The Family Chantel: 8 Signs Pedro Jimeno Turned Into A Monster

The Family Chantel: 8 Signs Pedro Jimeno Turned Into A Monster

The Family Chantel star Pedro Jimeno didn’t become a dirtbag overnight, but now that he’s broken Chantel Everett’s tender heart into a million little pieces, he’s definitely a monster. Suave and smooth, Pedro looks like a dream man, but he’s actually a nightmare-inducing husband from hell. Since Chantel’s going it alone, and season 5 of the show’s ramping up, it’s time to look back at his worst misdeeds. While Pedro may not be truly evil, the callous way that he emotionally abused his wife wasn’t exactly endearing.

If The Family Chantel season 5 fans were polled, they might describe Pedro as a cross between Don Juan and Hannibal Lecter. No one deserves the flood of hateful criticism that he gets. He’s not posing with women online (well, not very much) or consuming human flesh with a glass of Chianti. However, Pedro’s earned some of the shade fair and square. In this installment, he has to confront his ex onscreen, and the awkwardness is at an all-time high. This final season’s bound to be a cringefest because these two have really been through the wringer. Pedro wanted out of the marriage. The way he left was so brutal.

8 Pedro Jimeno May Have Planned To Leave Chantel Everett All Along

The teaser clip above (via Chantel at Instagram) shows the“beginning of the end,” but maybe Pedro planned out this endgame years ago. Yes, the marriage could have fallen apart for the usual reasons (money, incompatibility, infidelity). However, there’s a chance that “monster” Pedro always intended to leave Chantel once he got settled in the USA.

There are actually quite a few clues that point in this direction. One is the fact that he’d often put his family’s needs above his partner’s. For example, he’d give them money even though Chantel needed cash for bills. Another issue is gossip, as someone actually told Chantel that he was straight-up using her for a Green Card. While there was no real proof of this, it didn’t sound good.

Pedro bailed out of his marriage with Chantel at a very pivotal time. He waited until he was eligible for permanent residency status in the USA. He needed to be married for five years in order to become a permanent resident. Guess how long he was married to Chantel for? Yes, he remained her husband for five years.

7 Pedro Sold His Soul To Live Out The American Dream

While this seems monstrous on the surface, Pedro grew up in a poorer country. No one who judges him has walked a mile in his shoes. He wanted the American Dream, and there’s nothing wrong with that. How he chose to achieve that goal is what makes him a villain. If he did use Chantel, and always planned to leave her, that’s extremely manipulative.

Nonetheless, there’s something so sad about people getting into relationships in order to move to richer nations. It’s not prostitution, but it feels mercenary, like someone’s trading their body and mind for a reward. In order to become Americans, people from poorer places may need to spend every day and night with partners that they don’t love. They may not even like the people they’re with. Also, Americans sometimes exploit partners from developing countries who desperately want better lives. Then, those exploited partners get judged.

Yes, The Family Chantel‘s Pedro Jimeno’s seemingly a gold-digger. He was out for himself. He took everything he could from Chantel, emotionally and financially. He basically tried to ruin her life. However, she’s not his victim. Chantel has many talents that she can use to achieve her goals. She hasn’t been flattened by a bad relationship. Nonetheless, she’s been badly hurt. She can take the lessons she learned from this toxic romance into the future and avoid making the same mistakes. Pedro will always be the one who pretended, although he said in season 5:

The American Dream’s a powerful lure. It’s about success, glitz and power. Many have tried to grab this brass ring and failed. Now, Pedro’s doing all he can to establish himself as a realtor in Georgia. While he’s hustling, his reputation’s in tatters. He’s trying to build trust with clients while detractors rip him apart. That’s an interesting paradox. Karma may be nothing more than wishful thinking, but Chantel probably considers it karma when Pedro gets roasted at Instagram.

6 Pedro Jimeno Didn’t Actually Deny Cheating On Chantel

In the clip shared earlier, Pedro used body language to show that he may have cheated on Chantel. When he was grilled about this during a confessional, he didn’t answer with words. He sort of shrugged and hung his head. It seemed like he was willing to concede that he’d been unfaithful without actually saying it. If Pedro did cheat on the woman who loved him so much, it’s such a sad outcome for the duo. Chantel poured a lot of love and trust into their doomed relationship. It seemed like there was nothing she wouldn’t do to make it work.

Pedro’s been accused of cheating many times, and where there’s smoke, there’s often fire. If he isn’t being called out for getting cozy with his boss, Laura Delgado, he’s getting dragged for his “friendship” with Coraima Morla. While Pedro doesn’t always treat women well, they can’t seem to stay away. He’s sliding into the “bad boy” archetype like nobody’s business, after years of trying to seem like a nice guy. Now that he’s unfettered by the bonds of marriage, he’s ready to really be himself.

By saying he cheated without saying it, he dropped the mask. Under the “nice guy with in-law issues” persona, there’s a lot more. While Pedro was never perceived as someone with a spotless character, he used to have a fairly positive image. Now, he knows he can’t win. He’s going to be considered a bad guy no matter what. So, what’s the harm in getting real? Like most villains, he may enjoy unmasking.

5 Pedro Accused Chantel & Her Family Of Trying To “Ruin My Life” In America

Pedro got theatrical when he was being interviewed. He started playing the blame game, as per an interview posted by the Associated Press YouTube channel. He said that Chantel and her relatives were trying to, “ruin my life in America.” There could actually be some truth to this, but he went low with his statement, showing his villain chops.

Way back when, he was accused of “harvesting the American dollar” by Chantel’s mother, Karen Everett. She didn’t trust him, and maybe her instincts were right on the money. Usually, mothers are very protective – they can sense when the love interests of their children aren’t sincere. So, Karen might have felt bad vibes. Now, even though he left Chantel and remained in America, he’s trying to make it look like her family members are the problem.

Chantel wasn’t a bad wife. She appeared to be passionately in love with her husband. For years, she put up with his evil sister and mother, tried to excuse his flirtations, and did all she could to help him. She shared her money with him.

Chantel’s now a nurse, but when she failed her exam, which she later took again (and passed), Pedro flew into a rage. He was angry because her failure meant a delay in his own career plans. That selfish streak’s seemingly inherited from his family members. They are also greedy, self-serving people. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and Chantel should have been warier.

4 Pedro Jimeno’s Flaunting His “Riches” On Instagram

Pedro‘s a real estate agent, so it makes sense that he’s trying to put up a good front online, but maybe he goes too far. His ex is likely still hurting, and their pre-divorce tensions are beginning to surface onscreen. With that in mind, this 90 Day Fiancé franchise monster may want to dial back the showing off. In the post above, he’s using the hashtag #audiforever, and these cars aren’t cheap. He’s sending the message that all the luxuries he’s ever wanted are now at his fingertips, as though he was some kind of pauper when he was with Chantel. However, Instagram isn’t always the most authentic place. People have seemingly faked wealth there before.

It’s like he’s trying to say, “My life is so much better without her.” He’s doing it with a flashy car and some high-end hashtags. It feels like a barely cryptic way of telegraphing the fact that he’s way happier now. Everything’s coming up roses now that Chantel’s out of the picture. This is what really rankles.

While Pedro’s finances are his own business, divorce isn’t always a financial bonanza. People can lose a lot of money when they break up. Pedro’s a reality TV show star, but he’s also a man with bills to pay. Real estate work is about commissions, and sometimes, they’re hard to come by. Deals can fall though – a lot of things can happen that make it hard to get a commission check.

Chantel tries to appear successful on Instagram too, but she has way more followers, so in terms of clout, she’s winning the game. She’s actually “winning the divorce.”

3 Pedro Got So Cold With Chantel

The Family Chantel: 8 Signs Pedro Jimeno Turned Into A Monster

There was once a photo of the late Princess Diana with Prince Charles, who’s now the king. The picture showed both of them looking miserable. It was a snarky ad, perhaps for a drink, and the caption read, “it’s cold, it’s frosty, and it’s on the rocks.” Sadly, no one knew that tragedy was in the distance. The Princess of Wales was destined to pass away in a car crash. Before the awful event, she and Charles were mocked, and sometimes, the heckling had an affectionate tone.

Things got very frosty between Pedro and Chantel. However, the cold front came from his side. Chantel practically shivered when Pedro wouldn’t engage. He shut down long ago, and while they were separating, his coldness was something that everyone noticed. This remarkable change in his demeanor was their death knell. For a long time, Pedro had been changing, and once he really froze her out, it was all over.

2 Pedro Asked For A Restraining Order Against Chantel

Chantel and Pedro actually got restraining orders against each other, but he started it. They’ve made some wild accusations during their divorce, flinging mud that will stick to both of them forever. Pedro alleged that Chantel stole a large sum of money from a joint account, cleaning it out. She may have realized there was no hope, and started making bad decisions.

Since they’d been together for years, and they’re famous, it would have been wise to try for an amicable divorce, but they couldn’t do it. They couldn’t stay friends, and now, although they live in the same state, they’re estranged. Chantel’s a travel nurse, so she gets breaks from being in the same geographical location. However, many times, she may find that Pedro’s just too close to home.

1 Pedro Probably Faked His Love From Day One

Pedro Jimeno from The Family Chantel inn photo montage

What could be worse than faking love for years? If Pedro really was a Green Card-hungry man with money on his mind, it’s possible that he didn’t love Chantel for a single minute. Of course, that would be shocking, but Pedro benefited from his relationship with her, love or not. He got reality TV fame and the money that comes with it. He got Instagram clout, although he now gets hate as well as heart emojis.

Faking love for years requires a lot of subterfuge. It’s an undertaking. Not everyone’s up to it. However, his coldness at the end of their marriage might have been the real him. Perhaps the warmth he’d shown earlier, when he called his partner “Pinky Winky,” was just for show. What’s most monstrous about Pedro is ultimately the fact that he turned on his partner in such a dramatic way. He seemed like a whole other human being.

Now, he appears to be perfectly fine, while Chantel’s obviously still having ups and downs. This steely streak in Pedro makes him a 90 Day Fiancé franchise monster. The Family Chantel season 5 star’s shown some conscienceless behavior with Chantel, and while no one’s saying he’s a sociopath, he’s certainly shown his dark side lately.

Sources: Chantel Jimeno/Instagram, Associated Press, Pedro Jimeno/Instagram