The Flash: 10 Love Interests He Could Have In The Arrowverse (Who Aren’t Iris)

The Flash: 10 Love Interests He Could Have In The Arrowverse (Who Aren’t Iris)

The Arrowverse’s The Flash has introduced a lot of couples. But none is as iconic or significant for the story as the relationship between Barry Allen and his now-wife Iris West-Allen. It took them a while to get together but nowadays, they’re inseparable on the show and can’t imagine their lives without each other.

However, fans are creative people and they like to wonder about other possibilities, the what-ifs. Even though Iris remains Barry’s most significant partner, if things didn’t work out between them for whatever reason in the future seasons, there are other people Barry could potentially be happy with as well.

Thea Queen

The Flash: 10 Love Interests He Could Have In The Arrowverse (Who Aren’t Iris)

Of course, the last time Thea appeared on Arrow, she was already engaged to Roy Harper. But if she wasn’t, she and Barry could work together. They both put a lot of responsibility on themselves and shared burden feels easier. Unlike Iris, Thea is a superhero but she was also able to lead a normal life and liked it. Thea has been through a lot and would connect with Barry on an emotional level. In the Arrowverse, it was Cisco who noticed Thea but she and Barry got along well too.

Felicity Smoak

Barry and Felicity kiss on the train

Unlike Thea, Felicity and Barry actually had something close to a romance. When Barry first appeared in the third season of Arrow, he and Felicity immediately hit it off. They had a lot of things in common, were equally brilliant, geeky, and awkward around other people.

They went on a date together, shared a dance, and even kissed. The only problem was they were both in love with other people at the time. But if they weren’t, they could have made it work. At least they remained good friends and they were always happy to see each other.

Mia Smoak

Arrow Fadeout Mia Queen Felicity Smoak Barry Allen

Granted, dating Mia Smoak after Barry had a short almost romance with her mom Felicity would be strange. And Mia also comes from the future, she lives in 2020. However, thanks to time-traveling shenanigans, Barry and Mia had already met on the show and fought side by side. Mia has Felicity’s intelligence and Oliver’s bravery and stubbornness. Barry was close with both Oliver and Felicity so might end up admiring Mia as well.

Kara Danvers

Supergirl The Flash Duet Barry Allen Kara Danvers

Some fans were quick to notice the natural chemistry between Barry and Kara Danvers aka Supergirl. They bonded fast and became friends. Had they spent even more time together, they might have become something more.

Kara was always quick to help Barry and he acted the same way. They didn’t get together but at least shared a brilliant song as a duo. Being superfriends is just as good as being a couple.

Patty Spivot

Flash Season 2 Barry and Patty Kiss

Just like with Felicity, Barry and Patty had a lot of things in common. They both worked for the police and were determined to help their city in any way they could. They could also be awkward around other people. Barry and Patty went on an adorable date together and became a couple.

Unfortunately, Barry lied to Patty about his superhero identity. They later separated and Patty left the city. Had the circumstances been different, they might have made it work long-term. But if Patty ever came back, maybe they could rekindle their relationship, or at least be friends.

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin Barry Kiss

Caitlin would certainly deserve more luck at love. Her husband Ronnie died, she dated Hunter Zolomon who turned out to be a villainous speedster Zoom and her relationship with Julian Albert also led nowhere. However, if there was someone else Caitlin was attracted to, it was Barry.

They work as friends like to spend time together, and even shared a kiss – twice. Except for the first time, it wasn’t the real Barry, but a shapeshifter – yet Caitlin kissed him back. And the second time, Caitlin was in her full Killer Frost mode when she kissed Barry. Many fans hoped they would get together but Barry married Iris, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Leonard Snart

The Flash Season 3 Infantino Street Barry Allen Leonard Snart

A surprising number of fans ship Barry Allen and the former villain Leonard Snart (aka Captain Cold) thanks to their charged relationship on the show. One potential flaw in this ship is that Barry has never shown any inclination he was bisexual, however, he’s also never stated outright that he isn’t, so fans can continue to ship these two!

He and Snart definitely had enough chemistry to make a believable couple. Of course, Snart is now dead, thanks to his adventures with the Legends, but at least the audience got to see enough of Barry’s and Snart’s banter as enemies turned reluctant allies/friends.

Beverly Lewis

The Flash comics Beverly Lewis

It’s time to look at Barry’s romances with characters who haven’t made it into the Arrowverse yet… but could potentially appear in the future. Those who didn’t read the comics won’t most likely be familiar with Beverly, but she played an important part in Barry’s life at one point as she was his fiancée for a time. Barry and Beverly met when she moved to Central City.

They became friends and started dating. Barry asked Beverly to marry him but their wedding got interrupted when Professor Zoom showed up and threatened to kill Beverly. That caused Barry to snap and he killed Zoom. Zoom is now gone from the show but they could potentially replace him with another villain if they ever decided to introduce Beverly.

Daphne Dean

Daphne Dean

Unlike other characters on this list, it might be possible to incorporate Daphne Dean into the Arrowverse without endangering Barry’s relationship with Iris. The reason is that Daphne was Barry’s girlfriend when he was much younger. Daphne later became an actress and she met Barry again.

They didn’t rekindle their romance but Barry helped protect her from criminals. Funnily enough, Daphne fell both for Barry and for the Flash at one point, without realizing they were the one and the same at first.

Jessica Cruz

Jessica Cruz powered up as a Green Lantern in DC Comics

With the exception of Iris, Jessica Cruz is one of best known Barry’s girlfriends. However, she’s a superhero in her own right as she’s one of the Green Lanterns. And judging by the last scene with John Diggle on Arrow, it’s only a matter of time before the Lanterns appear in the Arrowverse as well. In one timeline, Barry had a daughter Jennifer with Jessica and even without that, Jessica and Barry made an impressive team in the comics.