The Complete ‘Lore Olympus’ Character Guide

The Complete ‘Lore Olympus’ Character Guide

With vibrant artwork and a fantastical storyline, Rachel Smythe’s Lore Olympus has rapidly become the most popular webcomic on the online platform Webtoon. The webcomic combines classical elements of Greek mythology with modern romance, and since Mythological stories have grown in popularity, they’re making their way into pop culture. An adaptation of the story of Persephone and Hades, Lore Olympus takes a well-known myth and updates it, which has readers of all ages find themselves identifying with (or crushing hard on) the characters, even cosplaying many of them.

Though most known for the relationship between Persephone and Hades, Lore Olympus also includes a wide variety of other characters and romances. While incredibly modernized, the characters are still reminiscent of their representations in Greek mythology. Even though it’s filled with popular characters from mythological stories, Lore Olympus focuses on the romance, drama, and friendship of a select group of gods and goddesses. For an introduction to some of the storyline’s main characters, keep scrolling!


The Complete ‘Lore Olympus’ Character Guide

The spotlight character in Lore Olympus is Persephone is the Goddess of Spring and her main love interest of Hades. She is the daughter of Demeter, Goddess of the Hunt. Like her early life in Greek mythology, she was raised in the Mortal Realm, though she does find her way to Olympus for her studies. Her lighthearted, innocent persona contradicts a darker internal presence. Still, she is the lovable protagonist of the story with a positive attitude, despite her tribulations.


Lore Olympus Hades and Persephone

The main love interest of Persephone, Hades is the God of the Underworld. Additionally, he owns the Underworld Corps and is a member of the Six Traitors Dynasty. He first meets Persephone in the Mortal Realm (though this is soon forgotten by a less-drunk Hades), but their story in Lore Olympus is far less problematic. Known as a darker being, he directly contradicts the light-hearted goddess. Around Persephone, he carries himself in a more thoughtful nature than he otherwise would.


Hera Lore Olympus

Another member of the Six Traitors Dynasty, Hera is the Goddess of Marriage. She also rules as the Queen of Olympus alongside her husband, Zeus. The two have a relationship reflective of their classic portrayal in Greek mythology; it is full of infidelity and distrust. She has cared for and protected Persephone in Olympus and plays a large role in bringing her and Hades together.


Zeus Lore Olympus

Husband of Hera and member of the Six Traitors Dynasty, Zeus is the God of Sky and Thunder. He co-rules with Hera in Olympus. His portrayal in Lore Olympus reflects on his promiscuous behavior in Greek mythology, as his flirtatious nature often gets the best of him. Narcissistic and self-centered, he easily becomes upset when not the center of attention, which can be dangerous when mixed with his storm-manifesting power.


Eros Lore Olympus

The endearing son of Aphrodite and Ares, Eros is the God of Love and Sex. He lives for relationships and acts as the matchmaker-esque character of Lore Olympus. Eros has a talent for sensing love and sexual desire. His main love interest of the series is the beautiful Psyche, whom he takes with him to Olympus. While sweet and sensitive, he (like Persephone) has a rebellious side as well.


Ares Lore Olympus

Son of Hera and Zeus, Ares is the God of War. With blood-red eyes and an intimidating presence, he can be perceived as a demanding presence. While his father did pass on an aggressive and promiscuous side, Ares softens for those close to him, such as Aphrodite (his girlfriend) and Hebe (his younger sister). Like Eros, he can control the emotions of others. However, he causes them to be engaged, rather than lustful.


Aphrodite Lore Olympus

Lover of Ares and mother of Eros, Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Like her boyfriend, she can also act in a self-centered manner. This manifests in her somewhat manipulative or spiteful behavior. Her soft side seems to be reserved for her son, for whom she cares deeply. She holds jealousy for the goddess Persephone and does not attempt to hide it.


Artemis Lore Olympus

Persephone’s roommate and best friend, Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt. Her maturity and confidence puts her in a protective position over Persephone. Aside from supporting her fellow goddess, she is also a member of the Goddess of Eternal Maidenhood. Led by Hestia, it is a selective group of sacred virgin goddesses. She is also the sister of the god Apollo.


Apollo Lore Olympus

Similar in appearance to his twin sister, Artemis, Apollo is the God of the Sun and Music. Confident and assertive, he craves control. He deeply desires to be with Persephone. Due to his arrogant nature, he finds himself pushing his affection onto her in violating ways. Despite her lack of interest, and a rejection of approval from Hera, he continues to obsess over the goddess.