The Empire Gave Darth Vader The Most Hilarious Nickname

The Empire Gave Darth Vader The Most Hilarious Nickname

The Empire’s officials gave Darth Vader a hilarious nickname, and he hated it. First introduced in 1977, the now-infamous Sith Lord quickly showed himself to be a terrifying Star Wars villain. His willingness to use the Force against his comrades if they made him angry enough proved how cold he was. While Vader did ultimately turn to the light side before he died, he is still one of the most identifiable science fiction villains to ever exist.

In the original trilogy, Darth Vader was an imposing figure. His dark Sith powers made him a force to be reckoned with, and a formidable enemy to the Rebel Alliance. However, Vader’s short temper and strong Force abilities apparently didn’t stop other Imperial officers from making a few jokes at his expense.

The Empire Gave Darth Vader The Most Hilarious Nickname


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Darth Vader Was Nicknamed “Lord Siloquey”

David Prowse (with James Earl Jones) as Darth Vader about to use Force Choke in Star Wars

In WEG Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, an Imperial captain dubbed Darth Vader “Lord Siloquey.” “Siloquey” is a play on the word “soliloquy.” He chose this nickname because Darth Vader tended to monologue, as the captain said, “to the universe about his grand plans.” This insulting but hilarious nickname shows that, while Vader was a man of few words in the original trilogy, apparently behind closed doors he was quite vocal about his ideas. The captain found this very entertaining, “wondering what new amusement the Dark Lord of the Sith might be about to provide him.” However, this disrespect would cost him.

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Darth Vader Didn’t Exactly Appreciate The Nickname

Darth Vader Force-chokes Admiral Motti in Star Wars

Darth Vader hated this nickname so much that he Force choked the captain who used it. As a Sith Lord, Vader was very proud. The Sith value power above all else. They seek to dominate the Force and subjugate anyone who doesn’t submit to their will. He couldn’t stand the idea of anyone looking down on him. After all, as Anakin Skywalker, he had been told since he was 10 years old that he was the Chosen One – someone with power to be feared. Insults from people he saw as less powerful than himself were something he could not tolerate.

This nickname is a reflection of how Vader was broadly viewed among other Imperials. In Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, Darth Vader Force chokes an officer because he says, “Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebels’ hidden fortress.” This officer was not the only one who saw Darth Vader as obsolete given the strength of the Death Star. In Thrawn: Treason, it’s revealed that other Imperials, such as Brierley Ronan, the assistant to Director Krennic, also disliked him. This nickname shows how little Darth Vader was actually respected.