The Coolest Western Casting Happened 102 Years Ago & Will Never Be Repeated

The Coolest Western Casting Happened 102 Years Ago & Will Never Be Repeated

One of the most iconic casting choices in the history of Western films happened more than a century ago, and it surely won’t happen again. The genre, besides its action nature, has a historical value as it represents a specific moment in time in United States history. Western characters can be fictional, but there are many times they are based on real-life people. This gives actors from different decades the chance to play real people, sometimes even resulting in multiple actors portraying the same person across the years. One such example is the repeated use of Jesse James in Westerns.

When talking about the Wild West and its characters, Jesse James is certainly one of the most iconic. Cinema has surely taken an interest in him and there are many different depictions of him throughout movie history. He was basically an outlaw and, depending on the time, he was portrayed as a mere robber or as a sort of Robin Hood. Several actors have played Jesse James in Western movies over the years, including major superstars like Robert Duvall, Brad Pitt, and Colin Farrell. However, the outlaw is also responsible for one of the most remarkable castings ever.

Jesse James’ Son Played The Western Outlaw In 2 Movies

The Coolest Western Casting Happened 102 Years Ago & Will Never Be Repeated

Remarkably, Jesse James’ son played his outlaw of a father in two different movies in 1921. The outlaw’s son Jesse E. James Jr. had the chance to play his father in Jesse James Under The Black Flag and Jesse James As The Outlaw. The first movie follows his role in the Civil War, while the second tells the story of how he is falsely accused of a robbery. James’s son was his only surviving child and had no experience in the movie business. He did write a book about his father before the movie debuted.

Although neither of these Jesse James movies are among the best Westerns ever made, they still serve as an unbelievable casting opportunity. Other actors have undeniably delivered better performances as the outlaw since then, but none of them share such a direct connection. Jesse James’ son was given a rare chance to recreate portions of his father’s life in a more favorable light. Considering these 1921 movies were the first in history to focus on the outlaw’s story, the honor of being the first person to play his father on the silver screen going to the real-life person’s son is quite special.

What Happened to Jesse James Jr. After His Western Movies?

A Reframing of the 1927 film Jesse James Poster

After following in his father’s lifestyle early on and making the turn to movies in 1921, what is known about Jesse James Jr.’s future later is rather limited. He participated in a biographical film about his father in 1927 called Jesse James, where he was a technical supervisor. After that, he never participated in films again before his death in 1951. Despite his relatively short time spent in the spotlight, Jesse James Jr. still managed to secure a place in Western movie history as one of the most clever casting choices made.