The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

The Chronicles Of Narnia franchise is certainly a beloved one, with these classic characters being brought to life based on the popular novels by, C.S. Lewis. While each story is very enjoyable, there’s no doubt that The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe is the most well-known, packed with charismatic characters and an incredible story, this is one that was perfect for a movie adaptation.

Thankfully, the 2005 movie didn’t disappoint, with the classic story of good vs evil being told in a whimsical yet adventurous manner. Throughout the movie, there is some tremendous dialogue which helps to make the characters easy to engage with, bringing a great range of emotion throughout.

“There wasn’t room next to the jam!”

The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Mr. and Mrs. Beaver bring a lot of joy and comedy throughout the movie, playing the classic old-married couple, bickering a lot throughout which is done in a fun manner. They are tremendous supporting characters and that makes them very likable.

This particular quote is one of the funniest as Mrs. Beaver questions why he wouldn’t have packed a map with him. However, the response that Mr. Beaver brings is perfect, making it clear that food is the priority for him.

“Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.”

Peter and Susan's coronation, alongside Aslan, in the Chronicles of Narnia

Aslan is often shown as quite a calm and relaxed character throughout the movie. He’s a wise lion who provides great counsel to the young humans who he tries to help grow and mature. However, this moment is a period where he actually snaps, showing an angrier, slightly scarier side.

This moment is a confrontation between himself and his nemesis, the Wicked Witch, and it is something which really works well. It’s a moment that makes people stand up and take notice of the power that he really has.

“Narnia! It’s all in the wardrobe like I told you!”


Lucy is the first person to explore and enjoy Narnia, and when she excitedly returns to her family to tell them all about it, she is initially not believed. However, it’s a big moment in the movie and it sums up the excitement that Lucy shows as a character throughout.

Lucy’s over the top reaction and buzz about Narnia brings a real excitement for the location itself amongst the viewers watching the movie, and that is what makes her such a fun character right from the start.

“I’m not a dwarf! I’m a girl. And actually, I’m tallest in my class.”

Lucy Pevensie in Narnia

Lucy Pevensie is a really fun character who brings a lot of charm and sass to the movie. She’s happy to talk confidently with all of the characters, not showing any fear or nerves within the situation, which is clear when she meets Mr. Tumnus.

When he questions whether or not she’s a small beardless dwarf, due to the fact he’s not encountered someone like her before, she provides this brilliant answer. The last line brings a great deal of comedy to the moment, which instantly makes her a likable character.

“Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor?”

The White Witch holding a sword in The Chronicles Of Narnia

The White Witch is a fantastic villain who has a strong and emotional backstory, while also being genuinely scary due to her flippant mood and incredible powers. She’s someone who has a strong hate for humans and this is a great line which depicts that perfectly.

She and Aslan are superb equals within Narnia and really are the definition of good vs evil, which this movie is built upon. This particular quote just works well in showcasing exactly the type of character she is.

“The great cat is dead!”

Wicked Witch

Speaking of the White Witch and how evil she is, one of the most emotional moments of the movie comes when she stabs and kills Aslan. It’s something that most viewers don’t expect to happen, and while he does make a return later in the movie, it is a real turning point in the story and an important moment for the Witch.

Movies are always enhanced when the villain is shown as an actual threat, and the fact she kills Aslan makes her exactly that. Her delight at the moment with this phrase is an iconic part of the movie as well, simply because of how evil it is.

“For Narnia and for Aslan!”

Chronicles Of Narnia

Peter becomes incredibly confident throughout the movie, and that is seen at the end when he begins to lead the charge in the big battle. He shouts confidently and showcases his passion and love for the area he gets to explore throughout the movie.

At that point, Peter also believes that Aslan is gone forever, and he clearly wants to avenge the lion who is incredibly kind and protective of the humans throughout their time in Narnia. It’s a truel battle cry and one that works really well within this family-friendly movie.

“Can you make me taller?”

Edmund meets The White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia

As any good family-friendly movie does, The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe is packed with fantastic one-liners that are very funny, and this is certainly one of those. When Edmund first meets the Wicked Witch, she quickly tries to win him over by showcasing her skills and the fact she can make his dreams come true.

When she makes that clear and asks what he wants, Edmund brings out this hilarious line. He’s always a little jealous of Peter, so the fact that he wants to be a little taller makes sense and adds to that, but overall, it is just a very funny moment.

“If it’s a war Aslan wants, it’s a war he shall get.”

Wicked Witch Nrnia

A lot of the best quotes throughout the movie comes from the Wicked Witch, bringing a great confident presence to the entire movie. She’s someone who is incredibly confident and this quote really showcases that, not being afraid of backing down when it comes to a war.

That’s what makes her such a great character because she’s more than capable of being dominant and having authority, rather than cowering away as many villains do within movies.

“Oh, no. You’re the nicest faun I’ve ever met.”

Mr Tumnus

The friendship between Lucy and Mr. Tumnus is really at the heart of the entire movie. He is the first person that she encounters when she gets into Narnia, and they really do strike up a brilliant friendship, which plays a big part in the entire story.

However, when he begins to question himself because he is going to hand her over to the Wicked Witch, she quickly makes it clear that he can’t be a bad person because he’s the nicest faun she’s ever met. It highlights Lucy’s kindness, while also establishing something that is truthful, which is that he is a nice character.