The Elder Scrolls 6 Can Fix Skyrim’s Lackluster Magic

The Elder Scrolls 6 Can Fix Skyrim’s Lackluster Magic

Magic is a staple of combat in The Elder Scrolls series, and Skyrim is no exception. There are several unique schools of magic to branch into, each containing different spells, and skills such as Enchanting and Alchemy make the feature even more expansive. That said, there are quite a few problems with magic in Skyrim, and Elder Scrolls 6 should take the opportunity to change that.

For starters, Skyrim lacks an enthralling Mages Guild questline like what has often appeared in most other Elder Scrolls games. Instead, players are provided the option to enroll in the College of Winterhold, though this questline is viewed by many as being relatively lackluster. Mages in Skyrim are, as a whole, more distrusted than in other areas of Tamriel, largely due to the destruction of Winterhold in the series’ past, and therefore not much opportunity is provided to actually learn a substantial amount of magic.

A more inherent problem, though, isn’t found in the structure of Skyrim‘s story but rather in its game mechanics. Magic is less powerful than most standard weapons in Skyrim, even at master levels, perhaps to make the use of Skyrim‘s powerful Dragon Shouts seem more enticing. Magicka drains quickly, meaning that any player looking to invest in magic will need to dedicate all of their points into this stat rather than investing in something more useful overall, such as Health.

What Elder Scrolls 6 Can Do To Fix Skyrim’s Magic Problems

The Elder Scrolls 6 Can Fix Skyrim’s Lackluster Magic

The Elder Scrolls 6 would need to almost entirely rebalance magic in order to make up for Skyrim‘s gameplay, something that should in theory be easier if Dragon Shouts are not included as part of the main character’s skillset. While little is known about The Elder Scrolls 6 thus far, given it’s reportedly still in its design stage, it seems unlikely the series would return to the same protagonist as was featured in Skyrim, making it improbable that the next playable Elder Scrolls character will be a Dragonborn. Magic in Skyrim is additionally split up between several different skill trees, which makes it hard to invest a significant amount of points into powerful spells until higher levels. Combining them into fewer skill sets and giving spells a broader range of impact could do a great deal to help this.

The next Elder Scrolls game could also reintroduce magic-related features that were previously included in the series but dropped from Skyrim. The Mages Guild is just one example: providing players with a more fleshed-out and interactive storyline would bring forward more opportunities to learn unique spells and experiment with different schools of magic in combat. This could perhaps serve to make players more eager to invest skill points into different magical areas. Spell Making – the ability to make custom spells, such as what was seen in Oblivion – should also be re-introduced to the series, giving players more freedom and customizability. Overall, The Elder Scrolls 6 should focus on making Skyrim‘s best magic features, such as its powerful Master-level spells and unique Illusion abilities, more worthwhile for players to spend time with.