughout its history, and little shine brighter than Jessica Cruz. Cruz’s recruitment to the Corps is one of the most epic moments in Green Lantern history, and now cosplayer (and WWE superstar) Zelina Vega has brought Jessica to life in an epic new cosplay shot.

Photographer Ryan Sims unveiled Vega’s shoot in a post on Instagram. Sim prefaced the piece by asking current co-head of DC Films James Gunn to cast Vega as Cruz should the role ever come up. The cosplay perfectly recreates the exact moment Jessia Cruz conquered great fear and became a true Green Lantern. Jessica is holding her Lantern, and her ring is charging up.

Sim also provided a behind the scenes shot, showing how he used digital imaging to bring Vega’s cosplay to stunning life.

Jessica Cruz Conquered Fear and Anxiety to Become a Green Lantern

The Most Iconic Green Lantern is Recruited in Picture-Perfect Cosplay

Jessica Cruz is one of the newest recruits to the Green Lantern Corps. Debuting during the New 52 era, Cruz first came under the sway of Power Ring, the evil Lantern of Earth-3. Cruz, who deals with anxiety, was able to shake off Power Ring’s influence, and in the process prove herself worthy of a real Green Lantern ring. Since then, Cruz has distinguished herself as a Green Lantern, proving the Guardians of the Universe were more than justified in inducting her into the Corps.

Cruz’s accomplishment in the scene that Sims and Vega are recreating cannot be understated. As a result of childhood trauma, Jessica Cruz dealt with anxiety daily, and when fans first met her, she had not left her apartment in some time. Green Lanterns are supposed to know no fear, and Cruz managed to overcome hers. The scene in question is one of rebirth. It was the first day of the rest of Jessica Cruz’s life and her beginning as a great hero. Any recreation of it must embody the scene’s power and impact.

Unearthed Main Cover Art


Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story Review: A Beautiful, Important Read

Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story is a poignant, beautifully illustrated story about the real-life fear many undocumented immigrants face in the U.S.

Jessica Cruz Deserves the Best—And She Gets It

With this in mind, both Ryan Sims and Zelina Vega do justice to Jessica Cruz’s recruitment scene. Sims is correct: Vega has what it takes to play Jessica Cruz, almost as if she was born for the role. Vega embodies Cruz’s fearlessness and determination, and it comes through in the shoot. Jessica Cruz was channeling great power, both inner and outer, in this scene, and Vega perfectly captures it. When Jessica Cruz became an official Green Lantern, fans cheered and part of it was due to her epic recruitment scene. Now, this iconic Green Lantern scene has been recreated in amazing detail.