The Challenge: Producers Dragged for Casting ‘Boring’ Big Brother Players

Producers from The Challenge were recently dragged online for casting “boring” Big Brother players. Fans seem to think that the problem does not lie within casting from Big Brother, but with who producers choose to cast. According to viewers, personality and gameplay are two separate factors when it comes to entertainment.

Fans have noticed a pattern in Big Brother competitors over the last few seasons. The dominance of powerful male alliances is evident. While strong players make for great competition, fans agree that they do not necessarily make for good television. The predictability of the cast does not provide entertainment for fans. Fans note that this pattern of foreseeable content is also evident in The Challenge.

Fans dragged producers for casting lackluster Big Brother players in a Reddit discussion thread. Two players, Kaycee and Fessy, are mentioned as coasting through the season while “the rest of the house struggles to make it by.” According to viewers, the solution lies in casting players with interesting personalities. One fan even gives casting suggestions, “Kemi, Brett, and Haleigh for the rookies, and Da’Vonne, Bayleigh, Swaggy, Natalie, and Paulie for the vets.” Fortunately, fans credit one player with having ‘character’ outside of gameplay. Josh consistently entertains fans despite dragging producers from The Challenge for casting “boring players. 

While some fans provided suggestions on who to cast, other fans attributed the boringness of the show to different levels of manipulation. A fan wrote, “The show is also starting to feel a little over-produced to me as well. Manipulated.” Another disagreed and claimed the show is not manipulated enough, “The show isn’t manipulated enough – what stupid producer gave us Amber B v Big T in a hall brawl when we could have had Kyle v CT.” The fan continued by suggesting how producers can make the show more interesting, “when production saw how the game was turning out – a Leroy / Kam / BB lockdown from week one – they should have been blowing it up.” A completely different idea was presented when a fan retorted, “I would rather see more Survivor contestants. At least they have more proven skills of survival and challenges than people pumped out of Big Brother.” 

Viewers continue to speculate on the possibilities for increasing the entertainment factor of The Challenge. While some seem to think that the under-or over-manipulation of the show is the reason for the lack of entertainment, most agree that the problem lies with who is chosen as a cast member. Producers are now faced with a challenge of their own, as the future of the show may depend on who they choose to cast for upcoming seasons.

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