“The Macabre Man”: After 84 Years, Sandman Has the Nemesis He Deserves

“The Macabre Man”: After 84 Years, Sandman Has the Nemesis He Deserves

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2!A nightmare has come true for the DC Universe’s Golden Age Sandman in the form of a new enemy. Wesley Dodds has tried to use his genius to make the world a better place. But thanks to him, a new villain is about to stalk the streets with weapons personally designed by the Sandman.

In Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2 by Robert Venditti and Riley Rossmo, Wesely’s home has just been burned to the ground. Even worse, someone has ransacked Dodds’ workshop. Not only has this mysterious assailant stolen Dodds’ spare gas guns and a Sandman mask, but also the research Dodds did on deadly gases.

“The Macabre Man”: After 84 Years, Sandman Has the Nemesis He Deserves

The Sandman begins having prophetic dreams of a ‘macabre man’, using Dodds’ designs to spread death and misery to the world. Sandman tries to track down the thief but comes up short. Elsewhere in the city, the criminal who stole from Wesley gets dressed up and readies themselves to use Dodds’ weapons for nefarious purposes.

Sandman Accidentally Created His Worst Nightmare

The Sandman Impostor DC

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman focuses on the Golden Age hero and his attempts to make the world a better place. Dodds brought research to the United States Military, hoping that they’d be interested in acquiring his sleep weapons as a peaceful alternative to warfare. Unfortunately, Dodds’ was laughed out of the room for trying to make something as violent as war peaceful. However, Dodds did have research to create menacing weapons, including deadly gases the military didn’t have access to. But as a pacifist, Dodds locked those notes away, insisting that the world had enough deadly weapons.

But now, someone has accessed the Sandman’s secret files and is about to use Dodds’ research to cause a whole lot of pain. Dodds didn’t intentionally create deadly gases. They were mistakes in his mission to create a perfect sleeping agent. But batches of Wesley’s formula had terrible side effects such as loss of muscle function in the diagram or overactive adrenal glands. And instead of destroying these notes, he locked them away, allowing some unknown criminal to take them for themselves. Wesley Dodds is a tormented soul and all he wanted was to create a more peaceful world. However, he may have given a new villain the tools to make his city worse than ever.

The Sandman Wants Peace, and His New Villain is About to Spread Death

Sandman and Impostor DC

The Sandman is someone haunted by dreams of the ills of society. Dodds’ development of his gas guns was meant to reduce the amount of violence in the world. But his new nemesis has the firepower to bring a lot of suffering to the world. That’s the kind of thing that’s going to weigh heavily on the shoulders of poor Wesley Dodds. Hopefully, he can figure out how to find his new enemy before the Sandman’s work is used to harm or kill innocent people.

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #2 is on sale now from DC Comics.