The Future Hulk Took Out The Avengers With A CLAP

The Future Hulk Took Out The Avengers With A CLAP

The Hulk is undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the Marvel universe – so strong that even the Avengers usually have trouble bringing him down. But Maestro #1 proves just how easy it is for Hulk to take out Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Maestro is a new five-part series from Marvel written by Peter David, who also created the character, as well as German Peralta, Dale Keown, Jesus Aburtov, and Jason Keith. The series will essentially serve as a backstory for The Maestro, a villainous version of the Hulk in the future who rules over an Earth that has been decimated by nuclear warfare. While this is our first time seeing the Maestro’s origins, the character has been around since 1992’s The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect and has popped up in several other storylines over the years, facing off with heroes like Wolverine and Spider-Man 2099.

Prior to this new series, all that was known about The Maestro is that he was driven insane by the radiation levels on Earth after the nuclear war. He also possesses both the strength of the Hulk and the intellect of Bruce Banner, but unlike the friendly Professor Hulk, Maestro uses his abilities for evil purposes like world domination, making him a massive threat. But even before this timeline’s Hulk officially became The Maestro, he was not to be trifled with.

The Future Hulk Took Out The Avengers With A CLAP

Maestro #1 opens with Hulk living the good life. He’s finally merged the consciousnesses of Banner and Hulk, is getting along well with his fellow Avenger buddies and has a beautiful family with Betty Ross. Yet Hulk soon begins to feel that something isn’t right. Cap attributes it to one of Mysterio’s illusions, but Hulk knows Beck was never an Avengers-level threat, so the team never had to face him. Stressed and confused, Hulk tries to leave so he can get some air, but the Avengers object and try to stop him. Hulk proceeds to take down the whole crew – which includes Captain America, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Wolverine, Black Widow, and Giant-Man – with a single clap. Wolverine said it best in the beginning of the issue – Hulk really is a “one-man team.

The only one who isn’t affected by the attack is Vision since he can become immaterial and phase through it. It’s also worth noting that, shortly after this, Hulk wakes up in an AIM base and realizes it was all a simulation, so those weren’t the real Avengers he clapped so easily. Still, the simulation was realistic enough to fool Hulk for years, so it’s safe to assume it would have worked on the real heroes, too.