The Matrix 4: 10 Best Quotes

The Matrix 4: 10 Best Quotes

Although the franchise has been dormant for the past 18 years, The Matrix films have been some of the most quotable additions to pop culture in recent history. The new movie, The Matrix Resurrections, lives up to these expectations by delivering plenty of memorable and self-aware lines.

The film offers some insightful musings about the nature of humanity such as Bugs’ observation about the illusion of choice and the Analyst’s villainous monologue about human nature. Additionally, the meta story also lends itself to lines about storytelling and sequels like Smith’s conversation with Neo about making a new Matrix sequel.

Bugs On The Choice Between The Pills

“The Choice Is An Illusion. You Already Know What You Have To Do.”

The Matrix 4: 10 Best Quotes

As Bugs offers Morpheus a blue pill or a red pill, she remembers her own experience with initially discovering the truth about the Matrix and receiving the same offer to pursue the truth or return to her false reality, leading her to deliver this line.

For characters such as Bugs and Morpheus, once they have realized the deeper truth about existence they could never be satisfied going back to living a lie. In a franchise about enlightenment and self-discovery, this quote speaks to the powerful nature of truth.

Smith On Stories’ Endurance

“That’s The Thing About Stories; They Never Really End, Do They?”

Jonathan Groff as Agent Smith sitting in a chair in The Matrix 4

In the illusion of the Matrix, Neo is living as game designer Thomas Anderson who is best known for his work on the Matrix trilogy of games. His boss, Smith, informs him that they will be making a fourth Matrix even though the story from the original trilogy is over.

The line serves as a self-reflective analysis of Hollywood’s habit of constantly revisiting the same stories and characters over and over again. The scene goes beyond just deriding reboots and remakes and instead highlights the inherent human instinct to gravitate towards the familiar.

The Developer On The Matrix’s Influence

“What Made Matrix Different? It Effed With Your Head.”

The developers have a brainstorm meetings in The Matrix 4

As the team of videogame designers begins meeting to brainstorm about a new Matrix game, they begin by trying to analyze what made the original trilogy so successful and groundbreaking. They observe that beyond the visuals and bullet time, it is the philosophy of Matrix that made it a gamechanger.

Fans were excited to see how The Matrix: Resurrections would follow up on the original trilogy, and while the reception to the film has been divided, the filmmakers clearly understood that The Matrix has always been more about the philosophy and messages about humanity than about the martial arts and action sequences.

Morpheus On The Comfort Of Nostalgia

“Nothing Comforts Anxiety Like A Little Nostalgia.”

Morpheus holds up a red pill in The Matrix Resurrections

When Neo begins to realize that something is wrong with his reality, he begins having flashbacks to the original trilogy, building to the moment when the new Morpheus meets with him while video clips of the original Morpheus play in the background.

Neo created the new Morpheus in his modal to resemble the original Morpheus because he could best receive the worldview-shattering information from the great original Matrix character who first offered him the red pill. On a deeper level, the quote is indicative of people’s natural fondness for nostalgia and the role that nostalgia plays in bringing comfort and stability in times of uncertainty.

Niobe On The Ongoing Wars

“Nothing Can Breed Violence Like Scarcity.”

Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith) at 90 years old in The Matrix: Resurrections

Once Neo emerges from the Matrix and returns to the real world, Niobe helps catch him up on everything he has missed over the past 60 years. As part of this, she explains that some of the machines have turned against each other as they were competing for resources.

Niobe is an underrated character from the original Matrix trilogy and seeing her realize that a world without war is possible is a satisfying development in her story. The quote also shows that the machines are no better than humans, eventually resorting to fighting with themselves just like humanity used to do. The idea of machines turning on each other instead of acting like a monolith is a compelling addition to the canon that hopefully will be further developed in the future.

Neo On His Insecurities

“What If I Can’t Be What I Once Was?”

Neo in the psychiatrist's office in The Matrix Resurrections

After 60 years of absence and build-up, Neo discovers that his legend has grown and people have devoted their lives to studying him. With all of this expectation and pressure, Neo cannot help but question whether or not he is capable of returning to his previous form.

Neo has always been one of Keanu Reeves’ best characters but this film makes him more empathetic and vulnerable than he has been since the first film. For fans who have grown up with the franchise and are now in a different stage of life than when the first film came out, Neo’s question is an incredibly relatable one.

Neo On His Aspirations

“At Some Point, I Think I Gave Up Searching For Something Real.”

Neo talks to Trinity in a coffee shop in The Matrix Resurrections

Given Neo’s incredible power and everything he goes through in the original trilogy, it is somewhat surprising that he would then spend the next 60 years trapped in the Matrix without finding a way out. However, Neo reveals how the status quo of the Matrix eventually breaks people down.

While the films have explored the stories of those who take the red pill, this quote from Neo shows the mind-numbing impact that choosing to stay in the mediocrity of the blue pill. Thematically, it speaks to the way that routine and monotony can slowly wear down a person’s ambition and individuality.

The Analyst On Feelings Vs. Facts

“Here’s The Thing About Feelings: They’re So Much Easier To Control Than Facts.”

The Analyst talks to Neo in Matrix Resurrections

In the big reveal that Thomas Anderson’s therapist is actual the Analyst who has helped construct this new version of the Matrix, he monologues about how he has designed the system specifically to manipulate Neo and Trinity by playing their emotion instead of worrying about facts like the Architect did.

This observation about human psychology and the way that people are mostly concerned with their perception of the world rather than fact is a timely one. It is a terrifying and relevant articulation about one of humanity’s weaknesses that leaves people open to manipulation.

Neo On His Belief In Trinity

“I Never Believed I Was The One. But She Did. She Believed In Me. It’s My Turn To Believe In Her.”

Keanu Reeves as Neo in a garage in The Matrix Resurrections

Leading up to the group’s attempt to save Trinity, Neo explains why he is willing to risk everything to save her by stating the important role she has played in his life and the way that he owes her the same level of belief and sacrifice that she has shown him.

In many ways, the film is about Neo and Trinity, implying that Neo cannot be The One without Trinity. This line shows the power of their connection and the touching reason why she is so important to him.

Trinity Remembering Who She Really Is

“My Name Is Trinity And You Better Take Your Hands Off Of Me.”

Trinity talks to Neo in a coffee shop in The Matrix: Resurrections

Spending most of the movie stuck in the Matrix living as Tiffany, Neo is finally able to remind Trinity of who she really is just before the climax of the film. She embraces her true identity and helps Neo take on the Analyst and his swarm of programs.

This moment of revelation is a rousing scene in which the audience finally gets to see the Trinity that they know and love. The movie builds up her importance in the lore of The Matrix and the sequence that follows this line elevates her power to a new level, making this moment a turning point for the entire franchise moving forward.