The Fallout Series Timeline With Games (Including How New Vegas Fits) Clarified By EPs

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Fallout season 1!

Fallout executive producers Todd Howard and Jonathan Nolan have clarified the timeline of the series, revealing how the TV show fits into the canon of the games – including Fallout: New Vegas. The series takes place in 2296, following the Vault Dweller Lucy as she ventures into the wasteland of former Los Angeles. The series features references to games in the franchise, seemingly posturing it as part of the official timeline of the universe.

Speaking with IGN, Howard and Nolan strengthened the connection the TV adaptation has to the official Fallout timeline, clarifying where it fits together with the game series. They also confirmed that the bombing of Shady Sands did happen in the official timeline, just after the events of New Vegas. Check out what Howard and Nolan had to say below:

Todd Howard: [W]e talked through it and it was, ‘This would be a pretty impactful story moment that a lot of things anchor on.’ We’re careful about the timeline. There might be a little bit of confusion in some places. But everything that happened in the previous games, including New Vegas, happened. We’re very careful about that. All I can say is we’re threading it tighter there, but the bombs fall just after the events of New Vegas…. [I wanted something that] would stand up as another entry in the series as opposed to retelling one of the games we did and sort of treat it like we do a game and move the timeline forward and do some great things. And that’s what [Nolan] was thinking as well.

Jonathan Nolan: Everyone who worked on Fallout, all the games, were so respectful and so careful to keep this consistent universe. If we’d gone a different direction, the show would be the only thing that doesn’t fit with that universe… We didn’t want to be in our own private corner of an elseworld or a different universe. I think that will be less meaningful to me watching the series, to know it was completely divorced from the reality of the games.

More to come…

Source: IGN