The Devil Wears Prada: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

The Devil Wears Prada: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

The fashion industry is known for being particularly cutthroat and ruthless, and The Devil Wears Prada certainly shows that in its entirety. Whether it’s judgemental comments or people stabbing each other in the back, the movie has plenty of it as Andrea makes her way through the industry that she never wanted to be part of in the first place.

The characters all have huge personalities within this movie, and everyone is confident enough to voice their opinions. So, when stripping away the designer bags and fancy heels, it’s time to take a look at which person is truly the most likable. That is all.

Christian Thompson

The Devil Wears Prada: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

Christian Thompson is a well-known journalist in The Devil Wears Prada, and considering that Andrea is an aspiring journalist, it is easy to see why she has a connection to him. He proves himself to be very helpful to her at points, including tracking down the Harry Potter book that hasn’t been published.

However, there are elements about him that are quite unlikable. Christian clearly sees that Andrea aspires to success, and he really does take advantage of that throughout the movie at points. While he is never overly cruel or unkind, he isn’t as perfect as he believes himself to be either.

James Holt

James Holt in Devil Wears Prada

James Holt is one of the designers that Miranda works with, and he appears at several points in the movie. He is always shown as someone who is kind, and that certainly makes him likable, as he tries his best to constantly impress Miranda.

Unlike everyone else in the industry, James proves himself to be kind as he always looks out for other people. He treats Andrea very well from the first moment he meets her and shows charm and personality, but he just isn’t involved enough in the movie to be the most likable character.


Devil Wears Prada - Andy's Friends Cropped

Doug is one of Andrea’s friends who is shown at different points, and he is certainly a likable person. He is someone who shows genuine interest in Andrea and her career, actually engaging with her about the situation, which is what she wants.

However, he only takes up a supporting role in the movie, and while he proves to have a fun personality in the fleeting moments he appears, Doug isn’t involved enough to truly be the most likable character.


Lly From The Devil Wears Prada

Much like Doug, Lily is one of Andrea’s other close friends, and whenever they’re hanging out at the bar she is always around. Lily proves to be a fun person who has a lot of charisma, engaging in great conversations as they all try to make a success of their lives.

She brings tons of energy to the movie when she appears and she is also a very loyal friend, calling out Andrea when she sees her flirting with Christian, which is a very likable aspect in a person.

Miranda Priestly

Miranda with sunglasses on in Devil Wears Prada

Miranda Priestly certainly has a lot of unlikeable traits considering the way she treats all of her staff. Everyone else has to do exactly as she wants, every time and she is very blunt with everybody she interacts with. However, Miranda does care deeply about Runway, and she clearly sees something in Andrea, which works well in regards to building her career.

The brilliant quotes that she provides throughout the movie are very funny and that does end up making Miranda far more likable than she first seems. She is blunt and has no problem with doublecrossing even her closest friends, but that doesn’t stop her from being a lot of fun as well.


Nate from The Devil Wears Prada

Nate is the loving boyfriend of Andrea who is by her side long before she finds any success within the fashion world. He proves to be a kind and caring character who does his best by her throughout the movie. Nate is confident enough to point out the ways that she is changing, which ultimately allows Andrea to refocus on what she actually wants to do with her career.

While he’s not showcased quite as much as some other characters, he is charming and works hard to succeed within his own field, which is always a likable trait. Nate is an intelligent person who is good at analyzing others, and coming up with sensible suggestions, and overall, he does come across as very likable.

Emily Charlton

Emily Blunt as Emily in The Devil Wears Prada

It would be very easy for audiences to hate Emily as she’s incredibly rude to others and sometimes self-centered. However, she comes out with so many hilarious one-liners that she ends up being one of the most likable characters. Emily Blunt plays this role to perfection, with her comedic timing and over-the-top behavior just suiting the character brilliantly.

She starts out very cold and rude to Andrea, but as the movie wears on she begins to respect her and the two become friends, which is clear at the end when she tells Andrea’s replacement she has big shoes to fill. Few people care more about the job than Emily and she does work very hard, which also makes her likable overall.


Nigel watches on in The Devil Wears Prada

Nigel is one of the only members of Runway magazine that is kind to Andrea right from the start, and that showcases what type of person he is. While the rest of the staff all mock her, he goes out of his way to help Andrea fit in, providing her with clothes as he tries to guide her along to success.

While he still does come out with some fairly rude one-liners, that is just part of the personality of most characters in this movie. Nigel is always working and showcases unbelievable loyalty to Miranda, even when she lets him down and betrays him. His patience and humor make him one of the best characters overall, and someone who everyone can like.

Andrea Sachs

Anne Hathaway as Andrea Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada

Andrea Sachs is certainly the most likable character from the movie, purely because of how easy she is to relate to. She doesn’t come from the fashion world and doesn’t initially have any interest in it, and that allows her to be far less harsh on others, which is welcomed within this story.

As an aspiring journalist, Andrea isn’t someone who is rich or glamorous but seeing her journey to success within the industry is exciting to see. She genuinely works hard and tries her best to be kind to other people. While she does begin to slightly lose her way during the trip to Paris, she’s smart enough to pull herself out of the situation, in order not to lose herself, which is another reason why she’s so likable.