The Last Airbender Updates

Frank Marshall, producer for M.Night Shyamalan’s adaptation of The Last Airbender, has given some updates on the status of the project via his Twitter account.

On Twitter, Marshall said the following on Sunday:

“For those of you wondering about LAST AIRBENDER, all is well in post and we r working on a trailer for Xmas…”

When exactly in December and what movie it’ll be attached to, we don’t yet know. However, if they keep to that timing, both Sherlock Holmes and Avatar are opening on Christmas day and a week before, respectively.

Both of those films will be major holiday blockbusters and both would fit well for the target audience for The Last Airbender. My guess goes to James Cameron’s Avatar, which conveniently shares the name which M.Night and crew chose to drop from their film’s title, as to avoid confusion with Cameron’s little project.

I can’t wait to see more from this movie. I loved the cartoon series (that’s Avatar: The Last Airbender) and I have hopes that this will turn around Shyamalan’s career and break the trend of his last few disappointing films. It’s important that we finally see him take on something that’s not his own original work and I’m excited by his claims that he’ll be following the source material closely.

Marshall also tweeted recently that post-production is being done in Philadelphia, M.Night’s home town, where they also filmed the movie in the largest set ever built on the east coast.

What did you think of the teaser trailer and is this a film franchise you’re looking forward to?

The Last Airbender opens July 2, 2010.

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