The Big Bang Theory: Characters Fans Want To Be Stranded On A Desert Island With, According To Reddit

The Big Bang Theory: Characters Fans Want To Be Stranded On A Desert Island With, According To Reddit

The group of friends on The Big Bang Theory are close because of the similar interests they possess. From science to comics, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, and Leonard have a lot in common. At the same time, their different personalities give each person strengths that the other lacks. These strengths and weaknesses are highlighted at work and in their personal relationships with Penny, Bernadette, and Amy.

It’s these strengths and weaknesses that influenced a Reddit thread by Redditor Amflyinhigh: “Which two characters would you want to try to survive on a desert island?” TBBT chimed in with their choices and why they’d be stuck on an island with them.

Penny & Howard (Skills & A Workman)

The Big Bang Theory: Characters Fans Want To Be Stranded On A Desert Island With, According To Reddit

Penny and Howard didn’t always get along. The ongoing storyline of Howard flirting with Penny while she crushed on Leonard was humorous until Penny had enough of his creepy ways. With Howard in his place, their friendship later grew into one of mutual understanding and respect.

In the 12th and final season, these two got along extremely well, which is why Reddit u/Innocent_Aussie would choose them both to be stuck on an island with. They wrote, “Penny could hunt and fish, Howard would be able to build shelter and other tools.”

Howard & Raj (An Engineer & A Cook)

Howard apologizes to Raj for not inviting him to his aughter's birthday in The Big Bang Theory

Howard and Raj always considered themselves extremely close, but as the series progressed, fans wondered if Howard and Raj maybe shouldn’t consider themselves best friends. Howard was picking on Raj more and more and Raj’s confidence dropped because of it.

Nevertheless, some fans believe having Howard and Raj together on an island could be beneficial. As Reddit u/Amanystya said, “Having an engineer would be a huge help and in the meantime, Raj can do the cooking.” Raj is the better homemaker and would make life on a deserted island comfortable while Howard could help with shelter or creating a raft to help them.

Penny & Sheldon (Smarts & Outdoors Skills)

Sheldon feeds Penny a piece of chocolate as a part of behavioral conditioning on The Big Bang Theory

The friendship between Penny and Sheldon was one of the best in the series. As different as they are as people, they really understood each other and were patient with each other. Their differences as people could make them helpful on a deserted island.

Reddit u/Ferrocarrilusa told Reddit that they would choose “Shenny” as their helpful duo. They continued writing that Sheldon has “the best brain” and Penny has “the best outdoor skills.” Together, the odds of making it off the island alive are high.

Amy & Howard (A Biologist & Builder)

Amy is shocked by Howards magic trick on the big bang theory

Howard and Amy had some of the best moments in the series even though they didn’t have too many scenes together. Not only did they work well in the lab together but they had similar tastes in music and books.

Because these two get along so well, Reddit u/Totorobree said they’d choose Amy because “she’s a biologist and would most likely have a decent understanding of flora and fauna on the island, and what’s safe/not safe to eat.” They’d also choose Howard “because he’s an engineer and could make a decent house and tools.”

Sheldon By Himself (His Brain Is All A Person Would Need)

Sheldon says goodbye to his friends in a video

Why pick two characters if one character is enough? Reddit u/Environmental-Win836 wrote that they would only choose Sheldon to live with on a deserted island. “The man’s a genius, I don’t care how insufferable he’s going to be,” they told Reddit.

As one of the most intelligent characters on The Big Bang Theory, the series revolves around Sheldon’s genius and how he handles everyday life as such. As awkward or annoying as Sheldon can be, his smarts would be beneficial when it comes to food, water, animals, etc.

Amy & Bernadette (Motherly Instincts & A Scientific Background)

Amy and Bernadette in the lab in The Big Bang Theory

Although Amy and Bernadette fussed over who Penny’s best friend was, these two were also best friends. Unlike their bond with Penny, Amy and Bernadette enjoyed talking about their careers and the latest trends in science. Together, they’re a powerful duo.

Although it’s not completely clear what Reddit u/JevGeek55555 means about “one [character being a] a genius and the other is a mother,” the two women would be great to have as allies. Both women are extremely intelligent and would be able to handle any diseases or fungi on the island, while also making sure that everyone is well and doing their part to get rescued.

Sheldon & Amy (Emergency Packs & A Primate Trainer)

Sheldon sitting on the floor with his head in his hand and Amy sitting leaning against him in TBBT

Although Sheldon and Amy’s relationship timeline dragged on throughout the series until the pair got engaged and married, their joint intelligence made them one of the smartest couples in the series. Not only that but Amy knew how to handle Sheldon in a variety of situations, which their friends found helpful.

Reddit u/MajorZombie7204 said they would choose them to be on a deserted island for obvious reasons. “Sheldon will have some emergency pack with him and I assume he can still shoot a bow and arrow for food, plus I believe he knows how to turn urine back into freshwater.” They’d also choose Amy, “because she may be the only one who was in the Boy Scouts, can train any primates that are around to help gather food, can cook, and […] most importantly will help keep Sheldon calm.”

Penny & Amy (Common Sense & No Overthinking)

Penny looking uncomfortable at one of Amy's comments

Amy and Penny’s friendship timeline was one of the best in the series because they grew with each other. Amy helped Penny be more serious and think more deeply about the world while Penny helped Amy become more sociable.

The two became incredibly close, which is why it could be a good idea to have them on the island as a unit. Reddit u/Jsbrando said they’d choose Penny because “She’s got common sense [and] smarts to get sh*t done.” They’d also choose Amy because “She [wouldn’t] overthink things as much as Sheldon or Leonard for survival.” Having Sheldon or Leonard would be helpful but Amy is more decisive.

Raj & Penny (Following The Stars & Strength)

An image of Penny talking to Raj on The Big Bang Theory

Raj always dreamt of being in a relationship with Penny but it never happened. The two did makeout with each other after too much wine but it never went further than that. Without the physical aspect, Penny and Raj became great friends who respected each other.

Reddit u/yamaca would choose Penny because of how funny she is, her “outdoor skills,” and because she’d “probably whip up some homemade wine and have a blast.” And while they too wouldn’t mind choosing Sheldon as Penny’s partner, Raj could be a great choice because he’d “navigate the stars” and would be helpful if survivors were able to sail off the island.

Bernadette & Penny (Fiesty & Smart)

Penny listens to a drunk Bernadette while in Vegas

Bernadette’s feistiness, wit, and smarts make her a great person to be stuck on an island with. Paired with Penny’s drive to succeed and come out on top, this duo would be helpful on a deserted island.

Although Bernadette aged poorly with her side remarks about Howard and her judgments of Sheldon, Reddit u/CraftCritical278 would love to have her on the island with Penny. They wrote, “Bernadette could defend us from wild animals, invaders, etc. She’s feisty.” Meanwhile, Penny is one of the more logical choices because of her common sense.