The Batman (2022): 10 Reasons To Be Excited For The Penguin Spin-Off After The Movie

The Batman (2022): 10 Reasons To Be Excited For The Penguin Spin-Off After The Movie

There are a lot of characters in The Batman and of the many stellar performances, one of the most show-stealing was Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepott AKA The Penguin. Not only was Mike Marino’s makeup award-worthy, but Colin brought the bombastic character to life so well.

Apparently, Matt Reeves and Colin Farrell enjoyed working together so much that a spin-off series was announced before The Batman was even released. Prior to the film, it might have seemed like a strange choice but The Batman sets up what could be another hit DC series for HBO Max with The Penguin.

Making Penguin A Layered Character

The Batman (2022): 10 Reasons To Be Excited For The Penguin Spin-Off After The Movie

Even the most die-hard fans of the Penguin will admit that the majority of comics turn Penguin into a throwaway villain. This could be the chance for Penguin to rise to the same popularity as the Joker or Bane.

Oswald and Batman have quite the rivalry in the comics, so developing both the hero and the villain at the same time in different projects could benefit the story, turning the Penguin into a true nemesis. Colin Farrell has stated in interviews that he wants to make the Penguin into a fleshed-out and layered character who is more than the typical crime lord.

More Of Penguin’s Humor

Penguin seeing the Batmobile in his side view mirror in The Batman

One of the more surprising aspects of Matt Reeves’ The Batman was how comical it would get. Batman, Jim Gordon, and The Penguin all manage to bring laughs due to the witty and natural dialogue. Penguin was easily the funniest character with his comments and overall sassy nature.

With so many funny moments in The Batman, the spin-off can use the humor to its advantage. Not only to get audiences to enjoy his presence, but also to alleviate them from what will likely be a much darker crime story.

Expanding On Gotham City

A view of Gotham City in The Batman

Matt Reeves delivered one of the best versions of Gotham City without even showing very much. With The Penguin, fans can learn even more about Gotham City through the Penguin’s eyes. The different boroughs and districts, showing which gangs control these sections, further showcase Gotham as a character itself.

Even famous comic book locations such as the Monarch Theater, Ace Chemicals, and Blackgate Prison can be expanded upon or introduced. The Batman already featured Penguin’s club known as The Iceberg Lounge which could easily be upgraded now that Cobblepott is in charge.

Other DC Cities

A Welcome to Blüdhaven sign in the comics

Crime doesn’t limit itself to Gotham City, which leaves The Penguin to open a Batman universe out to other cities featured in the comics. Crime lords of Gotham City often also had business in the sister city of Blüdhaven. And, Selina Kyle directly mentioned Blüdhaven as one of the potential spots she would travel to in The Batman.

Since the city is already canon and is famous for being the operating grounds for Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing, having Penguin go there for business would simply be another way to further expand Matt Reeves’ Batverse for the future. Or the show could explore other cities such as Star City, Keystone City, and Metropolis.

The Umbrellas

The Penguin holding his umbrella whilst aiming a pistol in Batman comics

One of the definitive elements about The Penguin in the comics is his umbrella. This was not really shown in The Batman, but that can easily be fixed with the spin-off series. As he becomes more and more powerful as a crime boss, he learns to develop a signature look that others fear. In a way, he could be inspired by the way Batman operates.

As for the gadgetry that is often seen in Penguin’s umbrellas, it’s not hard to believe Colin Farrell’s incarnation would have them. Maybe not to the ridiculous extent that Danny DeVito’s iconic version of the Penguin had, but simple trick umbrellas such as a hidden blade, a firearm, or even a taser could work.

Potentially An R-Rated Story

The Penguin staring down at Batman in the Batmobile in The Batman

Matt Reeves pushed the limits of a PG-13 superhero story with The Batman. There were elements that could have fit right into an R-rated film, such as the grimy and seedy underbelly of Gotham. Since The Penguin would be a story about a villain, an R rating would be fitting.

Not only is it a villain story, but if it’s a mob/crime thriller in the same vein as The Sopranos or The Godfather, a PG-13 is not impossible but not ideal either. The Penguin is a ruthless crime boss who often murders people in gruesome ways due to his harsh temper, and HBO Max could display that in all its severe brutality.

Other Crime Bosses

Black Mask in the cinematic trailer for Arkham Origins

It is stated that with Carmine Falcone gone and Gotham City now a no man’s land due to Riddler’s flooding, there is going to be a void with criminals fighting for control. This makes The Penguin into the prime series to introduce the other famous crime bosses of the DC universe.

From Batman’s rogues alone there is Black Mask, The Ventriloquist, Anarky, The Great White Shark, and even Ra’s Al Ghul with his League Of Assassins. Then there are other gangs from across the DC universe, including those led by Count Vertigo and Prometheus.

Introduce Other Villains

Aaron Eckhart as Two Face in The Dark Knight

Since only so much can be done per Batman movie, The Penguin could act as a springboard for villains to be introduced then implemented into sequels to The Batman. For example, with the District Attorney killed by The Riddler, Harvey Dent could easily be introduced as the main antagonist for Oswald Cobblepott.

Obviously, introducing Harvey Dent would lead to him transforming into Two-Face. Penguin always has henchmen and hitmen to do his dirty work, which leaves room for the likes of Deadshot or Killer Croc.

Potential Batman Appearances

The batman Batmobile so low tech

Robert Pattinson has openly expressed his joy in playing Bruce Wayne, and he impressed fans with The Batman. As such, it would not make much sense to have someone like Penguin roaming the city and not have him encounter Batman. Especially since this Batman is shown to be undeterrable in his quest to fight crime.

Batman appearing on The Penguin could be the equivalent of Luke Skywalker or Cad Bane in the Disney+ Star Wars shows. Not only does it make sense to have them, but it would lead to show-stealing scenes making for iconic moments in the series.

Penguin’s Origin Story

Penguin looking out over Gotham

An official synopsis for The Penguin states that “every story has a beginning.” This could be a hint of The Penguin’s rise to power in Gotham City but also potentially the origin of Oswald Cobblepott. Perhaps fans will see flashbacks to Oswald’s tragic childhood a la Penguin: Pain And Prejudice.

Colin Farrell’s version of The Penguin featured several noticeable scars that could possibly be explained with his series. Colin Farrell has also spoken in interviews about the fact that he considers “Penguin” to be an insulting nickname, thus it would be interesting to delve into how he gained that name and created The Iceberg Lounge.