The Flash Just Revealed DC’s First Speedster Dinosaur

The Flash Just Revealed DC’s First Speedster Dinosaur

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #768

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ The Flash, Wally West lands in the prehistoric era, being hunted by the first ever speedster dinosaur. Wally to call it quits as the Fastest Man Alive, wanting to spend more time with his family. He also asks Barry Allen to help remove his connection to the Speed Force, feeling as though he would constantly feel pulled to help and use his speed despite Wally’s desire to be retired from superheroics. However, it seems as though the Speed Force still has plans for Wally.

In The Flash #768 from writer Jeremy Adams with art by Brandson Peterson, Marco Santucci, and David Lafuente, Barry agrees to help Wally remove his speed after he makes his intentions of retiring known to the rest of the Justice League. Naturally, there’s a lot of mixed reactions (Green Arrow is all for it considering the events of Heroes in Crisis), but Wally seems pretty determined that his days as the Fastest Man Alive are behind him….or so he thinks.

While both Flashes run into the Speed Force so Barry can remove Wally’s speed, an anomaly in the Speed Force inexplicably transports Wally back in time, sending him as far back as the prehistoric era when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. As far as Barry and Mr. Terrific can determine in the present, the Speed Force has chosen Wally to help solve whatever is wrong with it, and they find a way to communicate with Wally through the Speed Force as well. Meanwhile, Wally discovers that his mind is in the consciousness of a cro-magnon, and he still has his speed. However, Wally’s connection to the Speed Force is erratic, and he ends up “infecting” a nearby velociraptor, inadvertently creating DC’s first dinosaur speedster, who immediately starts racing after Wally in a deadly hunt.

The Flash Just Revealed DC’s First Speedster Dinosaur

While this “Speedasaurus” is pretty incredible, it only serves to confuse Wally and Barry even further as to what’s wrong with the Speed Force. Furthermore, it seems as though Wally is existing within this specific cro-magnon due to that the implication that he’s one of DC’s first speedsters, with the evidence being the lightning bolt birthmark on his face. While Barry theorizes that Wally has been chosen due to his very strong connection to the Speed Force, it does seem as though Wally is just along for ride currently, getting caught in yet another wave of Speed Force energy that then sends him to the future, with his consciousness now inside the body of Impulse, Barry’s grandson at the end of the issue.

In any case, having Wally race through a prehistoric jungle with a speed raptor on his tail is just pure and epic entertainment for Flash fans, providing Wally with one last amazing run as the Flash should he go through with his plan to retire once this new Speed Force crisis is resolved. All things considered, running through time is a pretty cool way for Wally West to go out on a high note as The Flash in DC Comics, especially with the inclusion of speedster dinosaurs.