The Bachelor: 10 Signs The Show Doesn’t Care About Its Lead Joey Graziadei

The Bachelor: 10 Signs The Show Doesn’t Care About Its Lead Joey Graziadei

The Bachelor season 28 producers’ top priority should be helping leading man Joey Graziadei to find the love of his life, but they’ve proven time and again that they don’t have his best interests at heart. Joey, a 28-year-old tennis pro from Collegeville, Pennsylvania, got his start as the runner-up on Charity Lawson’s Bachelorette season. Although Joey and Charity fell in love, he was heartbroken when she broke up with him to get engaged to Dotun Olubeko. However, Joey later happily accepted the lead role of The Bachelor so that he could continue his journey to find his future wife.

Throughout The Bachelor season 28, Joey has formed some deep connections with women such as Daisy Kent, Kelsey Anderson, Rachel Nance, Maria Georgas, Kelsey Toussant, Jenn Tran, and Lexi Young. However, there has also been plenty of drama among the women that has taken the focus away from the love stories. Some of this is the fault of the producers, who’ve proven that they don’t really care about Joey.

The Bachelor: 10 Signs The Show Doesn’t Care About Its Lead Joey Graziadei


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1 The Bachelor Exploits Joey’s Emotions

The Producers Use His Emotions For High Ratings

Montage of The Bachelor's Joey Graziadei with rose petals

Since The Bachelor season 28 began, the previews have teased a scene from the season finale in which Joey stands, stunned and crying, on the platform where the Bachelor traditionally proposes. The fact that the producers have made this moment the one to wait for during the season proves that they don’t care about Joey. Their priority is getting high ratings by making people wonder how the season, which they’ve teased is unprecedented, will end. Joey’s emotions have been exploited, just as they were during Charity’s season.

2 The Group Dates Are Degrading To Everyone

The Group Date Themes Can Be Embarrassing

If The Bachelor producers truly cared about Joey finding love and spending quality time with the women, then they wouldn’t force them to participate in group dates that make everyone uncomfortable. The activities are childish and embarrassing, and don’t allow Joey to really get to know the women. Sometimes there isn’t even enough time for Joey to speak to everyone there.

From the Bachelor wedding group date, during which the women had to wear wedding dresses and pretend to be at a wedding reception with nine brides married to Joey, to the group date in Malta in which they had to catch sausages in their mouths, the dates appear to be designed for people to laugh at, rather than with, the women. In addition, during the group date in Malta, Joey wore a revealing outfit that reduced him to a piece of meat, rather than the future husband of one of the women.

3 The Drama Among The Women Feels Scripted

Sydney Gordon Appeared To Be A Producer Plant

During The Bachelor season 28, drama between Sydney Gordon and Maria erupted when Sydney overheard Maria commenting about Madina Alam’s concerns about being one of the oldest contestants on the show at 31. Although Sydney thought that Maria was speaking badly about Madina, Maria was actually saying that Madina should own her age because she was such a beautiful woman.

Although Madina and Maria eventually smoothed things over, Sydney made it her mission to expose Maria as a “mean girl” and a bully, even though Maria wasn’t either of those things. Sydney’s reaction was so extreme that it appeared that she might be a producer plant, added to the show for the sole purpose of creating and continuing drama. After Joey sent Sydney home on the two-on-one date, her friend, Lea Cayanan, picked up right where she left off, continuing to target Maria. It all feels very scripted, especially since Maria is never shown actually doing any of the things that Sydney and Lea have accused her of doing.

If it’s true that the producers have created the drama among the women by planting contestants, then that’s very unfair to Joey. The point of The Bachelor is for the lead to find love, not to act as a referee among the women. The drama takes away time from the romance, which is what fans have been telling the producers for years that they’d rather see. Viewers saw more of Sydney before Joey sent her home than many of the other women who could become his future wife. In addition, the seemingly scripted fights are exhausting to watch, and prove that the producers don’t care about Joey, but would rather see the women argue.

The Bachelor 28's Lea, Daisy, and Rachel


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4 The Two-On-One Date Created Unnecessary Drama

Joey, Maria, & Sydney Deserved Better

During The Bachelor, there is often a two-on-one date in which rival contestants are forced to go on the same date with the lead. He can then choose to keep both women, or send one or both of them home. Of course, during Joey’s season, Sydney and Maria were chosen for the two-on-one date.

Throughout the date, Joey seemed more like an adult trying to keep the peace between two bickering teenagers, rather than a man who was dating them.Although Sydney was the main antagonist, the date reduced Maria to someone who had to defend herself through all the petty drama. It’s always cringeworthy when the Bachelor sends one of the women home in front of the other one as well. If the producers really cared about Joey finding his wife, then this date never would have happened. They all deserved better.

5 The Producers Keep Things From Joey

Joey Deserves To Know The Truth

The Bachelor Season 28's Joey Graziadei with his contestants behind him

A simple solution to the drama would be for the Bachelor producers to let Joey in on some of the things that happen among the women in the house. If they really cared about Joey, they wouldn’t have left him wondering if Sydney or Maria was telling the truth. Instead, they would just inform him about what was really happening. He deserves to know the truth about what’s happening.

If The Bachelor producers were sincere in their intentions, they wouldn’t mentally torture Joey by planting doubts in his head about women with whom he’s forming strong connections. Since everything is filmed, once in a while, the Bachelor should be allowed to review the tapes. While some might argue that this would ruin the integrity of the show, it would actually do the opposite and allow the Bachelor to make informed decisions about something so important as his future wife.

The Bachelor Season 28 cast


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6 The Sisters Twist Made Things Awkward

Sisters Allison & Lauren Hollinger Joined The Show Together

The Bachelor Season 28 Sisters Allison & Lauren Hollinger Promotional Photos Side-By-Side

One of the worst things that the Bachelor season 28 producers did to Joey was allowing him to meet sisters Allison and Lauren Hollinger without knowing that they were related. Although Allison and Lauren told him that they were sisters on premiere night, and Joey even admitted that he was beginning to figure it out, it was still a very awkward situation. There was absolutely no regard for Joey with the choice to cast sisters on his season. It was all a ploy from the producers to get people to tune in to see what would happen.

7 There Were Too Many Women From The Start

Joey’s Season Began With 32 Women

The Bachelor season 28 began with 32 women, tied with Matt James’ Bachelor season for the most initial contestants ever. However, Matt’s season didn’t film at the Bachelor Mansion due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so the producers marked Joey’s season as the one with the most contestants to arrive at the mansion. This distinction might seem exciting, but all it really did was create a situation in which Joey didn’t even have the chance to speak to some of the women before the first rose ceremony. In an attempt to supersize the season, the producers belittled Joey’s sincere search for his wife.

8 The Rose Ceremony Call-out Order Creates Drama

The Producers Control When The Roses Are Handed Out

Former Bachelor Sean Lowe revealed in his book For the Right Reasons, that the producers choose the order in which the lead hands out roses to the women. The most obvious choices are given roses first, while the questionable ones are left to sweat it out, wondering if they’ll be chosen. This builds tension for the audience as well, since it’s usually the contestants with the most drama, such as Sydney, Lea, and Jess Edwards, who receive their roses last.

Although this is understandable because The Bachelor is, after all, a TV show, taking away any decision-making from Joey makes the rest of the show suspect. If the producers control the order of the roses, then what other strings might they be pulling behind the scenes? If the show truly had Joey’s best interests at heart, then he would be in complete control of every situation.

 Lexi Young On The Bachelor Season 28 montage with Joey


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9 Joey Is Isolated

The Bachelor Isn’t Allowed To Speak To His Family & Friends

Joey Graziadei The Bachelorette Promo Photo

One of the strangest aspects of The Bachelor is how the lead and contestants are kept in complete isolation from the outside world, except for those with whom they interact on dates. There’s really no reason why the lead can’t consult with trusted and beloved family members or friends to help keep them grounded throughout the process. If the producers really cared about Joey and other Bachelors’ mental health, then they would allow them to speak to a select few loved ones during the show in order to gain perspective.

The isolation on The Bachelor creates a fake world in which the lead and the women can only focus on each other, which could be why almost all of the relationships from the show have crumbled after filming wrapped. It’s unnatural and proves that the producers don’t care about the lead. Instead, they want to keep them isolated and completely immersed in the Bachelor world.

10 The Bachelor Feels Like A Game Show

The Bachelor Contestants Can Win Advantages

At times, The Bachelor feels more like a game show than a dating show. During Joey’s season, the producers put Lea in an extremely awkward position when they gave her a mystery card during Charity’s “After the Final Rose” episode, which she wasn’t allowed to open until The Bachelor season 28 premiere night. This left viewers hanging for months, wondering what the envelope contained.

When Lea finally opened the envelope, she found that it contained an advantage that would’ve allowed her to steal a one-on-one date from any woman during the season before hometowns. However, she burned the card, stating that she didn’t want to force Joey to take her on a date, and she also didn’t want to have to steal a date from one of her fellow contestants. Joey was so touched by Lea’s actions that he gave her his first impression rose.

If the producers really cared about Joey finding love, then they never would’ve created an advantage for a contestant. Lea and Sydney were the only two contestants who didn’t receive a date in week 2, which makes it seem as though the producers might’ve been setting Lea up to steal the one-on-one date from Daisy. However, she’d already burned the card.

The show shouldn’t be a game in which the women win advantages with the lead, but yet it happens on almost every group date. The feeling of competition among the women heightens the drama, which is exactly what the producers want. However, if they truly had Joey’s best interests at heart, they would allow things to unfold naturally, instead of creating forced situations.

While it’s the Bachelor producers’ job to get high ratings for the show, it should also be their mission to help Joey find his future wife in the purest way possible. Their interference has ruined the integrity of the series. They’ve once again shifted the focus from the romance to the drama, which is getting very old and boring, and this needs to change. Throughout The Bachelor season 28 so far, the producers have proven that they don’t really care about Joey.

The Bachelor TV Series Poster

The Bachelor

The Bachelor is a reality dating series that premiered in 2002. It follows one man’s search for his potential fiancé among several different women. As they travel the world and have exciting one-on-one and group dates, romance and drama develop. The Bachelor has led to many popular spin-offs, including The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise.