The D&D Alignments Of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Characters

The D&D Alignments Of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Characters

The Marvelous Mrs Maisel is filled with hilarious jokes, cinematically beautiful scenes, and important subject matters. However, the best part of this wonderful show has to be its characters. Let’s delve into their personalities and see just what they’re really like.

What makes this show so special is the uniqueness of each character. Although many of them are described as chaotic, it cannot be argued that there are so many different alignments in this one show. Each person is filled with their own past and present, allowing them to be beautifully built into fully formed personalities letting the audience sit back and watch each character move the story along naturally. Without further ado, let’s explore what each personality really is. Spoilers!

Midge Maisel: Chaotic Good

The D&D Alignments Of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Characters

Going by Joel’s statement in season 1, “she’s good”. It’s undeniable. Everything she does is ultimately good. All Midge wants to do is to succeed and have her children live a good life. However, she is far too naive to be simple good without the chaotic. Midge’s naivety controls her and forces her to make mistakes such as belittling Sophie Lennon and getting herself kicked off Shy Baldwin’s tour.

Midge is good at the core but fails to think of the consequences of her actions therefore landing her in trouble in practically every episode.

Joel Maisel: True Neutral

Sure, Joel does some pretty bad things when he cheats on his wife and leaves his family for his secretary, but he then spends the rest of the show attempting to make it up to her. Everyone loves Joel, even if he’s not a great guy but it is hard to label him as good or evil. One reason why he can’t be good, aside from the whole cheating thing, is that he expects Midge to follow and help his comedy then freaks and refuses to accept it when she does the same! He sleeps with Midge whenever he can, ignoring how much damage it does, and when that falls through pursues every woman he can. Not the best personality in the world but a particularly lovable character nonetheless.

Benjamin Ettenberg: Lawful Good

Now, this is a character who is innately good. He is kind, and most importantly he loves Midge and isn’t afraid to show it. Juxtaposing Joel, he accepts her comedy and even supports her in shows! He also does everything he can to please Midges family and asks her father for her hand in marriage, something Joel didn’t care about.

The reason Benjamin fits into the lawful alignment is simply the fact that he never does anything wrong, he never breaks the law and cares a lot about personal codes and morals. Ultimately Benjamin was an extremely lovable character and deserved more than Midge gave him.

Susie Myerson: Chaotic Neutral

Susie has never once cared about the law. Going as far as stealing her own mother’s car just so she can take Midge on tour, it is clear that she cannot be good or lawful. However she cannot be evil either, ultimately she does all of this to support Midges growing career. Susie wants the best for Midge and will do anything to help her succeed, whether that means breaking into the Catskills to get her a gig at the Concord or screaming at Sophie Lennon to stop her from ruining her career. However, it cannon be ignored that there are selfish motives behind this, Susie is struggling with money and is desperate to be comfortable like Midge is, she also has a gambling problem and throws away Midge’s chance to get her old home back by gambling it away.

Abe Weissman: Chaotic Good

Perhaps one of the best characters in the show, Abe is undeniably chaotic. He is also good. Abe cares so much about his wife and his family, even if he has a very odd way of showing it. Perhaps the most telling portrayal of his chaotic good alignment is when he finds out about Midges comedy. He doesn’t yell at her and he agrees to keep it a secret until the time is right. Although he is not supportive of her he is ultimately respectful of Midges secret. Abe is a rather selfish man but seems to do everything he does so that he and Rose can have a good and comfortable life. He is also the sweetest and one of the funniest characters in the show.

Rose Weissman: Chaotic Neutral

Surprise surprise, another Chaotic. The entire family is filled with chaos but that is what makes this show so entertaining. Rose is the definition of chaotic. She literally ups sticks and moves to Paris just because she is being ignored! She leaves her family and everything she knows to move to Paris causing a series of chaotic episodes of Midge and Abe trying to get her back. That is also the reason why she cannot be marked as good. She leaves her family without any thought for their feeling and seems to blame Midge for her new personality and ideals. She cares little for others but also cares considerably for herself and how others perceive her.

It is an odd personality that is full of contradictions but just cements how great her character is.

Moishe Maisel: Lawful Evil

Although it was hard to label him evil the things he does are undeniably bad. Firstly, he admits to practically stealing from Joel his entire life and although he ends up giving it back for a good reason that isn’t enough to excuse it. He is self-centered and is probably kind about twice in the entire show? Overall, aside from the two good things he does and the fact that he never intentionally breaks the law (stealing the money from your child is not cool but when they’re that young it’s not illegal) he is still lawful but undoubtedly not a great guy.

Shirley Maisel: Chaotic Neutral

Shirley Maisel talking to someone in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Shirley somewhat knowingly hides money around the business and the Weissman’s home. It’s irresponsible but can be argued weather she is just ridiculously naive or there is a plan behind the way she acts. She is just as self-centered as Moishe and when the two let Abe and Rose into their home she is a horrific host and doesn’t care for how they feel.

Ultimately, the Maisels are portrayed to be self-centered and very selfish, attempting to raise their son under rather questionable circumstances. Teaching him to lie and then stealing from him.

Sophie Lennon: Neutral Evil

To be neutral evil you typically have to be evil purely for the sake of being evil. That sums up Sophie perfectly.

Sophie Lennon begins as a rather simplistic comedian, who is happy to give Midge her first-ever gig opening for a star. Although her comedy isn’t as good as Midge’s, it is still only natural to find Sophie to be a good person. All of that changes when Midge goes around her house and is treated like a lower class citizen and made fun of for eating a macaroon and being pretty. When Midge acts on a whim and berates her in her next set Sophie’s wrath envelops her. She blacklists Midge and essentially tries to steal Susie from managing Midge. Sophie makes it her mission to ruin Midge, even when no one remembers what happened before.

Lenny Bruce: Chaotic Neutral

Although not similar in the slightest to Shirley Maisel, Lenny Bruce is most definitely chaotic neutral. He cares little of peoples opinions, even going to prison for some of his controversial jokes. However, Lenny is not cruel and is always doing nice things for Midge, all without expecting anything back. He sends her flowers, bails her out, and is ridiculously supportive of her career. Being the big star he is, he allows her to open for him, doing a show at the gaslight which is something he usually would never do. Overall, Lenny is a great guy but cares very little about the consequences of his actions.