The Matrix: 10 Actors Who Almost Appeared In The Original Trilogy

The Matrix: 10 Actors Who Almost Appeared In The Original Trilogy

Many now massively famous actors were considered to appear in the original The Matrix trilogy, but their involvement did not pan out for one reason or another. When the Wachowskis set out to create their milestone cyberpunk action movie, they considered many different actors in their mission to find the best possible choice for every character. Some of these names were not as well-known as they are now, and might have been made one of Hollywood’s biggest stars earlier if they had appeared in The Matrix.

Several of the stars who turned down roles in The Matrix filmed decidedly worse movies instead, leading to these movies being mockingly compared with the one they could have been in. However, many of them are amazingly talented and might have brought something to the Matrix franchise that no one else could. A select few might have even been better than the person who was cast — but fans will never know for sure, as all the performances in The Matrix were more than satisfactory.

The Matrix: 10 Actors Who Almost Appeared In The Original Trilogy


8 Unfinished Stories The Matrix 5 Can Resolve (Now It’s Confirmed)

The Matrix 5 can answer lingering questions and finish storylines such as who the Analyst works for and how Neo and Trinity will remake the Matrix.


Will Smith

Turned down the role of Neo to film Wild Wild West.

The story of how Will Smith turned down playing Neo in The Matrix is notorious in cinematic history. At the time, Smith had recently achieved widespread fame with Independence Day, while the Wachowskis were still small-time directors. Smith was a logical choice for a new, groundbreaking action sci-fi movie given the properties he was known for. However, Smith was unimpressed with the initial pitch for The Matrix and did not expect much to come of it. He turned down the role and the Wachowskis continued their search for the perfect Neo.

Instead, Smith starred in Wild Wild West, a generally bad movie that would be forever held up as the failure that Smith chose over The Matrix. However, when he spoke about his decision in a YouTube video years later, Smith did not seem to have any regrets. “[…] So I made Wild Wild West,” said Smith (via Entertainment Weekly). “I’m not proud of it.” However, he fully believes that the actors who were cast were “perfect,” saying: “So I probably would have messed The Matrix up. I would have ruined it, so I did y’all a favor.”


Johnny Depp

Lost the role of Neo to Keanu Reeves.

Ironically, Johnny Depp almost played three different Keanu Reeves roles: Johnny Utah in Point Break, Jack Traven in Speed, and Neo in The Matrix. In the case of The Matrix, Depp was one of the final contenders after Warner Bros. and the Wachowskis made offers to several other stars that also turned down Neo. According to composer Don Davis, Depp was the Wachowskis’ first choice, while Warner Bros. favored bigger stars.

Davis does not make it completely clear if the Wachowskis were overruled by Warner Bros. when it came to casting Neo or if they eventually changed their minds in favor of Reeves. Reeves became known for his signature character of an understated but immensely skilled action hero to the point where no one could imagine anyone else playing Neo. While Depp might have been the first choice, the fact that he was never offered the role of Neo was doubtlessly in the movie’s best interest.


Janet Jackson

Turned down the role of Trinity due to scheduling conflicts.

Davis has this to say about Neo’s partner in crime: “For Trinity, I think they were generally looking at lesser known names for that character.” This may have been true because there aren’t likely to be many stories about lesser-known names being considered for the role. However, everyone remembers that Janet Jackson was considered to play Trinity. Jackson told Wonderland that she spoke with the Wachowskis about starring in The Matrix but was forced to turn it down due to scheduling conflicts (via Digital Spy).

The Wachowskis did eventually end up with their less famous star with Carrie-Anne Moss, who had only made brief appearances in a series of TV shows and starred in some under-the-radar (generally poorly reviewed) movies at the time. While Moss is now inextricably linked with The Matrix, Jackson’s presence might have made the movie a completely different cultural touchstone. The actors who did end up starring in the original Matrix trilogy were well-chosen but not unexpected; having a musical star as part of the cast would have made it only more interesting.


Val Kilmer

Turned down the roles of Morpheus & Neo to film At First Sight.

Smith mentioned in his YouTube video that when he was the first choice to play Neo, the filmmakers had Val Kilmer in mind as Morpheus. Davis also says that Kilmer turned down the chance to star in the movie, although he gives the impression that the Top Gun actor was considered to play Neo himself. Far Out reported that Kilmer turned down both roles.

It would seem that the Wackowskis and/or Warner Bros. really wanted Kilmer to be in The Matrix, despite being known for arrogant characters like Iceman, rather than the ever-wise Morpheus or humble Neo. Kilmer chose to star in the romantic drama At First Sight around the same time, which was not received well. Seeing how Reeves and Laurence Fishburne were perfect in their respective roles and as a duo, and how Kilmer developed a reputation for being difficult to work with, The Matrix was lucky that he turned down not one but two roles.


Nicolas Cage

Turned down the role of Neo due to family obligations.

Despite his numerous action roles, Nicolas Cage reportedly turned down the role of Neo to be able to spend time with his family (Far Out). As many movies starring Cage are known more for their lead actor than the story itself, Cage backing out was also probably a lucky break for the Wachowskis. While several of the actors who ended up starring in The Matrix were considerably famous beforehand, it would have been interesting to see how the movie’s impact would have been helped or hindered by Cage’s involvement.

Given his performance as a history buff who is a constant exposition tool in National Treasure later on, Cage might have been good for the role of Morpheus as well. However, there is no indication that he was ever considered for this part. Cage’s movies that came out in 1999 are 8MM and Bringing Out the Dead, to inevitably be overshadowed by The Matrix.

Keanu Reeves as Neo from The Matrix with Morpheus and Trinity behind him


10 Harsh Realities Of Neo’s Character In The Matrix

Neo is one of the most iconic characters in sci-fi movie history, but some aspects of his portrayal hold up much better than others on reflection.


Samuel L. Jackson

Was considered to play Morpheus.

Davis also mentioned Samuel L. Jackson as one of the names considered to play Morpheus, which probably would have proven to be an excellent casting choice. Jackson has played several characters who are set up as an enigmatically wise but fallible, serious-minded leader. Jackson might have found his Morpheus somewhere between the personas of Mace Windu and Nick Fury (although he had not yet played either character at the time).

However, this did not come to pass, with it being unclear whether Jackson was ever formally offered the role of Morpheus. Yet Fishburne’s ability to bring a friendly streak to Morpheus’ character was needed, and he was always the best choice. Ironically, Fishburne turned down Jackson’s iconic role of Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction. Like with the notorious Smith/Neo story, most people would expect Fishburne to have been disappointed that he was not involved with a milestone movie like Pulp Fiction. However, Fishburne commented on the matter similarly to Smith (via CinemaBlend):

“I turned down Pulp Fiction and I do not regret that decision at all. Do you know why? Because it turned out to be the star-making role of Sam Jackson’s career. That’s the role that made Sam Jackson a star. And I contributed to that by staying out of the way.”


Sean Connery

Turned down the role of the Architect.

Muddled reports said that Sean Connery was considered for the role of Morpheus at one point or another. Connery actually turned down the role of the Architect in The Matrix Reloaded, which eventually went to Helmut Bakaitis (SlashFilm). Connery’s decision partially lives in infamy because he also turned down The Lord of the Rings around the same time. While appearing in either of these iconic trilogies could have revitalized his career, he ended up starring in a disastrous flop.

SlashFilm reporter Chris Evangelista stated: “Passing on yet another blockbuster led Sean Connery to sign onto a movie that effectively ended his career.” This is the notorious movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, in which Connery plays Allan Quatermain. If Evangelista is correct, then moviegoers might have seen Connery bring to life more iconic roles before his death if he had taken the role of the Architect (or Gandalf) and had a better filming experience than he did with League.


Jean Reno

Turned down the role of Agent Smith due to family obligations.

Agent Smith is undeniably one of the greatest villains in movie history, in no small part because of Hugo Weaving’s performance. Recasting Morpheus worked while it didn’t with Smith for The Matrix Resurrections, partially because the fact that it was supposed to be the same character only further emphasized that Weaving was not playing him. Yet there was a casting process for the character and someone else was first considered to play Mr. Anderson’s greatest adversary.

The French actor Jean Reno was offered the role of Smith but turned it down for the same reason Cage turned down Neo: He did not want to spend time away from his family to travel to Australia and film the movie (via MovieWeb). Everyone is happy about this now when Weaving’s performance is one of the best parts of the movies. Still, with an action movie like Mission: Impossible under his belt, Reno could have been an excellent addition to the Matrix cast.


Michelle Yeoh

Turned down the role of Seraph due to other commitments.

The Guardian reported in December 2000 that Michelle Yeoh was in talks to be starring in the two Matrix sequels following the original in a role originally offered to Jet Li, stating: “Negotiations with Li are said to have broken down because of a wrangle over money.” The reasons for Yeoh not appearing in The Matrix are hazy, but MovieWeb reported that “Yeoh had to turn down the role as she had to devote herself to starring and producing The Touch from her production company.”

It is rare that fans of an iconic movie like The Matrix would ever consider anyone else to play their favorite character, but Yeoh would have been spectacular as Seraph. It was later confirmed that the role the martial arts icon was considered for was the Exile program serving as the Oracle’s bodyguard, who was still amazingly played by Collin Chou. Ironically, Yeoh’s recent movie that won her an Oscar for Best Lead Actress is connected to The Matrix, according to the directors. “The Daniels” said of Everything Everywhere All at Once (via SlashFilm):

“This movie is 100 percent a response to ‘The Matrix,’ obviously. We wanted to make our version of it. It was wild to be like oh, ‘We took so long that the Wachowskis beat us to it.'”



The 8 Scenes That Defined The Matrix Franchise

The Matrix franchise has made a lasting impact on pop culture history, thanks to several iconic scenes that embody the essence of the entire series.


Sandra Bullock

Turned down the role of Neo due to lack of interest.

At one point, partially due to the difficulty they were having finding the right male actor, the Wachowksis debated changing the gender of Neo’s character with Sandra Bullock in mind to play the One. At the time, Bullock had coincidentally just starred alongside Reeves in Speed. She was reportedly sent the script for The Matrix and informed that they would change the character to a woman if she accepted the role, but was uninterested.

Bullock apparently later regretted turning down Neo, as well as Trinity, who she was also considered to play. However, like many of the actors who could have been in The Matrix, Bullock believes that the right people landed the roles. Bullock told Today (via TheWrap): “It was sexy and great because of Carrie-Anne and Keanu.” However, this does not stop fans from wondering what might have been if different people were cast in the original trilogy.

  • The Matrix Poster

    The Matrix

    Where to Watch

    *Availability in US

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    Not available

    Not available

    In a dystopian future, hacker Neo (Keanu Reeves) learns about the Matrix, a simulated reality hiding the truth of humanity’s enslavement by machines. He joins rebels led by the mysterious Morpheus, who believes Neo is destined to free humanity. Betrayal leads to a deadly confrontation with villain Agent Smith as Neo discovers his true power, defeats his enemies, and promises to change the world.


    Lilly Wachowski
    , Lana Wachowski

    Release Date

    March 30, 1999


    Keanu Reeves
    , Laurence Fishburne
    , Carrie-Anne Moss
    , Hugo Weaving
    , Gloria Foster
    , Joe Pantoliano


    136 minutes

  • 51AhfnN47xL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_

    The Matrix Reloaded

    Where to Watch

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    Not available

    Not available

    Not available

    Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus continue to resist the machines’ control and search for the source of the Matrix.


    Lana Wachowski
    , Lilly Wachowski

    Release Date

    May 15, 2003


    Keanu Reeves
    , Laurence Fishburne
    , Carrie-Anne Moss
    , Hugo Weaving
    , Jada Pinkett Smith
    , Gloria Foster


    138 Minutes

  • Matrix Revolutions Poster

    The Matrix Revolutions


    Where to Watch

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    Not available

    Not available

    Not available

    The Matrix Revolutions is the third installment of the Wachowskis’ famous sci-fi saga. The movie picks up where the previous film “The Matrix Reloaded” left off, with Neo (Keanu Reeves) trapped in between the simulation and the real world. Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Monica Bellucci, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Lambert Wilson reprise their roles once again for the threequel.


    Lilly Wachowski

    Release Date

    October 27, 2003


    Keanu Reeves
    , Monica Bellucci
    , Laurence Fishburne



Source: Entertainment Weekly, Interview with Don Davis, Digital Spy, Far Out, The Guardian, SlashFilm, TheWrap