“The Hulk-Slayer”: Blade’s New Title Proves How Extreme His New Powers Actually Are

“The Hulk-Slayer”: Blade’s New Title Proves How Extreme His New Powers Actually Are

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Blade #7 Blade just received a massive upgrade in Marvel Comics, one that has fully connected him with the more mystical aspects of his vampiric nature, and now the iconic Daywalker is going to use those new abilities against the Hulk and prove himself worthy of the title: ‘Hulk-Slayer’.

In a preview for Blade #7 by Bryan Hill and Valentina Pinti, Blade comes across the Hulk beating monsters to death in the middle of a forest in the Pacific Northwest. Hulk is surrounded by hellish creatures hellbent on killing him, and while he’s holding them off fairly well himself, Blade appears out of nowhere to offer his assistance. Hulk turns and looks at him angrily, only for Blade to remind Hulk that he was the one who called for Blade’s assistance. Hulk then begrudgingly reverts to Bruce Banner, and Blade offers the pathetic-looking man his jacket.

“The Hulk-Slayer”: Blade’s New Title Proves How Extreme His New Powers Actually Are
Blade #7 Preview page 2.
Blade #7 Preview page 3.
Blade #7 Preview page 4.
Blade #7 Preview page 5.
Blade #7 Preview page 6.

The preview itself isn’t as action-packed as one would assume, though the cover of this issue implies that an epic fight will break out between Blade and Hulk at some point in the comic. Not only are the two pictured fighting on the cover, but the issue literally names Blade ‘Hulk-Slayer’, meaning Blade will assuredly prove that he is strong enough to go toe-to-toe with the Jade Giant. In other words, their brief yet polite exchange shown in this preview likely won’t be the only time Blade and Hulk encounter one another, and it’s a safe bet that the next time will be bloody.

The Hulk screaming with the X-Men behind him.


Hulk Is Incredibly Vulnerable to 1 Mutant Power, No Matter How Strong He Gets

The Hulk has varying degrees of forms/power-levels, each one stronger than the last, but no matter how strong he gets, 1 mutant power will always win.

Blade Just Got New Vampire Powers, & He Needs To Test Them On The Hulk

Blade showing off his new ability to turn into smoke.

There is simply no way Marvel is going to waste a chance to show off Blade’s new vampire powers. In the previous issue, Blade trains with Dracula in order to unlock his full potential. After drinking Dracula’s blood, and accepting the fact that he’s not a human anymore, but a powerful supernatural entity, Blade learns certain abilities that rival Dracula himself.

Blade can now turn into smoke during battle – proven true when Dracula tried to attack him in Blade #6 – which is just one of the many abilities Dracula said he’d unlock upon the completion of his training. Some of the others include transforming into a wolf, or exploding into a horde of bats, and since Blade can turn into smoke, he can likely utilize those other vampiric powers as well. And who better to practice on than the Hulk?

The Hulk Will Want To Fight Blade, Because He’s Bruce Banner’s Ally

Hulk looking down angrily at Bruce Banner.

Right now, the Hulk absolutely hates Bruce Banner. This rift in their relationship stems from the previous Hulk run, when Bruce trapped Hulk’s psyche in a mental prison where his anguish was turned into fuel for the ‘Starship Hulk’ body that Bruce Banner’s psyche completely controlled. So, anything Bruce cares about, or anything he’s trying to achieve, the Hulk is going to destroy. The Hulk has consciously decided to be Bruce Banner’s personal curse, even during their momentarily aligned quest to kill every monster that’s coming after them. But, if someone tries to help Banner, the Hulk will attack them, as no friend of Banner’s is a friend of the Hulk’s – and it was Banner who called Blade for help in Blade #6, not the Hulk.

Blade approaches the Hulk as a favor to Banner, and while they are on good terms in this preview, that could change in an instant. Hulk has every reason to want to fight Blade, and Marvel Comics has every reason to have them fight, as Blade just debuted some all-new vampire powers. And now, it’s time for Blade to push those abilities to the max, and prove that he is a ‘Hulk-Slayer’.

Blade #7 by Marvel Comics is available January 10, 2024.