The Gifted Viral Site Features Messages from Polaris, Blink & Eclipse

The Gifted Viral Site Features Messages from Polaris, Blink & Eclipse

A new viral site for FOX’s The Gifted has arrived, mixing anti-mutant propaganda with messages from leaders of the resistance. With Legion marking the first foray into a live-action X-Men television series, 20th Century Fox and Marvel TV are off to a fantastic start. The first season has been hailed as one of the genre’s best with season 2 already in the works. Coming to FOX this October, Bryan Singer will attempt to follow Noah Hawley’s success with The Gifted.

After kicking off the X-Men film franchise, Singer will be producing the new series along with directing the pilot. So far, we’ve seen some images and a trailer for The Gifted and more info about the show will likely come at its panel during Comic-Con this week. While we wait, the marketing for the show has been ramping up in anticipation of the series premiere. Last week, each of the mutant and human characters on the series were given a spotlight, providing fans with their best look yet at the adaptations of Blink, Polaris, Thunderbird, and more. Now, the latest piece of promotion lays out the two opposing sides in the upcoming war that will play out on the series.

Related: Will The Gifted Feature Classic Sentinels?

A new viral site for The Gifted called Sentinel Services has launched, acting as an anti-mutant hub warning people to get tested for the X-Gene and claiming not doing so could ruin your life. When you actually click the ‘Get Tested’ button, however, transmissions from mutant resistance leaders like Eclipse, Polaris, and Blink pop up. In them, visitors to the site are warned against being tested as it will allow the government to monitor and track you at best, and capture and experiment on you at worst.

Click Here to Visit the Sentinel Services Viral Site

The Gifted Viral Site Features Messages from Polaris, Blink & Eclipse

What’s also interesting about the site is that the Sentinels that have long hunted mutants in the comics – and more recently the films – look to have a different role on The Gifted. While we’ve heard the Sentinels will appear in some form, the only hint we’ve had of them so far are the little spider robots from the trailer. The site, however, seems to indicate they may be more of a task force against mutants. Though mutant-hunting robots could still be involved, this looks to be a twist on the source material.

While we’ve known The Gifted would deal with a resistance group of mutants fighting the government, the site really highlights the socio-political angle of the series. Mutants in the comics have long served as analogues for the downtrodden and oppressed, so by having a government registry that seeks to catalogue those who are different, The Gifted will be mirroring real-world events more than any other live-action X-Men property so far.

This is especially present in the ‘M’ symbol seen in each of the videos. In the comics, it’s most associated with Bishop, but it’s actually a brand given to mutants in his dystopian future that are held in concentration camps. On the show, it looks as if it may be the symbol of the resistance, mirroring the anarchist ‘A.’

With filming continuing this month and the show premiering soon, we’ll likely start learning a lot more about The Gifted in the next few weeks. Hopefully, it can live up to the hype and deliver a fully-fledged mutant series.

Next: The Gifted Promos Highlight Blink, Thunderbird, Polaris, and More Mutants

The Gifted premieres October 2 on FOX.