The Last Of Us 2: 5 Things That Make No Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do)

The Last Of Us 2: 5 Things That Make No Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do)

Naughty Dog has once again knocked it out of the park with The Last of Us Part II, which hit store shelves and the PSN store on June 19, 2020. Many plot elements from the PS4 game proved controversial, either from fans’ personal opinions on how the story should have gone or things they find nonsensical.

The following list will provide five examples of plot points that make no sense, while showcasing five logical fan theories. Some of the latter ideas are based on evidence from trailers and pre-release materials, while some are theories regarding the plot and what may happen in the future.

Makes No Sense: The Two Protagonists Kill Everyone But Their Main Targets

The Last Of Us 2: 5 Things That Make No Sense (& 5 Fan Theories That Do)

First, Abby heads to the theater to kill Ellie after she finds her friends dead. She ultimately lets her and Dina live, but not before killing Jesse and brutally maiming Tommy. Years later, Ellie hunts Abby down to exact vengeance in Santa Barbara, only to let her live at the last moment. While the message about vengeance resounds clearly, it is less impactful when remembering the dozens of people they both killed beforehand.

Makes Sense: Ellie’s Mother

Last of Us American Daughters

Many were convinced that Ellie’s mother, Anna, would play a significant part of the plot. This is based mostly on a poster from the ending of Uncharted 4 showcasing a fictional story called The Last of Us: American Daughters. On the poster was a pregnant woman resembling Ellie, wearing a gas mask. Some also theorized that Abby was Ellie’s mother after the first trailer showcasing her was released.

Makes No Sense: Owen And Mel’s Deaths

abby and mel fighting in Last of Us 2

Few people think with a clear head when under the threat of extreme violence, but either Owen or Mel had enough time in the aquarium to tell Ellie of Mel’s pregnancy. Had Ellie known, the encounter would have turned out differently. Instead, Ellie ends up ending Mel, which leads to Abby’s rampage in the theater.

Makes Sense: The Fireflies Wouldn’t Have Made A Cure

Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us 2

The first game’s ending is a polarizing moment. Some understand and defend Joel’s action, while others feel like he doomed the world’s last chance at salvation. However, some wonder if Fireflies were further away from a vaccine than they let on. By their reasoning, just because Ellie has an immunity does not mean they could have used the samples to craft a vaccine.

Makes No Sense: Why The Group Spare Tommy And Ellie

Tommy and Ellie last of us part II

Many think that after killing Joel, the group went too easy on Tommy and Ellie. Of course, there would not be much of a game if Abby and her friends ended Ellie’s life so early in the adventure.

While the group considers their killing of Joel justified, Ellie was swearing vengeance right in front of them, so they probably should have gotten rid of her at that moment as well.

Makes Sense: Ellie Can Still Save The World

the last of us 2 ellie close up release date gameplay story

While this runs contrary to a previous fan theory, many feel Ellie still has a chance to give up her life for a vaccine given the state of the world at the end of The Last of Us Part II. The Fireflies have regrouped and made a base in Santa Barbara. If word gets back to Ellie and their medical facilities are like they were in Salt Lake City, she very well could go under the knife again and donate her life in the name of saving humanity.

Makes No Sense: Why Doesn’t Nora Lie To Ellie?

Last of us 2 nora death

One of the most brutal scenes in the first half of the game sees Ellie torture Nora for information on Abby’s location. Nora previously breathed in spores, so her life is already doomed. Knowing this, why didn’t she just lie to Ellie and give a false location? Maybe she wasn’t thinking straight after all the pain and fear of death, but it would saved her friends a lot of tragedy if she had lied.

Makes Sense: Ellie Is Connected To The Cult

Last of Us Seraphites

This theory was circulating before the game’s release based on Ellie’s scar. Many noted the Seraphites’ scars in the trailers and thought Ellie’s eyebrow scar was connected to the group. Years ago, Neil Druckmann said the scar had more relevance which was yet to be revealed, and fans thought it would be explored in the sequel. Ultimately, however, the game does not touch on this at all.

Makes No Sense: Why Is Ellie The Only One With Immunity

Ellie holding gun in Last of Us 2

Ellie is so special because of her immunity, a plot point which plays only a minor role in the sequel. Why is she the only one? People are still being born, and it is difficult to believe she is the only person to resist the infection. There has to be at least one other person who similarly got bit and discovered their own immunity.

Makes Sense: Ellie Already Returned To Jackson

The Last of Us Part II Ending Explained Back At The Homestead

Some fans note Ellie’s lack of weapons and fully healed wounds in the last scene as a sign more time has passed than most would think. They also say she looks healthier than in the prior Santa Barbara chapter. Perhaps these improvements mean she has already returned to Jackson and Dina has forgiven her. If this was the case, however, then why is only Ellie’s stuff left at the farmhouse?