The Alienist: 5 Reasons John And Sarah Are Perfect Together (& 5 Why They’re Not)

The Alienist: 5 Reasons John And Sarah Are Perfect Together (& 5 Why They’re Not)

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness just wrapped its the second season on TNT. The supposed mini-series first premiered in 2018 but fans fell in love with the show and wanted more. Besides the thrilling chase of a serial killer in both seasons, audiences wanted to know more about Sara Howard (Dakota Fanning) and John Moore (Luke Evans).

The first season left fans on edge with how Sara and John left their relationship. The second season only further complicated their feelings for one another. While fans rallied for them to live happily ever after, are they meant to be? Let’s take a look at how Sara and John are a match made in heaven and how they’re better off going separate ways.

Mean To Be: They Both Have A Need To Bring Justice

The Alienist: 5 Reasons John And Sarah Are Perfect Together (& 5 Why They’re Not)

Being with someone who doesn’t have the same moral compass as you can be tricky. Thankfully, Sara and John both possess the need to do what’s right and just. Despite John only being a journalist and Sara, in the first season, being a secretary, they went on the front lines. Both are willing to go after a mad killer to save innocent lives.

It’s a trait that makes them a good pairing. They’re both good and moral at heart. In both seasons, John and Sara know what is right and do whatever necessary to achieve justice.

Bad: They Can’t Push Themselves To Be Together

Fans of the show were on the edge fo their seat waiting for the moment that Sara and John would finally take that leap of faith. Sadly in the first season, despite John making his emotions clear, they never get together. They both knew they had undeniable feelings but neither went as far as making the relationship concrete.

The same occurs in the second season. Both were on opposite ends of a burning rope that ends up dying near the end. Neither can make the solid decision to be together against what everyone else thinks.

Meant To Be: John Doesn’t Want Sara To Change

One of the main reasons why fans are in love with Sara’s character is because she is a strong and independent woman. She challenges authority and makes her voice heard in a male-dominated world. It’s something that John also greatly admires. In the first season, John did sometimes question her actions as being irrational.

Overall, John never expected Sara to change who she was. He never really pushes her to be more of a lady or submissive in any way. Sara’s “breaking the mold” persona made John proud of her.

Bad: John Cares What People Think

While John felt Sara’s personality to be refreshing, he did somewhat care about what people thought. He also cared about what people thought of him as well. This is more prevalent in the first season seeing as he was still making his name known in his profession.

In the second season, John is also wary of what people think of him. He is engaged to be married to the daughter of a powerful newspaper owner. His constant dismissal at dinner to go be with Sara and Laszlo (Daniel Brühl) often left him feeling a bit standoffish with guests.

Meant To Be: They Help Heal Their Emotional Trauma

Both Sara and John have a sad past with the ones they’ve loved. Sarah grew up very attached to her father and learned how to take care of herself and drink whiskey. John grew up being very close to his brother. They both share an emotional scar. Sarah’s father decided to take his own life with a gunshot to the head.

John lost his dear brother and never fully recovered. Despite the emotional wounds, Sara and John somehow find a way to be themselves when together. They talk openly, they provoke each other intellectually and help each other manage their inner turmoil. When together, they find themselves a bit more whole.

Bad: Sarah Can Be Impulsive

Sarah’s overall personality isn’t one of a submissive lady of the late 1800s. She grew up with her father and learned to not be afraid of men. A lot of times this also means she’s impulsive in her actions. She’s not afraid to go after a possible suspect on her own. This has led to Laszlo and John finding out shortly after and rushing to make sure she’s okay.

Her impulsiveness has also caused John to be fearful for her life and often worries for her. At the same time, John knows she can never change. For John, there is a fear that Sara might one day be gravely hurt.

Meant To Be: They Protect Each Other From Harm

Laszlo, John, and Sara are all good friends who are willing to stand by each other. John and Sara’s relationship is more based on love and emotion. Audiences have seen in various instances in the first season John protecting Sarah. They are small gestures like putting her slightly behind him as a shield.

In the second season, Sarah also does a lot of protection. Now a private detective, Sarah has learned to further take care of herself. When faced with the leader of a city gang, Sarah is the one to save John. She aims her weapon with a steady hand and gaze and has John stand behind her.

Bad: Sara’s Need To Be Independent

Since the first time audiences are introduced to Sara Howard, it’s clear that she is no “proper lady” of the time period. Instead, she is witty, intelligent, and can hold her own. She even becomes the first female secretary at the police force. Sara grew up with a mindset to not let men or anyone diminish her capabilities just for being a woman.

This sometimes proved to be an issue for John and Sara. Sara couldn’t let go of her independence. The same happens in the season but now with her own detective’s agency. Sara feels she has much more to do to change the perception the times have on women.

Meant To Be: Sacrifice For Each Other’s Happiness And Their Respect For Each Other

Spoiler warning. Sometimes the one you love most is the one you have to let go. The second season tested John and Sara’s relationship. Although John is engaged to be married, they can’t push away their feelings for one another. It seems as though John is ready to risk his reputation to finally be with Sara.

Sara is also on board just as long as John pulls the plug. But in the end, their love doesn’t blossom. Jonh discovers his fiancé is pregnant. Sarah congratulates him. While upset, she realizes this is for the best. It’s an opportunity for John to truly be happy and deal with the loss of his brother. In the end, they respect each other’s decisions in life.

Bad: They Want Different Futures

In the first season, Sara made it clear that she didn’t see herself getting married anytime soon. When John jokingly proposes to her, he is shocked to hear she would have considered it. The second season complicated things further.

John wants to be with Sara but she argues that he wants a good home life. Meaning a diligent wife, children, and a stable home. Something she is not necessarily ready for. In the end, Sara let go of John so he can have what he desires most.