The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Homelander

The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Homelander

When one talks about some of the greatest and most powerful superheroes around, then it goes without saying that familiar names like Superman, Thor, Green Lantern, and Hulk would come up. However, there’s one name that has come up recently who would make anyone shudder.

Obviously, this character is none other than Homelander of The Boys — the leader of The Seven who is pretty much the equivalent of Superman in this universe… without the inherent sense of righteousness and a moral compass that is pointed in the right direction, that is. He’s easily one of the most intriguing characters in the show, with Antony Starr being nothing short of stellar with the manner in which he captures everyone’s attention with his commanding yet vulnerable performance.

So, as is the case with any interesting fictional character, there are still a number of mysterious things about this character that remain unanswered to this day.

Was He Really All That Comfortable With Killing A Child?

The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Homelander

The finale of Season 1 was certainly quite a shock that left viewers on the edge of their seats, eliciting gasps from all over the world when Homelander looked into his lover’s eyes and lasered her skull into an empty husk. He also triggered the bomb attached to Stillwell… which was even more disturbing, considering who else was in the house along with him, Madelyn, and Butcher.

He did save the baby, but the fact that he didn’t even think twice about Teddy before triggering the bomb is quite horrifying — is he such a psychopath that even the death of an infant is fair game for him?

Why Didn’t He Just Kill Butcher When He Had The Chance?

homelander billy butcher the boys

During this moment, Homelander also decided to tell Butcher that Becca was alive and actually had a son with Homelander as well.

He kept him alive in a bid to make him realize that all his motivations were a lie… but wouldn’t it have been convenient for Homelander, the rest of The Seven, and Vought if he had executed Butcher right there and then?

Sure, it wouldn’t have really made for compelling television, but it was still a logical move nevertheless.

Is Stan Edgar Like A Father Figure For Him Now?

Giancarlo Esposito as Stan Edgar in The Boys

With the death of Madelyn Stillwell, we see Homelander struggling with her absence in the first few episodes of Season 2, before coming into his own.

That being said, one can’t help but feel that the manner in which he got a dressing down from Edgar was quite demeaning — something that Homelander relished in his conversations with Madelyn.

Is it possible that Edgar might replace the role of Madelyn in his life now?

Did Ryan Just Forget Homelander’s Abuse?

Homelander hugging Ryan in The Boys

Getting pushed off a roof would be a traumatic experience for any child, even if said child might have superhero powers — especially when the person who did the pushing was the child’s father.

Yet, Ryan seems to forget Homelander’s violent conduct in a moment’s notice when the leader of The Seven makes another unwanted appearance at Becca’s house.

Why Did He Think That A Sheltered Child Like Ryan Would Be Okay With Massive Crowds?

Antony Starr as Homelander Cameron Crovetti as Ryan Butcher The Boys

Ryan has been kept in a fairly remote location for the majority of his life. So, it was a given that he wouldn’t exactly function well in a crowded environment.

However, this doesn’t even concern Homelander or Stormfront when they go to a Vought-owned restaurant, where the scores of people hounding the superheroes inevitably made Ryan panic.

How Has He Not Amassed A Permanent Group Of Haters After His War Crimes?

Homelander Comics

After Homelander’s war crimes became public knowledge and he faced off against an unruly crowd, his unsatisfactory responses would’ve sure angered the public even more.

However, in later episodes, Homelander is shown talking to fairly civil crowds that still love him, making this whole war crime angle seem completely useless.

Is Public Approval Really All That Important To Him?

The Boys Homelander Finale

The only memorable moment that the war crime angle brought about was a shot of Homelander’s imagination as he lasered everyone in the crowd — basically, enacting petty revenge upon people that he looked down on.

So, the idea that the approval of the public meant so much to him that he would leave Queen Maeve, The Boys, and his son alone and never interfere in their lives sounds somewhat far-fetched.

Could He Really Not Have Done Anything About The Flight Crashing?

Homelander and Maeve watch the plane crash

A major point in Season 1 was when Homelander and Queen Maeve try to stop a hijacking on a flight… only for the former to accidentally laser the plane’s controls and pretty much seal everyone’s fate on the aircraft.

However, it’s not like he couldn’t have tried to stop the plane and redirect it in some manner, right? After all, he can fly in the air by generating some force, so perhaps using more of it would’ve allowed him to slow the flight down and redirect it in a safer manner.

Did He Even Like Stormfront In The First Place?

Homelander and Stormfront in The Boys

Stormfront and Homelander didn’t exactly get off on the right foot with their first few interactions, but this was quickly amended when Stormfront revealed that she was as much of a sicko as Homelander.

This led to their relationship blossoming to an extent… that is, until Stormfront revealed how extreme she really was with her beliefs, which — coupled with her dislike of Becca and Ryan — must’ve set off some red flags even in Homelander’s mind.

Given the fact that viewers don’t really see Homelander reacting to Stormfront’s situation much, it begs the question — did he even like her all that much, if at all?

Was His Relationship With Maeve Even Genuine, To Begin With?

Queen Maeve Speaking To Homelander in The Boys

Speaking of Homelander’s romances, the “relationship” he had with Maeve seems like a relevant question as well. While the two of them don’t exactly seem all that close, their history is still talked about quite a bit.

Given this revelation, it seems fair to ask, was their relationship just a power play by Homelander, a way for Maeve to appear straight… or were there actual feelings involved?