The Kelvin Timeline’s Cast Is Star Trek 4’s Secret Weapon

The Kelvin Timeline’s Cast Is Star Trek 4’s Secret Weapon

Although the film is still in the early stages of development, the cast of the Kelvin Timeline is already proving to be Star Trek 4‘s secret weapon. Rebooted by J.J. Abrams with 2009’s Star Trek, the movie franchise established a separate continuity now known as the Kelvin Timeline. By rewriting a key moment in the universe’s history, Abrams was able to reimagine the iconic characters and adventures of the Enterprise’s crew from Star Trek: The Original Series.

So far, Star Trek‘s Kelvin Timeline consists of three movies, with the latest, Star Trek Beyond, released in 2016. Plans for a fourth Star Trek movie have repeatedly stalled, although according to recent reports, Star Trek 4, the next installment into the Kelvin Timeline, is now in development. Many of the franchise’s actors have commented on these reports, most recently Karl Urban, who is excited to return, saying “all I know is that they’re developing it, they’re writing a script, and I know 100% that we all wanna come back and do it, so I think it’s just a matter of timing and logistics at this point… Where there’s a will there’s a way, and there’s definitely a will, so we would love to come back together and make one of those.”

The attitude of the cast of Star Trek‘s Kelvin Timeline actually proves that they are the key to the franchise’s continued success. In addition to Urban, Chris Pine, Zoe Saldaña, Zachary Quinto, and Simon Pegg have also expressed their excitement about returning. The excellent dynamic between Star Trek‘s cast has so far been a key factor in its success, and their continued passion for the franchise proves that this remains intact for the next installment. Although the tragic death of Anton Yelchin will undoubtedly make Star Trek 4 a bittersweet return for the actors, their excitement at the prospect of a sequel is contagious.

The Kelvin Timeline’s Cast Is Star Trek 4’s Secret Weapon

As with any Star Trek project, the Kelvin Timeline movies are very much an ensemble affair. Though Captain Kirk and Commander Spock are Star Trek‘s most iconic characters, the Kelvin Timeline follows the tradition first set by The Original Series by making other members of the crew equally important. This leads to the large ensemble dynamic that allows for the cast’s excellent chemistry to shine through, which in turn has proved one of the most reliable aspects of Star Trek‘s Kelvin Timeline.

As its storied history and lasting popularity imply, showing reverence for the franchise is a key part of any Star Trek project. The actors of the Kelvin Timeline being so positive about their return is evidence that they possess the necessary passion to make Star Trek 4 every bit as successful as previous movies. Though the specifics of Star Trek 4‘s place in the Kelvin Timeline have yet to be elaborated upon, the attitude of the returning cast is an encouraging sign that hints it will continue the trend of success set by previous movies.