The Mandalorian: The 10 Most Dangerous Creatures In The Star Wars Galaxy

The Mandalorian: The 10 Most Dangerous Creatures In The Star Wars Galaxy

The Star Wars universe may have a great number of cute and cuddly creatures that fans have fallen in love with, but there’s an equal amount of huge, terrifying and completely horrifying monsters lurking out there in the galaxy.

From the depths of the oceans to the unknowns of space, there’s a number of animals that really will send a chill down anyone’s spines. It’s easy to find these creatures portrayed in the comics, the video games, the animated shows, the films and of course the new season of The Mandalorian. Some of these horrible monsters are very very dangerous.


The Mandalorian: The 10 Most Dangerous Creatures In The Star Wars Galaxy

The Rancor is one of the most famous monsters in the galaxy thanks to its run-in with Luke Skywalker. It’s size alone means that it is pretty terrifying, but it is also surprisingly fast at times, making it especially dangerous.

Its strength and sharp claws and teeth give it an additional level of devastation when it comes to hunting down its prey and it seems to be a lot smarter than many of the other creatures in the Star Wars universe. Jabba certainly found a lethal pet.


Cal Kestis faces a Gorgara

Fans of the video games set in the galaxy far far away may be familiar with the giant alien bat known as the Gorgara. It’s a creature that Cal Kestis fights against for an extended period of time, before learning how to fly on the creature.

But, without that kind of Jedi gift, it’s very likely that any normal citizen would be eaten by this huge, flying monster. Its teeth are sharp and its agility means that it’s really difficult to actually run away from such a beast.


The Star Wars Monster Krykna

The Mando himself recently came across these spider-like animals, but that was not the first time that the Krykna has appeared in a Star Wars property. In fact, these spiders have turned up a number of times, with each appearance proving how dangerous they are.

If their speed and often sheer numbers aren’t enough to scare, then they are also huge, can produce very sticky webs and have multiple eyes, teeth and legs that are sure to freak out even the bravest of warriors. This is a powerful beast!


A Summa-Verminoth in Star Wars

One of the largest creatures in the whole of the universe, there’s nothing cute about the Summa-Verminoth. While its size is certainly an issue, its huge teeth, tentacles and multiple eyes certainly don’t help.

This massive beast is perhaps so scary because it lives in the depths of space. It could strike at any moment and is as mysterious as it is dangerous. It took a lot for Han Solo to defeat one and it’s unknown how many others are out there.

Zillo Beast

The Zillo Beast terrorizes Coruscant in Star Wars The Clone Wars

The Zillo Beast was a huge creature and perhaps one of the last of its kind. It was incredibly intelligent, could move at great speed and really should be compared to Godzilla when it comes to comparing the threat to the Star Wars universe with something familiar.

The beast may have been killed eventually, but that didn’t stop Palpatine from coming up with a mad plan to clone the Zillo Beast. His plans never seemingly came to fruition which is lucky considering how dangerous it was.

Krayt Dragon

Star Wars Monster Krayt Dragon

The Krayt Dragon has turned up a few times in the Star Wars franchise, although its appearance in The Mandalorian demonstrated just how big a Krayt Dragon could really grow to if given the opportunity.

This is another intelligent creature that has been known to hunt anything it fancies. What’s so dangerous with a Krayt Dragon is not only can it move under the surface of the sand with ease, but its armor is also pretty impenetrable.


Star Wars Monster Sarlacc

One of the most memorable moments from the original trilogy saw a Sarlacc Pit attack on Tatooine, with Boba Fett falling in. Although this seemed like the end of Fett it would later be revealed that he was in fact still alive.

However, that doesn’t take away from just how dangerous a Sarlacc really is. The teeth above the surface of the sand detracts from the actual size of the creature beneath the ground. It’s extremely freaky and its acids, tentacles and tongue can kill the most vicious of creatures.


Acklay Star Wars

The Acklay was used by the Geonosian in order to attack Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan. It’s a beast that even a Jedi would be fearful of, thanks in part to its terrifying design. Its legs mean that it can move at great speeds.

What’s more, it’s very strong and has the perfect design to be able to feed on its targets with ease. There’s some especially scary about the way its head is shaped and it’s the kind of creature that most Star Wars characters wouldn’t be able to fight off in the wild.


Exogorth Star Wars Monster

An Exogorth is essentially a space slug. It’s the creature the Millennium Falcon almost gets eaten by. While its a little slow and lazy, there is something very dangerous about the Exogorth that’s overlooked.

Not only is its size an issue, but it is also very good at staying hidden. It’s dangerous because it attacks without warning and plenty of species have wandered into its mouth without realizing that they had sealed their own fate.


Star Wars Monster Rathtar

The Rathtar may be a strange design but it really has all the necessary components to kill. It can move fast thanks to its circular shape, has huge teeth, tentacles and manages to bring with it an aura of dread.

It really is the perfect machine when it comes to destroying its prey. Even seasoned warriors like Chewbacca and Han Solo had a hard time knowing how to deal with creatures that are just so overwhelming.