The 16 Most Memorable Star Wars Quotes From Revenge Of The Sith

The 16 Most Memorable Star Wars Quotes From Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is a pivotal point in the Star Wars franchise, and it’s full of iconic lines – like many other Star Wars movies and TV shows. The movie might tell the story of Anakin’s final descent into the dark side of the Force, but there are many other factors at play, from the political landscape of the Galactic Republic to the finer details of the Jedi culture. With each major plot point in the movie, it seems the iconic quotes are always around the corner.

Several lines are an introspective commentary on the large-scale issues facing the galaxy, while others have taken on lives of their own as humorous one-liners. The story gets darker throughout the movie as Anakin pulls the galaxy with him closer and closer to the dark side, impacting the discussion topics between the characters. Still, whether it’s a funny line or a somber one, there’s no shortage of great quotes in the movie.

The 16 Most Memorable Star Wars Quotes From Revenge Of The Sith


20 Best Star Wars Quotes Of All Time

Since 1977, Star Wars has been wowing viewers with stunning and unforgettable stories – and these are some of the best quotes in its history!

“This Is Where The Fun Begins.”

An Ironic Start

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Created By

George Lucas


Bob Anderson
, Hayden Christensen
, James Earl Jones
, Matt Lanter
, Matt Lucas
, Jake Lloyd
, David Prowse
, Sebastian Shaw

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

In a movie where there is arguably very little fun after this line is delivered, it’s a very interesting way to kick things off. Anakin says this during the Battle of Coruscant, before he and Obi-Wan charge in to rescue the Chancellor. It’s one of Anakin’s first lines in the movie, and while the first act of Revenge of the Sith is a really fun sequence to watch, it’s a cruel and ironic reminder that the fun in Anakin’s life is going to come to an abrupt end shortly after the events of that scene.

“I Have A Bad Feeling About This.”

A Common Star Wars Feeling

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Created By

George Lucas


Alec Guinness
, Ewan McGregor

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

The “I have a bad feeling about this” line makes at least one appearance in every Star Wars movie. In Revenge of the Sith, it’s uttered by Obi-Wan Kenobi as he and Anakin hurtle toward the still-shielded command ship where Chancellor Palpatine is being held hostage. Things quickly resolve and the two Jedi move on to their next challenge: Rescuing the Chancellor.

Unfortunately for Obi-Wan, that sinking feeling goes away too soon. Almost immediately after they return to the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Anakin’s tailspin into the dark side begins. Unfortunately, the bad feeling Obi-Wan felt about their potential crash landing was nothing compared to what was coming.

“Hello There.”

A Classic Obi-Wan Greeting

Obi-Wan’s iconic greeting is a callback to his introduction in Star Wars. This time, however, it’s directed at an enemy. Obi-Wan’s final showdown against General Grievous begins with this deceptively friendly opening, said by Obi-Wan in a pleasant voice as he drops in on the evil general’s hidden base. The ensuing fight between the two skilled warriors is anything but mere pleasantries.

“So Uncivilized.”

Obi-Wan Is A Lightsaber Fan

When Obi-Wan begins his final duel with Grievous, the two are both armed with their lightsabers. Well, Grievous is actually armed with four lightsabers taken from Jedi he’d previously defeated. Obi-Wan does his best with the single lightsaber that he always uses, but things soon require a change in plan.

After falling off a cliff and losing his lightsaber, a blaster is the only weapon in reach. After delivering a killing blast, Obi-Wan tosses the blaster aside with a comment about blasters’ civility. This sentiment would stick with him, too; when he gifts Anakin’s lightsaber to Luke nearly two decades later, he remarks that the lightsaber is a much more “civilized” weapon.

“General Grievous… You’re Shorter Than I Expected.”

First Impressions

Anakin’s first interaction with General Grievous showcased the playful and antagonistic energy that Anakin rarely has on screen. In the movies, Anakin is usually more troubled with the big-picture aspects of his complex character arc. This interaction, however, is more reminiscent of the general that Anakin is during his time in the Clone Wars.

This line proved to be a bit of a complication when Star Wars: The Clone Wars brought General Grievous in as a primary opponent for the Republic. Because this line implies that Anakin is seeing Grievous for the first time, each episode that the two characters appeared in had to be carefully written in a way that kept the two from ever being in the same room at the same time. This adds an even more hilarious and memorable layer to this particular quote, though there are still others with bigger legacies.

“Do It!”

Bad Advice

Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious

Created By

George Lucas


Ian McDiarmid
, Sam Witwer
, ian abercrombie

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

After Anakin’s duel with Count Dooku, Anakin has the Sith completely disarmed. With both their lightsabers at Dooku’s neck, Anakin is clearly struggling with his hate for the Sith Lord. Sensing that Anakin is primed for his fall to the dark side, Chancellor Palpatine encourages Anakin to kill his enemy. Anakin refuses at first, saying that it isn’t what the Jedi do, but Palpatine gets more aggressive, shouting for him to simply “Do it!” and prompting Anakin to kill his unarmed prisoner.

Though this line can be considered funny because of Palpatine’s aggression behind the order, it’s also what kickstarts Palpatine’s final plans to pull Anakin into the dark side. After years of manipulation, this cold-blooded murder is the first real step Anakin takes away from the Jedi and toward the dark side. It’s this action that makes it possible for Anakin to help Palpatine kill Mace Windu later on.

“Twice The Pride, Double The Fall.”

Dark Foreshadowing

Count Dooku

Created By

George Lucas


Christopher Lee
, Corey Burton

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Dooku’s comment to Anakin takes on a new meaning after watching the movie through to the end. Dooku is replying to Anakin’s insistence that he’s stronger than the last time the two of them fought, but he’s also foreshadowing Anakin’s fatal mistake. When Obi-Wan confronts Anakin on Mustafar, their duel ends with Obi-Wan having the upper hand. Despite begging Anakin to leave things be, Anakin’s pride is what causes him to try the dangerous move that costs him almost everything.

“How Did This Happen? We’re Smarter Than This!” “Apparently Not.”

Just Another Setback

One of the funnier lines in the otherwise somber movie, Obi-Wan and Anakin exchange these remarks as they find themselves trapped in a hallway by a force field. They’re trying to rescue the Chancellor, but they keep running into issues. Anakin’s response exemplifies the confusion and mishaps that have gone on in the heroes’ attempts to escape Grievous’ ship.

Beyond a funny acknowledgment of their predicament, it’s also a hint of the intense deception going on under the Republic’s radar. Palpatine’s plots to twist the Republic into the Empire were right under the noses of the Jedi and the Senate, but no one was able to see it until it was too late. In another layer of irony, it’s this event – coming to rescue Palpatine rather than assisting Ahsoka Tano with a rescue mission to Mandalore – that kickstarts the fatal end of the Clone Wars with Order 66.

“Together, You And I Can Rule The Galaxy.”

Echoes Of Tales Past (& Technically Future)

Padmé Amidala

Created By

George Lucas


Natalie Portman
, Catherine Taber

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Anakin’s pleas to Padmé echo the same offer he would one day make their son. Padmé comes to Mustafar to talk some sense back into him and bring him back from the edge of the dark side. Unfortunately, she’s too late to untangle her husband from Darth Sidious’ manipulations. Anakin’s last attempt to bring Padmé along with him falls flat, and as Padmé refuses him, his attention moves to Obi-Wan, who has stowed away in an attempt to find his fallen apprentice. Obi-Wan’s presence triggers Anakin’s insecurities about his relationship, and his offer to give her the galaxy turns violent.

“Only A Sith Deals In Absolutes.”

No Room For Interpretations

Obi-Wan’s response to Anakin’s new ideology might seem like an absolute, but he is actually referring to the Sith’s willingness to make black-and-white choices. Jedi are meant to be mindful before they take action against an enemy. Anakin’s declaration that Obi-Wan could either work with him or against him is Obi-Wan’s first sign that his friend is no longer the Jedi he used to be.

“Did You Ever Hear The Tragedy Of Darth Plagueis The Wise?”

A Thrilling Tale The Jedi Won’t Tell You

Sidious used many tactics to plant the seeds of the dark side in Anakin’s mind. During an opera, he tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis, hoping that Anakin will connect the dots of his own situation and try to stop death, just like Darth Plagueis. Unfortunately for the galaxy, Sidious is right. Sidious’ master Darth Plagueis isn’t directly mentioned in the movies, but his influence hangs heavily over the Skywalker saga. Anakin’s grandson, Ben Solo, would one day achieve what Anakin desperately craved: the power to bring someone he loves back from the dead.

“It’s Over, Anakin. I Have The High Ground.”

A Last Warning

Obi-Wan’s final move in his duel against Anakin on Mustafar lands him on a cliff above Anakin, who still waits below on a river of lava. Obi-Wan pleads with him to end their fight then and there, but Anakin’s pride gets the better of him. Force-jumping toward his former master, Anakin is cut down in the air, losing his three remaining natural limbs and landing on the bank of the lava. These injuries would lead him directly into the iconic suit he will wear for the rest of his life.

“So This Is How Liberty Dies. With Thunderous Applause.”

A Lonely Perspective

Padmé is one of the few Republic Senators who almost sees through Palpatine’s plot to turn the Republic into the Empire. When the Chancellor makes the announcement that he is going to become the Emperor, the entire Senate erupts into cheers, thinking that this will unify the galaxy once again. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Immediately, Palpatine begins his work on the Death Star and oppresses the galaxy. Luckily, Padmé and her allies had enough foresight to lay the groundwork of the Rebel Alliance, even though Padmé herself didn’t live to see their organization really take shape.

“You Were My Brother, Anakin. I Loved You!”

A Heartbreaking Goodbye

The most emotional scene in Revenge of the Sith is the end of Anakin’s showdown with Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two Jedi were inseparable for over a decade, and this final outcry from Obi-Wan encapsulates his anger and confusion over Anakin’s fall. He reminds Anakin that he was prophesied to be the Jedi’s savior, not their downfall. The tragedy behind Obi-Wan’s last words to Anakin is actually the fact that Obi-Wan mentions their personal relationship, citing feelings that the Jedi aren’t supposed to have. Obi-Wan’s love for his former friend overcomes even his devotion to the Jedi code.

“Henceforth, You Shall Be Known As Darth Vader.”

The Official Christening Of Palpatine’s Apprentice

Palpatine’s christening of his new apprentice is years in the making by the time it finally happens. Palpatine had been grooming Anakin to be his apprentice since he was a boy, and this moment is the culmination of all that work. Anakin finally submits to Palpatine in a last attempt to save his wife’s life, but in doing so, he crosses a line he can’t come back from.

“I Have Brought Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Security To My New Empire.”

Make It Make Sense

One of the most quoted lines in the entire movie, this is Anakin’s justification for his actions. After eliminating the Separatist threat and overthrowing the Jedi, Anakin truly believes that the galaxy would be better off under the singular leadership of the Empire. He is also completely confident that he could overthrow Palpatine and rule that Empire himself. Having witnessed the complexities of politics and the difficulties they brought on the galaxy, Anakin’s faith in democracy is much deteriorated – leading to this memorable Revenge of the Sith line.

All Star Wars movies and TV shows are available to stream on Disney+

Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Poster

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith



George Lucas

Release Date

May 19, 2005




20th Century Fox


George Lucas
, John Ostrander
, Jan Duursema


Ewan McGregor
, Natalie Portman
, Hayden Christensen
, Ian McDiarmid
, Samuel L. Jackson
, Christopher Lee
, Anthony Daniels
, Kenny Baker
, Frank Oz
, Ahmed Best
, Temuera Morrison


140 Minutes


Star Wars