The Best Character In Every Christopher Nolan Movie

The Best Character In Every Christopher Nolan Movie

Christopher Nolan is one of the most revered filmmakers working today. But he’s more renowned for the technical aspects of his films, like breathtaking IMAX cinematography and mind-blowing practical stunts, than the storytelling aspects. Nolan’s visuals tend to distract from his plots and characters. But his movies are full of great characters, too.

From the all-time greatest adaptation of the Joker to a cold-blooded killer played by Robin Williams, Nolan’s filmography is jam-packed with unforgettable characters. In each of his films, one character stands out more than all the others – and it’s not always the main protagonist (who, in Tenet, was literally called “The Protagonist”).

Following – Cobb

The Best Character In Every Christopher Nolan Movie

Nolan’s low-budget debut feature revolves around an unemployed writer, identified only as “The Young Man,” who fills his days by following strangers around. The people he observes from afar are a lot more interesting than the writer himself. One of the people he follows confronts him and identifies himself as Cobb, a petty thief who likes to burgle residences.

For Cobb, the things he steals are secondary to the thrill of sneaking around someone else’s flat and drinking their booze. Nolan later reused the name Cobb for the lead protagonist in Inception.

Memento – Leonard Shelby

Guy Pearce holding a Polaroid in Memento

The central protagonist isn’t always the most compelling character in a Christopher Nolan movie. But in the case of Memento, the psychological thriller that put him on the map, the protagonist is the most interesting. The whole movie is told from Leonard Shelby’s skewed perspective.

Shelby leaves notes and messages for himself because he can’t remember anything. The audience has to piece together the murder mystery as Shelby himself tries to piece it together.

Insomnia – Walter Finch

Robin Williams on a ferry in Insomnia

Nolan’s grisly crime thriller Insomnia, a remake of the Norwegian film of the same name, stars Al Pacino as a detective and Robin Williams as the villain he’s chasing. Williams played against type in Insomnia, and gave a chilling performance as a cold-hearted killer.

Williams became a comedy legend with his commitment to silly bits and wacky impressions. In Insomnia, he commits just as wholeheartedly to playing a reprehensible monster.

Batman Begins – Alfred Pennyworth

Michael Caine as Alfred in Batman Begins

Michael Caine was perfectly cast in the role of Alfred Pennyworth in Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, starting with his turn in Batman Begins. Caine brought more nuance to Batman’s butler than any previous actor.

He developed a palpable father-son dynamic with Christian Bale across the three movies. Caine’s Alfred is full of dry one-liners, but he also has plenty of tearjerking monologues.

The Prestige – Nikola Tesla

David Bowie as Nikola Tesla in The Prestige

Nikola Tesla’s role in The Prestige marks one of the few times Nolan has included a real-life historical figure in his movies (although there are going to be plenty of historical figures in his next movie, Oppenheimer). The world-renowned inventor and futurist plays a small but crucial role in the story.

David Bowie gives a wildly charismatic performance in the role. There’s a hilarious irony in a sex symbol being cast to play an inventor who famously chose a life of celibacy.

The Dark Knight – The Joker

Heath Ledger with a Joker card in The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight has been praised as not only one of the best comic book movie villains, but also one of the greatest villains in film history. The Joker effortlessly steals the spotlight from the titular vigilante and makes the movie his own.

Nolan’s take on the Joker is still the best adaptation of the character (by far). True to the comics, this Joker is the polar opposite of Batman. Whereas the Bat is a meticulous planner who wants everything to go his way, the Clown Prince of Crime is an agent of chaos who throws caution to the wind.

Inception – Eames

Tom Hardy smiling in Inception

The supporting role of Eames gave Tom Hardy his first of many roles in Christopher Nolan movies. There are many great characters in Inception, from audience surrogate Ariadne to dream projection/femme fatale Mal Cobb. But Eames steals the spotlight from all of them.

A master of identity theft, Eames is devilishly charming. Hardy plays the part with the perfect mix of flamboyance and badassery.

The Dark Knight Rises – Bane

Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

Nolan’s next movie, The Dark Knight Rises, was bolstered with another standout Tom Hardy performance. Topping Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker was an insurmountable feat. But Hardy still managed to make an unforgettable villain out of Bane.

Bane poses a physical threat to the Caped Crusader, whereas the Joker posed a psychological threat. In a glorious recreation of the iconic scene from the comics, Bane breaks Batman’s back over his knee.

Interstellar – TARS

TARS in the water in Interstellar

The resident robot on Cooper’s space crew, TARS, is a more endearing character than any of the humans who go along for the mission in Interstellar. The android has a delightfully sardonic sense of humor.

In true Nolan fashion, the filmmaker didn’t rely on CGI to bring TARS to life. Some of the character’s scenes are computer-generated, but most of them were created using practical effects. The great Bill Irwin provided TARS’ voice and operated the puppet.

Dunkirk – Farrier

Tom Hardy in a fighter plane in Dunkirk

There are three protagonists in Dunkirk – one on the land, one at sea, and one in the air – and the latter is by far the most badass one of the bunch. Played by Tom Hardy, Farrier is a fighter pilot who swoops in to save the day in the finale. Once again, Nolan covered up Hardy’s face for this role, allowing him to act all of his scenes with just his eyes.

Farrier puts the Allies’ fight against the Axis powers above his own well-being. He torches his downed plane so that the enemy won’t be able to figure out how its technology works.

Tenet – Neil

Robert Pattinson looking back in Tenet

Nolan’s spy-fi epic Tenet stars John David Washington as a time-traveling secret agent known only as “The Protagonist.” Washington gives a fine performance and Kenneth Branagh hams it up as a truly sinister Eastern European megalomaniac.

But Robert Pattinson steals the show as The Protagonist’s handler, Neil. This character proves that Pattinson would make a great James Bond with the pitch-perfect blend of Sean Connery’s suaveness and Roger Moore’s wackiness.