The Bat-Family’s Webtoon Series Shows Self Care is a Superhero’s Best Power

The Bat-Family’s Webtoon Series Shows Self Care is a Superhero’s Best Power

Every day, superheroes and crime fighters risk life and limb to keep the world safe; it can be a selfless and thankless job. While most of the time their antics are the focus of comic books, WEBTOON’s Batman: Wayne Family Adventures takes the reader behind the masks and into the personal lives of the gaggle of crime fighters living in Wayne Manor alongside Batman himself.

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures is a series on WEBTOON that stars everyone’s favorite Bat-Family in adorable and heartwarming slice-of-life moments. While family and friendship aren’t exactly new for the Caped Crusader and company, Wayne Family Adventures is somehow deeper and sweeter than any take on the group before. Batman, Alfred, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, and more have a chance to shine and interact meaningfully with one another in a more understated way. There is still action to be had, but most of it takes a backseat to the interpersonal relationships between Gotham’s beloved heroes.

Beyond being silly and cute, this series tackles some heavy-hitting and very realistic issues that anyone can relate to. These can be on a smaller scale, like Bruce Wayne trying to find his work-life balance after missing Cassandra Cain’s dance recital or can be problems of a higher magnitude, like Jason Todd battling PTSD after being captured by the Joker. Either way, each topic is handled respectfully and explored fully. Wayne Family Adventures also explores the desire to belong and the fear of failure shown through Robin-turned-Batgirl Stephanie Brown. Tim Drake has to remind her she doesn’t have to push herself so hard because she never had anything to prove. Additionally, Cassandra Cain struggles with feeling like just her father’s weapon and that all she can do is hurt people, not just with her fists, but her words and actions. Luckily, she finds reassurance that she’s more than her abilities and can be trusted with her found family’s life and legacy.

The Bat-Family’s Webtoon Series Shows Self Care is a Superhero’s Best Power

In a two-part comic focusing on Barbara Gordon aka the Oracle, readers see her struggling with taking a break from her job monitoring the city. She worries that if she stops, even for a moment, someone will get hurt. When Dick Grayson stops by to check on her, even she has to admit what she’s doing isn’t healthy and that they all deserve to take care of themselves. That is so important not just for Babs to hear at that moment, but for readers as well.

It’s not hard to see why this series has struck a chord with so many audiences. While readers might not have a man in clown makeup they battle or a secret underground cave with a bunch of gadgets stowed inside, they are presented with very realistic problems than they can relate to. There are real and healthy coping mechanisms and ways to reach out to chosen families portrayed in the panels of Wayne Family Adventures. Self-care can be vital to a healthy and happy existence, even for someone as strong as Batman.

Wayne Family Adventures is available on WEBTOON.