The Devil Wears Prada: 10 Things About Miranda That Make No Sense

The Devil Wears Prada: 10 Things About Miranda That Make No Sense

Pop culture hasn’t produced an enigma as great as The Devil Wears Prada Miranda Priestly, the icy, snooty, and fairly ruthless editor of the fashion magazine Runway. But there’s a lot of complexity and nuance to her character, one can see she’s not a despicable person and not even a bad boss. She’s simply very good at what she does and the only reason she’s referred to as the Dragon Lady simply is that she’s not a man.

But there are so many things about Miranda that simply do not add up. It’s obvious that she’s revered in the high fashion world and people are quite terrified of her and worship her at the same time. But some of Miranda’s personal choices and behavioral patterns come across as really inconsistent with her background and character. Let’s discuss a few of these aspects.

Her Accent

The Devil Wears Prada: 10 Things About Miranda That Make No Sense

There’s no way Miranda in the film would have an impeccable American accent; though the film does take certain liberties and doesn’t mention Miranda’s origins at all, it’s a well-established fact that Miranda was born in England where she stayed until she was 24 and then spent the next decade at the French Runway, before making her way to New York with her twins and then-husband.

It’d be easy to process if the movie had been specific about her American roots, but it doesn’t, and according to the novel Miranda is a European immigrant in New York and her accent may be a plot hole.

Her Decision To Stay Away From Fashion Risks

Miranda Priestly peers over her glasses at her assistant in The Devil Wears Prada.

Anna Wintour, who partially inspired the character of Miranda is a fashion chameleon and isn’t afraid of a faux pas. Yes, mid-length Chanel skirt suits may be her go-to fashion look but Wintour has worn it all, from ’80s style satin gowns to snake print boots to faux fur.

But Miranda’s sense of style is too tame for someone who has a legacy this path-breaking. She’s a taste-maker in high fashion and quite literally tells the world what to wear. But when it comes to personal dressing her picks are hauntingly basic and soulless. One can see her decision to stick to monochrome numbers since she’s a fan of moody dressing, but it’s unclear why Miranda herself is such a fashion coward.

Her Need To Know Everyone’s Name At The Runway Party

Andy whispers into Miranda's ear during a party

One can see why Selina Meyer from Veep would need a prompter for all high stakes events, she’s always rallying for votes. But she’s a politician and a political climber. Miranda is exactly where she wants to be and people don’t really expect her to remember them, especially if they’re not that famous.

Before the Runway gala, Emily gives Andrea a huge list of names to memorize so they could stick by Miranda all night and keep reminding her who’s who. But why would Miranda want that? She’s Miranda Priestley, she surely remembers everyone worth remembering but knowing every random person’s name at her party is very out of character. 

Her love For Corporate Dressing

Miranda talking to Andy in The Devil Wears Prada

It’s very obvious that if The Devil Wears Prada was being remade today, the stylists would be recruited first because the 2006 film was quite catastrophic in terms of fashion. Miranda is a shockingly boring dresser and it’s unacceptable considering her influence on global fashion. The makers have simply opted for a one-dimensional power dresser vibe but that’s just not enough for someone like Miranda.

Any fashion editor worth their salt be it Wintour, or Carine Roitfeld, or Liz Tilberis, have all been bona fide risk-takers since their jobs are about creating new trends. So, Miranda’s monochrome pantsuits, basic boatneck dresses, and her all-black Paris Fashion Week wardrobe makes no sense.

Her Elevator Behavior

Miranda Priestly The Devil Wears Prada

During Miranda’s famous entrance scene in The Devil Wears Prada, a woman who works in the same building as her vacates the elevator as Miranda steps in. In 2006, it seemed like an audacious power grab but in 2020 it looks quite ridiculous since now people have a much better grasp on global corporate or fashion cultures.

It seems quite unrealistic that Miranda expects everyone to leave the elevator as she steps in. The makers obviously wanted to depict her as a feared personality and people don’t want to get in her way, literally or metaphorically. But, can someone so icy be functional as a networking fashion editor? 

Her Mandated Routine With ‘The Book’

Miranda Priestly holding a dress in The Devil Wears Prada

The daily ritual with ‘the book’ was not just inconvenient but also quite unnecessary and hence, a poorly crafted plot device. Every night Miranda’s assistant, be it Emily or Andrea, is supposed to go to her townhouse with ‘the book’ which is basically the draft version of Runway’s upcoming edition. But Runway is a monthly fashion magazine, and even if Miranda wants to keep tabs on how ‘the book’ is developing, she doesn’t need a separate arrangement for someone to drop it at her home.

She could just check the changes the next day or maybe once every 2-3 days to confirm if everything is going according to plan. Since it’s not a daily, there’s no time crunch and it makes no sense for an assistant to drop off the book at her home every night.

Her Decision To Hire Andrea

Anne Hathaway as Andrea Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada

The biggest plot hole in The Devil Wears Prada is, of course, the mystery of Andrea’s appointment as Miranda’s assistant. It becomes very obvious that Andrea doesn’t care about fashion, she looks down upon it, she doesn’t understand the relevance of fashion in the larger scope of art and culture.

So, obviously, she wouldn’t care about starting from scratch and learning the basics because it’s an industry she doesn’t really relate to. Miranda wanted to hire someone smart, surely there are a thousand people who are smart, capable, and also understand fashion. It was lucky that Andrea started investing a lot of energy in her work and resonates with it eventually, but that’s just chance, and Miranda’s decision to recruit a total novice could have been really risky.

She Does Not Cultivate The Minds Around Her

Miranda Priestly talking to Nigel in The Devil Wears Prada

A big role for any creative editor is nurturing perspectives, which is why people want to work with competent leaders in the industry who can teach them the ropes. In fashion especially an editor needs to communicate to her people how and why she’s making her decisions.

Miranda is quick to dismiss ideas and designs but offers no idea or even an indication about why she’s rejecting them. Surely, a big part of her role is to cultivate the minds around her so she could eventually create the next Miranda Priestly, but Miranda never educates or even share her opinions with her staff.

Her Attempts At Playing Her Assistants Against Each Other

Miranda Priestly and Andy Sachs talking in The Devil Wears Prada

It’s entirely possible that Miranda has a God complex and enjoys watching her assistants quibble amongst themselves but wouldn’t that make her job harder? She deliberately undermines Emily more than once by upgrading Andrea’s position and inviting her to the Runway gala, by giving her the more important responsibilities, and of course, inviting her to Paris Fashion Week when Miranda knew how much it meant to Emily.

It’s one thing to let Andrea know that she’s been accepted into Miranda’s trust or that she’s doing a good job but Miranda deliberately creates a situation which will make Emily despise Andrea and it’s quite unreasonable since it doesn’t help Miranda in any way.

Her Lack Of Transparency

Miranda walks into her office and begins to unbutton her coat in The Devil Wears Prada

For someone whose opinion can clearly make or break careers and dreams, Miranda is surprisingly vague about certain things, be it in her professional life or in her personal life. She doesn’t even speak the whole truth to her trusty circle of Runway staff members, and definitely not to the other people in her company.

What she did with Nigel, for instance, was harsh but in a way justifiable. Since Miranda and Nigel were so close she could have been transparent to him about why she’s doing what she’s doing. Or for instance, how she expects designers to know what she wants without even opening her mouth once, which is dubious but definitely very advantageous to Miranda since she never has to take a stand. But that’s just not how fashion works and a decision-maker like Miranda obviously needs to explain some of her choices.