The MBTI® Of Characters From Hulu’s Ramy

The MBTI® Of Characters From Hulu’s Ramy

Egyptian-American comedian Ramy Youssef is at the helm of the Hulu series Ramy, which focuses on a Muslim family living in the New Jersey suburbs outside New York City. Youssef plays a fictionalized version of himself, a young man struggling to understand himself both as a Muslim and a millennial American.

Ramy combines drama and comedy in a unique way, and instead of steering every episode’s narrative around the title character, it also digs into the lives of Ramy’s sister and parents. This list sums up where each Ramy character lands on the MBTI® personality scale.

Ramy: INFP

The MBTI® Of Characters From Hulu’s Ramy

Ramy Hassan is a 20-something trying to navigate New York City as a devout Muslim. While he doesn’t drink or do drugs, his one weakness is sex. Throughout the series, he attempts to reconcile the outdated nature of some Islamic beliefs with his deep desire to attain a pure spiritual awareness. Ramy is also in search of love and acceptance.

Ramy is definitely an INFP. He’s sensitive and curious. He’s an idealist who struggles to accept reality and often overlooks major details. Ultimately, he’s a loyal and devoted friend and family member who wants everyone to get along.

Farouk: ISFJ

Ramy’s father Farouk is a hard-working immigrant deeply attached to attaining some form of the American dream for his family. One episode of the show follows the Hassans in the aftermath of September 11th. Farouk places a large American flag in his front yard as a show of allegiance, only to be shunned by his neighbors because he’s Muslim.

As an ISFJ, Farouk lives to protect his family. He’s reliable and practical, working long hours to support his kin financially, often sending goods back to his relatives in Egypt.

Maysa: ESFP

Ramy’s mother Maysa is a smart and creative woman who grapples with performing the housewife role. While she’s a loving and protective mother, as well as a devoted wife, she feels lonely and isolated at times, possessing few outlets for her own creative and intellectual pursuits. She tries to fill that hole by taking a job as an Uber driver, where she expects to make friends and engage in lively conversations with her customers.

The ESFP personality is an outgoing, optimistic one that loves social activities and fun. These folks get bored very easily, and they need a solid community around them to make them feel fulfilled and supported.

Dena: ENTP

Ramy’s younger sister feels stifled by her family, perceiving their overbearing investigations into her life as unfair. Dena rejects the hetereonormative, gendered role daughters are expected to play in Muslim families. While its unclear whether her parents are more concerned because of pervasive anti-Muslim sentiments or because of tradition, Dena thinks it’s unfair she receives more scrutiny than her brother.

Dena is the debater in her family, a true ENTP. She’s always questioning norms and has a real rebellious streak. She hates being told what to do, and she wants to feel completely in control of her own life.

Uncle Naseem: ENTJ

Naseem is Maysa’s older brother. He owns a jewelry shop in New York’s famous diamond district, and he has a terrible anti-Semitic streak Ramy and Dena both constantly call him out for. Naseem also makes off-the-cuff misogynistic comments about women, maintaining unrealistic expectations about the roles women should play in Middle Eastern families.

As an ENTJ, Uncle Naseem demands everyone’s attention with his self-assured and aggressive attitudes. He doesn’t hold back from expressing his true feelings, no matter how insensitive or inappropriate. He has no tolerance for people or customs who don’t fit into his world views.

Steve: ISTJ

Steve is one of Ramy’s oldest friends. They connected after most of Ramy’s friends alienated him due to September 11th. Steve has muscular dystrophy and constantly deals with pain and discomfort. Even though he and Ramy argue all the time, they share a deep bond. Steve is much more pessimistic than his friend, and they tend to balance each other out.

Steve is an ISTJ, an introverted and observant type who is realistic and practical. He’s curious about the world and likes to inspect everything with a fine-tooth comb. On the flip side, he’s quick to judge others and always assumes the worst.


Mo is one of Ramy’s Muslim friends. While he goes to mosque and practices daily prayers, he doesn’t adhere to every custom and ritual, and he often questions Ramy’s desire to be a fervent adherent. Mo runs a diner in the city, and he’s always around to give Ramy a good meal and advice riddled with expletives.

As an ESTJ, Mo has a commanding presence, and he loves making his views known. He’s a loyal friend, but he can border on bossy and insensitive. He likes to encourage Ramy to err on the side of hedonism.

Ahmed: ENFJ

Another of Ramy’s Muslim friends, Ahmed is even more reserved and observant than Ramy. Like Ramy, Ahmed is also quite devout. He’s a true friend, and while he doesn’t agree with his friends’ choices all the time, he listens and reflects. He also shows up when he’s needed. Ahmed is a successful doctor who works at a busy hospital.

ENFJs like Ahmed are empathetic and loving by nature. They are always ready to lend a hand to the point of being self-sacrificing. ENFJs are also predictable, organized, and prefer to stick to routines.

Amani: ISFP

Ramy travels to Egypt to reconnect with his family and his faith, and he falls into a complicated romance with his cousin Amani. She’s an artistic and spiritual young woman who provides Ramy with an alternative to all the drugs and booze he finds in Cairo. Amani takes Ramy on a spiritual tour around the city.

ISFPs are sensitive and quiet types with strong values and creative impulses. They love engaging with the outside world on their own terms, preferring hands-on learning and direct experience.