The 8 Paths Beyond Death: Marvel Spills the Secrets of Its Afterlife, & the Huge Choice Superheroes Make After Death

The 8 Paths Beyond Death: Marvel Spills the Secrets of Its Afterlife, & the Huge Choice Superheroes Make After Death

Warning: contains spoilers for The Resurrection of Magneto #1!

Marvel spills the secrets of its afterlife, revealing the eight paths beyond death, as well as the huge choices superheroes make after death. Death is a consistent factor in comic books, as is the afterlife. In The Resurrection of Magneto #1, Marvel gives fans a look at the eight paths available to the newly deceased, and it has huge ramifications for the universe and its heroes.

The Resurrection of Magneto #1 was written by Al Ewing and drawn by Luciano Vecchio. Magneto died shortly before the Fall of Krakoa, and opted not to be resurrected. He has run into trouble in the afterlife, and Storm comes to his rescue, feeling mutantkind needs Magneto more than ever. During her search, she enters a cosmic waiting room, with eight different options, including death, judgment and reincarnation.

The 8 Paths Beyond Death: Marvel Spills the Secrets of Its Afterlife, & the Huge Choice Superheroes Make After Death

Among the other paths, including but not explained, include a green diamond and a glowing crown.

Marvel’s Cosmic Side Has Seen Some Signficant Changes

These Changes Are Thanks to Al Ewing

Four panels of Storm confronting Tarn in the afterlife.

Over the past several years, Al Ewing has quietly redefined the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, introducing the various cosmoses that preceded it as well as introducing the mysterious Dominion, a force from outside the universe that may be even more powerful than the One Above All. Now, Ewing is redefining the afterlife. Previously, Marvel’s afterlife was simple: a person died and was ushered to Death’s realm for their final reward or to wait for their inevitable resurrection. Ewing has in fact revealed it is far more complicated, and compelling, than ever before.

The Resurrection of Magneto reveals that instead of simply going to Death’s realm, a person is faced with eight different paths they can take. Death and her world are one of them, but there are also options for judgment, represented by the Living Tribunal, as well as reincarnation. The other options, still mysterious at this time, are deeply rooted in symbolism and tarot, and their meaning will hopefully be revealed as The Resurrection of Magneto plays out. Ewing and Vecchio have set up a number of intriguing mysteries about Marvel’s afterlife.

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The MCU has depicted dreams as a place where the barriers between realities in the Multiverse are weak; Storm’s current journey suggests so much more.

Marvel’s Heroes Face a Difficult Decision Upon Their Deaths

Marvel’s Afterlife Just Became Much More Complex

Marvel SNAP Death deck Thanos comic 18

The duo has also shed light on some of the difficult decisions heroes make upon death. While they can opt to go straight to Death’s realm, they can also be judged or sent back, reincarnated for another chance at life. For heroes such as Storm, who have lived good and overall moral lives, judgment will present no problem, but it could get thorny for others. The topography of Marvel’s new afterlife could also explain why so many heroes and villains return to life. Ewing and Vecchio have changed Marvel’s afterlife, making it far more compelling.

The Resurrection of Magneto #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

The Resurrection of Magneto #1 (2024)

Resurrection of Magneto #1 Cover
  • Writer: Al Ewing
  • Artist: Luciano Vecchio
  • Colorist: David Curiel
  • Letterer: Joe Sabino
  • Cover Artist: Stefano Caselli & Jesus Aburtov