The Lion King: 10 Of Rafiki’s Wisest Quotes That Will Inspire You

The Lion King: 10 Of Rafiki’s Wisest Quotes That Will Inspire You

Rafiki isn’t the main star of The Lion King franchise but he’s certainly one of the most beloved. Rafiki is a mandrill who serves as the Pridelands’ wise man. As one of Mufasa’s close friends and the beholder of the truth, Rafiki looked after Simba and cared for his wellbeing. Rafiki kept his distance from many, leaving many characters unsure about Rafiki’s wisdom.

One of the best parts about Rafiki is his eccentric personality that makes him seem “crazy.” In reality, Rafiki is one of the wisest characters and can be incredibly helpful when those in the Pridelands take him seriously. His sage quotes and advice are proof of his wisdom.

“The Question Is, Who Are You?”

The Lion King: 10 Of Rafiki’s Wisest Quotes That Will Inspire You

Rafiki had most of his quotes in The Lion King in the scene where he helps Simba remember who he is. The moment Rafiki found out that Simba was alive, he went on a mission to find him, and find him he did.

After singing a song and following Simba through the high grass, an annoyed Simba asked Rafiki who he was. Adorably, Rafiki asks Simba “The question is, who are you?” not because he didn’t know who Simba was, but because he was trying to remind Simba of who he was and what he learned from his father. This quote made Simba look inwards, which was needed at this stage in his life.

“He Lives In You.”

A split image of Simba and Mufasa's reflection in Lion King

As the protagonist of The Lion King, Simba also had his fair share of wise quotes. However, it took Rafiki knocking some sense into him for him to see his father’s bravery in him.

In the scene, Rafiki told Simba to look hard into the water to see what he saw. When Simba thought he only saw his reflection, Rafiki pressed to work harder. It was then that he told him, “[Mufasa] lives in you.” Simba had his father’s strength and the lessons he taught him all along. He just had to do some inner work to see what Rafiki knew all along.

“The Past Can Hurt. But The Way I See It, You Can Either Run From It Or Learn From It.”

Rafiki talking to Simba in the field at night on Lion King

Rafiki was one of the most likable characters in The Lion King because of his outlandish ways of telling the truth. Rafiki tried getting Simba to find out what he needed to do on his own, without outwardly telling him.

For years, Simba ran from his past and didn’t go back to the Pridelands because of the way the hyenas and Scar threatened him. However, the only way to face his fears and find his true destiny as King of Pride Rock was to learn from his past even though it hurt. This line was one of Rafiki’s best.

“I’m Not The One Who’s Confused; You Don’t Even Know Who You Are.”

Rafiki pointing to the water while talking to Simba on Lion King

As one of the more intelligent characters, Rafiki knew exactly who he was and didn’t feel the need to introduce himself to Simba when they saw each other again. After all, Rafiki was there when Simba was a cub. He knew more about Simba’s life than Simba did.

Simba felt Rafiki was confused when they saw each other in the tall grass one night, but Rafiki knew all. He reminded Simba that it wasn’t he who was confused, it was Simba who was. It was because of Rafiki’s wise quotes that Simba felt passionate enough to do something about his past.

“Ahhh. Change Is Good.”

A split image of Rafiki and Simba talking about change on Lion King

When Simba was a cub, his Uncle Scar ran him out of the Pirdelands so that he could take Mufasa and Simba’s place as king. Although Scar was the antagonist of the original film, he too had some of the best quotes in the movie because of how evil he was.

Due to Scar’s threats, Simba stayed away from the Pridelands and was afraid to go back because change could be scary. Thanks to Rafiki, however, Simba learned that change was good. Nothing in Simba’s life was going to change for the better without change.

“Everybody Is Somebody, Even A Nobody.”

Rafiki in The Lion King 2019

In the live-action remake in 2019, Rafiki had just as many wise moments as he did in the animated version. Regardless of the film, Rafiki is everyone’s voice of reason.

During Simba’s lost years, he was lucky to have Timon and Pumbaa because they became his best friends and reason for living. Simba wouldn’t have survived without their help. And though he had the love and care of his friends, Simba didn’t know who he was without his pride. He referred to himself as a “nobody” but Rafiki reminded him that “everybody is a somebody, even a nobody.” This quote was loved by viewers and inspirational for children.

“Correction, I Know Your Father…”

Rafiki splitting a gourd in a scene from The Lion King

Rafiki’s spiritual energy is timeless in The Lion King. It was because of his sage advice that Simba went back to Pride Rock to save the day in the first place.

When Rafiki first found Simba after thinking he was dead for years, he told Simba he knew exactly who he was because he was “Mufasa’s boy.” Desperate for answers, Simba chased Rafiki until he caught up to him. Simba asked Rafiki how he knew his father, but Rafiki assured him that he “knows” his father. Simba politely told him that Mufasa had died but Rafiki proved that Mufasa’s soul lived on through Simba and that he was never truly gone. This kind of inward thinking was exceptional for a family-friendly movie.

“Any Story Worth Telling Is Worth Telling Twice.”

Rafiki standing on green bumps and smiling on The Lion King

The Lion King 1½ came out in 2004 as the third installment of The Lion King franchise. The movie focuses on Timon and Pumbaa and how they found each other. As a couple of misfits, fans didn’t know much about Timon and Pumbaa until this origin story.

Rafiki also makes an appearance in The Lion King 1½ and continues as the wise “baboon” that knows all. As he said, “Any story worth telling is worth telling twice,” meaning if a story is worth sharing, it’s going to be told multiple times.

“Remember, The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step.”

Rafiki happily eating on Lion King

In The Lion King 1/2, Ma is Timon’s loving mother who tries to help Timon be accepted by their colony. Regardless of Timon’s hard times within the group, Ma never leaves Timon’s side.

In one scene, Ma is seeking advice from Rafiki when Timon left the colony. She became confused by Hakuna Matata and his metaphors, but Rafiki reminded her ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Ma would never find the answers she needed without taking the first step, which she did after this wise quote.

“Life Without Worry. You Seek Hakuna Matata.”

Rafiki happily staring off camera on Lion King

“Hakuna Matata” is one of Disney’s best songs. The fun moto about having no worries was fun for viewers to listen to while also being insightful. In The Lion King 1/2, Rafiki brings up Hakuna Matata again when he gives a young Timon advice.

Timon was ready to leave the colony for a new adventure and didn’t know which way to go. He tells Rafiki that he wants to live in a beautiful place with no worries, to which Rafiki says “You seek Hakuna Matata.” Although Timon and Pumbaa taught Hakuna Matata to Simba, it was Rafiki that taught it to Timon and Pumbaa.