The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Magical Pieces Of Fan Art

The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Magical Pieces Of Fan Art

The Chronicles Of Narnia, whether in book or movie form, was a big part of many people’s childhoods. Anyone would want to find a whole other world inside their wardrobe as well as go on adventures, meet magnificent creatures, and witness magic.

Art has deep roots in everyone, and what better make to make some magic than to use a fantastical inspiration.


The Chronicles Of Narnia: 10 Magical Pieces Of Fan Art


This magical piece of art shows the golden sun-kissed land of Narnia. The valley and the sky blend with varying shades of browns, yellows, and oranges into the mane of Aslan, who is voiced by Liam Neeson..

Aslan whose eyes burn bright with the same magnetic energy of the land. The intensity of the piece finds relief in the softer, lighter colors of greens, blues, and purples.

The Battle

Via: masiani

The Chronicles Of Narnia is a series filled with adventure. There are high stakes and dark shadows lurking just beyond the shining fantastical magic. Many battles were fought and sacrifices made. This artist has chosen to draw The First Battle Of Beruna, a battle between The White Witch’s army and Aslan’s army. There is no glory in this depiction. No color or life. It is grim. It is death, and struggle, and war.

The Pevensie Siblings

Via: Laura Hollingsworth

Before the Pevensie siblings found Narnia, they were four victims of war, forcibly sent away because of the air raids. But these victims found themselves becoming heroes, four humans with skills, and a sense of morality that would later guide Narnia. Peter became “High King Peter The Magnificent.” Susan became “Queen Susan The Gentle.” The lost Edmund found his way and became “King Edmund The Just.” And little Lucy became “Queen Lucy The Valiant,” never again to doubt her value.

The Creation Of Narnia

Via: Blattaphile

In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, Aslan breathes life. The White Witch (played by Tilda Swinton) turns several of the citizens of Narnia into stone, including the beloved Mr. Tumnus, but there is nothing to fear because Aslan comes to the rescue.

The lion breathes on the stone statues and the inhabitants come to life, no longer frozen for eternity. Aslan is the warmth of Narnia. He is the spring. He is the king of Narnia.

Lucy & Peter

Via: johannathemad 

These two pieces of fan art show Lucy and Peter Pevensie at two different ages. Peter is the oldest sibling, followed by Susan, then Edmund, and finally Lucy as the youngest. Peter saw his siblings as his responsibility. He was the one who needed to set an example, the one who needed to be brave. Peter was faced with the question of his role in Narnia when he met Prince Caspian. Whatever his role, he always stayed a kind and protective older brother to Lucy, as shown by his proud expression in this fan art.

The Wardrobe

Via: nokeek

When Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy play a game of hide seek, none of them knew that their lives would be changed forever. The wardrobe is just an ordinary wardrobe from the outside, and when opened, coats hang in boring mediocrity.

But sometimes, there is something more. There is a whole magical land of fantasy, whose citizens might just be a little out of the ordinary. A land that needs help to break free from the clutches of The White Witch and her endless winter.


Via: kleinmeli

The land of Narnia is filled with all sorts of magical creatures. There were Nymphs, Fauns, talking Beavers, talking Foxes, and Dryads at the tip of the mythical iceberg. Perhaps one of the most memorable was the talking mouse, Reepicheep. Reepicheep was courteous and brave. He faced his battles with honor. Reepicheep loses his tail in The Second Battle Of Beruna but has his tail restored by Aslan.


Via: Sedeptra

This artist has brought to life the city of Tashbaan, the capital city of Calormen in the land of Narnia. The city first appeared in “The Horse And His Boy,” the fifth book in The Chronicles Of Narnia series, and is inhabited by humans. The depiction of the city honors C.S Lewis’s description of a sloped city whose great wall is built on the very edge of the island.

Mr. Tumnus

Via: masiani

Mr. Tumnus was the first Narnian (a faun) Lucy met and his inherent nobility and goodness prevented him from harming her and giving into The White Witch’s demands.

He was captured by The White Witch as punishment, and petrified to stone. Fortunately for him and all the other prisoners of The White Witch, Aslan saved him.

Aslan & Lucy

Via: Kutty-Sark

Lucy was the first of the Pevensie siblings to trust and see Aslan. She was the first one to enter Narnia and for the majority of The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, she is the one who has faith everything will be okay. Peter and Susan are shown as cynical and patronizing while Edmund is weak and selfish. When Aslan’s presence is accepted by Peter and Susan, they feel an immense trust and loyalty towards him. He is the character the readers and audience members feel comfortable with.