The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Michael Taught Us

The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Michael Taught Us

The Good Place was a heartwarming and heartbreaking series, one that made a point of teaching us many lessons. In fact, that is one of the reasons why the series ended up having so much impact. Because each and every character in the series went above and beyond to teach us a few life lessons before the series concluded.

It may have been hard to believe this once, but Michael became a driving force for good. His whole transition from bad guy to genuinely caring person (demon) was beautifully done. It was also full of important points the series surely wanted to make.

With all of that in mind, here are the ten best life lessons we can take from Michael’s journey.

Being Good Takes Practice

The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Michael Taught Us

One thing Michael had to learn the hard way? Being good. It wasn’t easy for him. He tried. He failed. He got better. So if you’re in the same boat, it’s okay to try and then fail. You’re still learning. In fact, the odds are good that you’re learning more from each and every attempt.

There’s a saying that it’s the thought that counts. That is a phrase that absolutely applies when you’re trying to be a good person. So take that to heart, and don’t be too hard on yourself.

What You Are Doesn’t Define Who You Are

Michael at his desk in The Good Place.

Michael was a demon who turned the entire afterlife on its head. Not because he could – but because it was the right thing to do. That is perhaps the best example we’ve seen when it comes to flipping tropes and expectations on their heads.

There’s something empowering in that thought. That Michael cold overcome all of the traps and expectations for his life (eternity), and instead choose his own path. He defined his life and lived by his own rules.

Cherish Your Friends

The Good Place Eleanor and Michael

At the start of this series, Michael was a demon looking forward to torturing four humans. By the end? He had five friends he treasured deeply. He actively didn’t want to lose them, going so far as to change the afterlife to see them taken care of.

He also tried to keep them around, to hold onto them so tightly and never say goodbye. We love and respect this mentality. Michael knew he needed to cherish the friends he had made. And so do we. Love your friends. Treat them well.

Think Outside the Box

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to look at it from another perspective. To think outside the box, so to speak. Now, you’ll probably never be in a position like Michael, where you had to find a way to save humanity. Probably. But that lesson can still be turned into something here.

Thinking outside the box gives you a unique perspective on an issue. It may sound trite, but it really does work, especially when you’re in a bind or simply trying to look at your life in a new light.

You Can Always Do Better

Ted Danson as Michael in The Good Place

There is always room for improvement. Always ways to make yourself a better person, a better friend, or a better anything. That by no means should encourage you to be hard on yourself, but it does mean that you can always try to improve should it feel like the right move.

After all, if a being as old as Michael can learn new tricks, why not us? So go ahead, pick up a new hobby and try to learn a new skill.

Be More Empathetic

It never hurts to be more empathetic. That is a lesson Michael had to make himself learn. And for some people, it’ll be a challenge as well. And that’s okay. We get it!

Seriously though, empathy in itself won’t change the world, but it certainly would help. Just look at what it did in The Good Place.

Stand Up For What You Believe

Michael overturned an entire system in the afterlife because he realized it was broken and unfair. You can do the same thing. Not the afterlife part, but the standing up for what you believe in part.

It doesn’t have to be something big – but it can be if that feels right. What matters is that you know what you believe in, what is right and wrong, and that you’re willing to stick to it.

No One Is Beyond Redemption

The Good Place proved to us that nobody is beyond redemption. Michael was a demon who literally designed torture chambers for humans. And yet, in a way, he ended up being one of humanity’s biggest savior.

He isn’t the only one. He inspired other demons as well, though perhaps not for the same reasons. No matter how you look at it though, if people (demons) who specialize in torture can be turned towards doing good, then theoretically so can anybody else, if they are motivated to try (and that’s the real crux of the issue, isn’t it?).

Knowing When To Move On

Janet and Micheal looking shocked

One of the hardest lessons for Michael to learn, ironically, was letting go. When his human friends were ready to move on, to leave this part of the afterlife…he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. He wanted to hold onto them with both hands.

We get it. But sometimes you have to know when to move on. When to put others feelings above your own, and let them do what is right for them.

Don’t Let Self Importance Spoil What You’re Working On

Pride and self-importance are tough to get over. Even immortal beings such as Michael struggle with it. Just look at what almost happened when he was training other demons to create new ways of testing humans.

He almost threw it all away because his pride felt threatened. Because he wanted to be a part of the project and realized there was no room for him. Don’t do that. Don’t let that feeling ruin everything you’ve worked so hard for.