The Avengers: 10 Most Shameless Things Thor Has Ever Done

The Avengers: 10 Most Shameless Things Thor Has Ever Done

Thor might be one of the most mighty and powerful members of The Avengers, but that doesn’t mean that he is perfect. He’s an incredible hero who not only fights for his own people of Asgard but also those on Earth, yet at times he can be incredibly stubborn and that has led to him making a few major mistakes. There have been moments where Thor has done some shameless things throughout his time within the MCU, whether that be on his own or alongside the rest of the group.

Whether it’s his sometimes arrogant attitude or the fact he often rushes into mistakes, there are many moments he just makes the wrong decisions. Here are the 10 most shameless things that Thor has ever done.

Thor Takes Loki

The Avengers: 10 Most Shameless Things Thor Has Ever Done

When Thor first gets involved with The Avengers, he doesn’t actually help them out. Captain America and Iron-Man manage to capture Loki and the Tesseract with him and are flying away to keep him imprisoned to work out what to do with him next.

That is until Thor bursts his way through onto the plan, taking his brother away. This, obviously leads to the two heroes giving chase and an epic fight taking place within the forest. Even when it’s explained to Thor that they’re on the same team, he continues to fight with his hammer, showing his arrogant side in a decision that really is a mistake.

He Wants War

Thor fights a Frost Giant

Something that has been clear about Thor from the very beginning is that he is quite an impatient person who isn’t the greatest diplomat. He often rushes into decisions, which is why he’s not ideal to take the throne from his father at the start of the original Thor movie.

When the Frost Giants take the casket of ancient winters, Thor proves how snappy he is by taking a team to them in order to try and physically get it back. This is despite the fact Odin wants to settle the situation diplomatically. Thor instead starts a war that Odin has to clean up, becoming so mad with him that he sends his hammer away.

Get Help!

Throughout many of the MCU movies, Thor and Loki are bitter enemies but it is always clear that deep down they do have a love for each other. This is clear during Thor: Ragnarok where they work together and team up to fight, discussing what they used to do during their youth when they fought alongside each other.

They use a technique that they call “Get Help,” against their enemies, but of course, it is Loki who is on the worst end of this deal. He pretends to be injured asking for help, only for Thor to launch him into his enemies, putting Loki into the eye of the storm first, which is just what a classic big brother would do.

Bringing Out The Hulk

Hulk screams in Rangnarok

Speaking of Thor: Ragnarok, while the relationship between Loki and Thor is explored in this movie, so is the one between him and Hulk. When Bruce Banner finally returns after seeing a video from Black Widow, he makes it clear to Thor that he no longer wants to be the big green destroying machine.

While we later learn in Avengers: Infinity War that it is actually Hulk himself who doesn’t want to come out anymore, Thor ignores Bruce in Thor: Ragnarok. He brings Hulk back out to try and help save his people, and while it is a good reason for him to do that, he doesn’t actually ever consider Bruce Banner’s thoughts and feelings.

Back And Forth With Star-Lord

Thor and Star-Lord face up in Avengers Infinity War

You would think that heroes would be above name-calling and back and forth arguing over “who is the leader” and who has the best body, but that isn’t the cast, as Thor and Star-Lord prove during their exchanges. The two of them bicker like children when they meet.

While the moments do bring some funny scenes, there’s no doubt it’s not a great look for either character as people just expect and demand better from a classic ‘hero.’

Destroying S.H.I.E.L.D

Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Mjolnir in Thor

When Thor first arrives on Earth, he does so desperately searching for Mjolnir and he manages to track it down, which is being protected by S.H.I.E.L.D. The group doesn’t want anyone touching the weapon as they’re not sure what it is capable of, but, of course, that doesn’t stop Thor.

He is well-known for taking matters into his own hands and not trying to explain things and he shows that at this moment. Here he leaps into the restricted area and destroys absolutely everyone and everything in sight to reach Mjolnir, only to find that he cannot even harness the weapon still.

Taking Jane To Asgard

Jane and Thor talking in the rain in Thor: The Dark World

This is another example of a shameless decision that Thor makes, even if it’s from a good place. Thor clearly loves Jane, that much is clear throughout all of their moments together. However, when she begins to become ill, he makes the decision to take her to Asgard to be checked and healed.

However, this is an incredibly risky decision that Thor doesn’t really put any thought or feelings towards. He simply takes her without considering that having a human on Asgard could potentially be a very dangerous situation.

Cyber Bullying

Fortnite Season 2 Gold 8 Ball Style

Who would have thought that the God of Thunder would stoop so low as to be a cyberbully? Nobody ever really expected to see Thor playing a video game in the first place, but during his Bro Thor phase, it is clear that he enjoys the world of Fortnite as much as the next person.

However, when Korg reveals he is getting some abuse from another player online, Thor jumps on the headset to dish out some cyberbullying of his own. Letting his anger take over, he throws out a bunch of threats, including ripping their arms off.

Killing Thanos

While on paper, the idea of Thor killing the biggest and most powerful villain in the history of the MCU seems like a great thing that he should be doing, in reality, it is not. After the snap takes place, The Avengers try to work out the next step and they eventually locate Thanos and track him down.

While he explains that he has destroyed the stones and nothing can be done, it is clear that they want to question him a little further. However, once again Thor’s aggression and inability to think first and act later strikes again as he simply chops his head off instead.

His Drinking Habits

Overweigth Thor sitting on a chair, wearing glasses and seemingly sleeping in Avengers: Endgame.

No doubt the most shameless moments of Thor so far in the MCU come from his latest appearance in, Avengers: Endgame. After the snap, it is clear that Thor isn’t coping well with the situation, believing that he could have stopped the entire situation.

Because of that, he descends to just become an alcoholic who spends his time eating as much as possible, playing Fortnite and doing very little of note. It’s a shameless moment to see him stoop so low considering the powers he does have, just happily giving them all up for a beer.