The Hunger Games: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

The Hunger Games: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

The Hunger Games was a hugely successful book series that became that much more popular when it was brought to life on the big screen. While there are key differences between the books and films, the movies did a good job overall of matching the books. So, many fans got even more attached to favorite characters after seeing them in a new medium.

There are many reasons why fans might love one character the most, and this might have to do with their own personality and life experiences. They also might like how a character is written or the way they approach challenges.

Caesar Flickerman

The Hunger Games: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

Caesar Flickerman might seem like a super upbeat and fun character, but there’s something very dark about his role. But, if he’s your favorite, it’s likely because you love Stanley Tucci and can’t get enough of the campy element he brought to the role on the screen.

You also are probably a performer who loves to show off, and while you do have compassion for others, you might be difficult to get to know.

Primrose Everdeen


If Primrose is your favorite character, watching the movies and reading the books is probably really emotional for you. In many ways, Prim represents all that is good and innocent, and her death is one of the most upsetting in the series.

Like Prim, you are probably a gentle soul who likes to take care of others, but this doesn’t make you weak. Your compassion is a strength, and you are made of tougher stuff than most people realize.

Effie Trinket

The Hunger Games Effie Trinket

Effie Trinket is another character that is rather complicated. On the one hand, she’s a privileged member of the Capitol who is complicit, but on the other, she doesn’t always condone what the Capital does.

If you love her, you probably can’t get enough of her ridiculous fashion cookies and probably want to emulate them in your own wardrobe. You might not necessarily relate to the character completely, but you probably enjoy her love of fashion and that she’s a little eccentric.

Johanna Mason

The Hunger Games Catching Fire Johanna Mason Elevator

While Johanna Mason might be more of a side character, she’s loved by many fans for her take-no-prisoners attitude and independence. If she’s your favorite, you’re definitely very rough, and people probably assume you’re meaner than you are. You can take care of yourself, and you aren’t going to put up with being treated poorly.

However, despite being blunt, you do care a lot about the people in your life. Like Johanna, you have probably been through a lot and have had to become very fierce because of that.

Haymitch Abernathy

The Hunger Games Haymitch Drinking

Haymitch isn’t always likable, but he is one of the most interesting characters. You probably relate to his sarcasm and the fact that he sees the world for what it is. He’s no optimist, and neither are you.

But, despite sometimes being rather abrasive, you’re more loving than people think. You take care of the people around you, but you aren’t always happy about it.

Gale Hawthorne

Gale Hawthorne sits in the meadow in the Hunger Games

The debate over who is better, Gale or Peeta, was a big deal amongst fans of both the books and the movies. So, if Gale is your favorite, you were probably rooting for him.

You also likely see yourself as a protector and want to care for the people in your life. You’re rather stoic, and you sometimes forget to take care of yourself and have fun.

Finnick Odair


Finnick Odair is a fan-favorite character, and it’s easy to see why. He’s handsome and charismatic and has a traumatic past, but he’s a very good person. If you love Finnick, you are probably drawn to complex characters, and you likely are someone looking to find your own happy ending.

You are also likely quick-witted and a little sarcastic, and you enjoy a good party. However, you’re not all about fun. You will do anything for the people in your life.



If Cinna is your favorite character, you have excellent taste. He’s one of the most compelling and heroic people in the series, and he’s easy to like. Like Cinna, you probably are creative and have a great sense of style.

But, more than anything else, you fight for the things you believe in and want to make the world a better place. You make people feel comfortable, loved, and safe.

Peeta Mellark

Peeta Mellark in army gear in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2.

Just like with Gale, Peeta might be your favorite if you wanted him and Katniss to be together, but you also probably like him for his amazing personality. Like Peeta, you are very strong but also gentle and calm.

You don’t get riled up easily, and you are very generous. You’re always looking for ways to help others. At first, people might underestimate you, but they soon see that you are extremely put together and not to be messed with.

Katniss Everdeen

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 Katniss Prepares to Shoot Snow

If Katniss is your favorite character, you likely relate to her or find her narrative compelling. Katniss is a great protagonist because she does have flaws, but her biggest strength is that she is extremely loyal and also very protective of the people she loves. Katniss is a fighter, and so are you.

People see you as a little aloof as you don’t show your emotions often, but this is just because you are very observant