The Married At First Sight Experts Should Not Have Picked Brennan On Season 17

The Married At First Sight Experts Should Not Have Picked Brennan On Season 17

Married at First Sight season 17 cast member Brennan Shoykhet is turning out to be a bad pick on the experts’ part. The Married at First Sight experts, Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Calvin “Cal” Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec, were tasked with matching five couples for the show’s Denver installment. Already this season, Michael Shiakallis Jr. was left at the altar by his first bride, Orion Martzloff asked for a divorce from Lauren upon returning from the honeymoon, and Cameron Frazer and Clare Kerr are separated after having differing views on fundamental topics. The two remaining couples are Brennan and Emily Balch, and Becca and Austin.

However, both remaining pairs are plagued with problems that could cause them to split as well. Becca has growing feelings of dissatisfaction and inadequacy because Brennan wants to take their sex life at a very slow pace. Moreover, Becca and Austin have differing opinions on religion and how it manifests in their lives. Brennan and Emily started out this season looking like a strong match, but Brennan has displayed concerning behavior and personality traits that have been compounded by his sudden loss of attraction for Emily. Brennan is proving himself to be a bad match for Emily, which is a poor reflection on the experts.

The Married At First Sight Experts Should Not Have Picked Brennan On Season 17


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Brennan Does Not Want To Look Bad On TV

When Brennan sat down with two of Emily’s friends during their housewarming party, he got called out for being difficult to film with. That was the first time Brennan and his filming presence were brought up. He got defensive toward Emily’s friends with that comment. Then, during the latest episode of Married at First Sight season 17, Brennan and Emily got tense with each other after Emily grew frustrated by Brennan’s surface responses during a fishbowl question-and-answer exercise.

Once they were back at their apartment, Emily put Brennan on blast for not being open and honest while the cameras were on him. Brennan has made small comments about wanting to present himself well on TV. After the exercise, Emily slammed Brennan for not being authentic and being closed off on camera when he should be trying to get closer to her through genuine representation. Brennan knew he was coming onto a reality TV show, and the experts should have recognized that he only wanted to participate if things went well and no difficult admissions and topics had to come to light.

Brennan Will Not Open Up & He Has A Bad Attitude

Brennan’s endeavor not to look bad to viewers may be in vain because he is making himself look bad with his bad attitude and unwillingness to open up. During a memorable sit-down session with Dr. Pia, Brennan combated against Dr. Pia’s advice, approach, and rhetoric in a very uncomfortable exchange over his reluctance to say why he lost attraction to Emily (via Lifetime.) Brennan showcased how hard he is to get across to, and how adamant he is at controlling his Married at First Sight narrative.

In all the interviews and questionnaires done by the experts, they did not pick up on Brennan’s disinclination to dive into hard topics or his desire to look good on camera. His stubbornness when it comes to being coached and counseled was also something the experts missed. Would they had picked up on Brennan’s defiance and emotional unavailability, they probably would have realized that he was not a good match for Emily, who is navigating her first relationship ever and needs clear communication.

Brennan Is Messing With Emily’s Self-Esteem

Married at First Sight Emily and Brennan

Brennan lost attraction for Emily after arriving back in Denver but refused to elaborate on why he no longer felt romantically connected. The most he would say was that he was “drained” from spending 24/7 with Emily during the honeymoon. At every turn he’s been asked, Brennan has not given Emily an answer as to why he is not attracted to her, and it’s taking a toll on her. Emily has been resilient in standing by Brennan’s side and being patient while he figures out his feelings, but the fact that he won’t share anything meaningful is hurting Emily’s feelings and self-esteem.

Emily has vocalized that she would like to know what exactly it is about her that made him lose that spark they initially had, but she is getting nothing back. Brennan even called Emily a “red flag” because this is the first time he’s lost attraction for someone he’s dated. Brennan is being inconsiderate toward Emily’s feelings, and Emily is at the end of her rope trying to understand Brennan and cater to him. The Married at First Sight experts have stepped in and had discussions with the pair, but they can’t get through to Brennan, which means Emily is at a standstill too.

The Experts Should Have Chosen Someone Better For Emily

Brennan and Emily’s marriage is hanging by a thread, and it is because the experts chose poorly in allowing Brennan to get married to Emily in Married at First Sight. They should have screened Brennan better and realized that he was not willing to go deep and that he had a serious aversion to therapy and counseling. In their expert opinions, the experts should have recognized that Brennan was not open enough to be a viable match on the show. The experts did Emily a disservice by matching her with Brennan, who has been unable to be authentic.

Only on the honeymoon have Married at First Sight viewers seen Brennan and Emily’s potential, after they bonded on their shared ambition and values. However, that was short-lived as Brennan has shown his true colors. Emily wanted her first relationship to be with her forever husband, and the experts dropped the ball in delivering her someone available and mature. Brennan said divorce is not an option, and Emily has showcased how committed she is to the process, but if Brennan can’t change, and the experts don’t facilitate change, then there is not a lot of hope for the pair.

Married at First Sight Season 17 poster

Married At First Sight

Based on the Danish version of the series, Married at First Sight is a reality show/social experiment that gives singles a chance to find a lifelong partnership with one particular caveat: they must agree to marry a stranger arranged the moment they meet. Experts provide counseling and guidance as they help couples navigate their new marriage with their unknown partner and highlight the journey of the newlyweds from wedding to honeymoon to beginning their new lives together. At the end of eight weeks, couples will decide to stay married or divorce.