The Challenge: The 10 Most Iconic Rivalries, Ranked

The Challenge: The 10 Most Iconic Rivalries, Ranked

Like every reality TV competition show in existence, the astonishingly long-running MTV series The Challenge focuses on competition, but often times winds up being defined by the friendships and rivalries that develop between the castmates. And as a series that invites the same contestants back for sometimes dozens of seasons, the relationships that exist between challengers are far deeper than most.

There are so many rivalries within the cast that there have been entire seasons based around it, but these are the 10 biggest rivalries in the history of The Challenge (not including TJ vs. quitters).

Cara Maria Vs. The Lavender Ladies

The Challenge: The 10 Most Iconic Rivalries, Ranked

Cara Maria definitely has her moments, but it seems like she get a disproportionate amount of hate from a lot of random competitors, not the least of which include the Lavender ladies.

This squad includes Amanda, Sylvia, Ashley, and bafflingly Shane, and they took a lot of umbrage at Cara Maria’s presence in Final Reckoning. Amanda definitely had the most beef with Cara, but the entire crew seemed to have a very Mean Girls attitude towards Cara.

Devin Vs. Johnny

Devin and Johnny seemed to dislike each other right off the bat, and their relationship did not get better over time.

Devin was one of the few competitors to go after Johnny and actually eliminate him from the game, but their rivalry went to the next level when, after apparent hours of arguing, Johnny brought up Devin’s recently deceased father as an extra deep dig.

Johnny Vs. Evelyn

This one is an oldie but a not so goodie. The Challenge has had 35 seasons so far, and it’s contestants have had some messy interactions with one another, but the bullying and brutality level on The Island was particularly awful.

Johnny was a misogynistic jerk to every woman in the competition, but he focused most of his ire on Evelyn. Never one to take things lying down, when Evelyn got the opportunity to take Johnny’s precious key from him, she did so happily, and tore him a new one while she did it.

Katie Vs. Veronica

Katie Doyle sitting on a wooden bench

Both Katie Doyle and Veronica Portillo are pretty well known for their fiery personalities, so it’s only natural that they were explosive when they were together.

Their rivalry went on for many seasons, and their most memorable run in involved Katie completely unloading a seemingly endless tirade on an unsuspecting and half-dressed Veronica.

Johnny Vs. Sarah

Johnny Bananas Devenanzio and Sarah Rice on The Challenge

Johnny may be a Challenge legend, but when it comes to dishing things he can’t really take, his track record isn’t great. After Sarah threw him into elimination once, he acted as if she had robbed him of a Challenge win.

They were then paired together on Rivals III, and Johnny made it seem like he and Sarah were friends again, only to take all of the money that they won as a team at the very end.

Hunter Vs. Ashley

Ashley The Challenge mouth open outside

If one thing can be said for Ashley “Millionaire” Mitchell, it’s that at least she didn’t spend the entire season of Final Reckoning pretending to be Hunter’s friend. They both hated each other, and they knew it.

But with that in mind, Ashley’s betrayal is even crazier because of the sheer amount of money that she took from Hunter, a whopping $500,000 dollars.

Laurel Vs. Cara Maria

Rivalries on The Challenge are no joke, as most of these players have years or even decades of history between them. But the best rivalries are those like the one between Laurel and Cara Maria.

Laurel constantly unfairly dragged Cara because she thought she was weak on Cutthroat, they were paired together on the first Rivals season and basically became best friends, and then after a series of falling outs they became enemies again.

CT Vs. The Mob

CT always has been and always will be a target on The Challenge, and it’s easy to see why. Aside from his spotty, violent track record, he’s easily one of the strongest if not the strongest competitor on every season.

However, he is certainly not the type to back down when he finds himself in a corner, and a lot of players like Johnny, Wes, Kenny, and Evan have always been extremely threatened by that.

Wes Vs. Johnny

Wes and Johnny on The Challenge

In this season of The Challenge hell has frozen over and Wes and Johnny have finally become allies. Or at the very least, not enemies.

But the enmity between these two top dogs goes back for more than a decade, and up until now it was always a guarantee that they would both be running the major house alliances and doing whatever they could to undermine each other.

Adam King Vs. CT


Although Adam and CT seem to have made up now, their rivalry is pretty hard to top simply because of how scary it was. At the start of The Duel II, Adam and CT got into the only fight on The Challenge that was downright terrifying.

When CT thought Adam was talking behind his back, he and Adam traded words and then blows, but literally every man in the house, including people working for production, couldn’t hold CT back.