The Joker Promises A More Brutal Version of The Killing Joke

The Joker Promises A More Brutal Version of The Killing Joke

Warning! Spoilers for The Joker #4!

The Joker is hands down one of the most wicked and twisted fictional characters of all time, and now he’s threatened to top the sadistic crimes committed against James Gordon in the seminal graphic novel The Killing Joke by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. The only thing more terrifying than the Joker dishing out his particular brand of evil on a normal day is the promise of something worse coming down the line sometime soon.

Seen at the very end of The Joker #4 by James Tynion IV and Guillem March, The Joker has holed himself up in a sort of vacation retreat as he lays low after the blowout event that shattered Gotham City known as The Joker War. Hunted down by ex-Commissioner of the GCPD, James Gordon, as well as a handful of mercenaries and assassins that includes Bane’s daughter, Vengeance, the Joker is shown to be ready for anything as he counter attacks his pursuers with a gas cloud that immediately knocks everyone out.

Awakening to the sight of Joker mutilating a nearby mercenary, Gordon draws the gaze of the Clown Prince of Crime, and as the Joker begins to monologue in that special villainous way, Gordon can do nothing but listen while bound to his chair. Hearing the ranting and ravings of the madman before him as he reveals his thoughts on the deadly gas attack on Arkham Asylum (which he swears wasn’t him), Gordon eventually asks, “Why not just kill me? Why try to convince me you didn’t do something I know you did…” immediately opening the conversation up to something much darker and more deranged.

The Joker Promises A More Brutal Version of The Killing Joke

Telling Gordon, “Because this is worse. I’m going to show you how little everything you have ever done in your life matters. And how little your notion of good and evil factors into things,” Joker begins a series of thoughts that get worse and worse as they go on. Bringing up the atrocities he committed against Gordon in The Killing Joke graphic novel, Joker goes on to say, “And it’s going to break you, Jim. So much more than stripping you naked in a broken down amusement park ever did,” directly promising Gordon a worse fate than what he’s already subjected him to in the past.

Released to widespread critical and commercial acclaim in 1988, The Killing Joke depicted a Joker that wanted to prove to Batman that anyone could lose their mind when faced with “one bad day”. Capturing Gordon, torturing him and then shooting his daughter, the then Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, through the spine – effectively paralyzing her – The Killing Joke has been held up in DC Comics’ lore as a prime example of the Joker’s insanity and a perfect example of his penchant for cruel acts of violence that are rivaled by none. And now, as Joker finishes his thoughts, it’s clear that he’s promising a much more brutal version of what both Gordon and Barbara experienced all those years ago.

As the Joker walks off leaving James Gordon to break free from his bindings, he leaves him with one last thinly veiled threat as he says, “Say hello to Barbara for me,” effectively wrangling Gordon’s daughter into an evil plan that has yet to come to pass. The Killing Joke may have been a benchmark in the history of the Joker, but he’s just made it clear that it’s about to be topped.