The 100: 10 Questions About Bellamy Blake, Answered

The 100: 10 Questions About Bellamy Blake, Answered

Bellamy Blake began his journey on The 100 as an antagonist for Clarke Griffin, but that role only lasted a few episodes. He quickly moved beyond his own sense of self preservation to become a leader of the teens sent to Earth and Clarke’s best friend.

Bellamy is definitely one of the characters to have one of the most fascinating arcs in the series. He’s gone from a seemingly selfish anarchist to a strategic commander of military forces and advisor to potential political leaders. Fans love to watch his story unfold, but how much do they really know about him? Plenty of details can easily slip by.

Who Is Bellamy Named After

The 100: 10 Questions About Bellamy Blake, Answered

When Kass Morgan began writing The 100 novel that inspired the show, she took inspiration from some of the literary figures that came before her. While Clarke Griffin is named for science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, Bellamy Blake is also named for a writer: Edward Bellamy.

Edward Bellamy was also a journalist and after writing several novels, became a political activist. He’s best known for a novel about a utopian society called Looking Backward.

Is Bellamy One Of The 100

Bellamy encourages Octavia to be the first human back on Earth in The 100 pilot

Technically, Bellamy is not one of the original 100 kids sent to Earth. When he dresses as a guard and attempts to kill Chancellor Jaha to get on the dropship, he becomes the 101st person on board.

That being said, he is one of the first 100 people from the Ark to make it to Earth. That’s because two of the teenagers on the ship remove their harnesses to experience zero gravity like Finn Collins. They don’t get back to their seats in time and die on impact, meaning only 98 of the juvenile delinquents make it to Earth. Bellamy makes 99 people. Raven Reyes is later number 100, making the two part of the titular 100, even if they weren’t in the original group.

How Old Is Bellamy When The Series Begins

Bellamy And Wells In The 100 S1E02

Bellamy is the oldest of the people from the Ark who initially come to Earth. While the 100 delinquents range in age from young children up to 18, Bellamy is at least five years older than his little sister.

According to showrunner Jason Rothenberg, he’s 23 when he arrives on Earth. That’s slightly different from the novel where he’s 20. That also means he’s approaching 30 years old by the time the group goes into cryosleep and heads back into space for 125 years.

What Is His Blood Type

Clarke and Bellamy arguing in the first season of The 100

Bellamy’s blood type is one of the few seen on screen. That’s because when his personnel file is shown in the pilot episode, his blood type is listed as AB Negative. No one else’s is shown on screen, though Abby Griffin does mention that she also needs AB Negative blood for Chancellor Jaha after he’s shot.

Interestingly, following the production of the pilot, it’s never mentioned in show, but the writers retconned this choice. All of the residents of the Ark actually have Type O blood, which allows the ability of anyone being able to donate blood. So, Bellamy’s blood type should be O.

Who Is Bellamy’s Father

Jaha gets locked up by the Grounders in The 100 Season 2

Bellamy and Octavia never talk about their fathers. They have their mother Aurora’s surname – Blake. It’s possible, and even likely, that neither of them know their father in the context of the television series. In the novels, however, Bellamy’s father is eventually revealed.

Bellamy’s mother has a relationship with Chancellor Jaha before he marries and becomes the leader of the Ark. When he learns that Jaha is actually his father – and that Wells is his brother – it’s not something he’s thrilled about. He resents that Jaha claims to have loved his mother, but didn’t treat her like it.

Who Does He Name His Sister After

Bellamy is the only person present when his mother gives birth to his little sister. Families are only allowed to have one child in an attempt to control the population on board the Ark. Aurora allows Bellamy to name his sister as the first step in him being responsible for her.

Bellamy chooses the name Octavia because of his love for Roman history and mythology. He had recently learned about the Roman Emperor Augustus, whose older sister was named Octavia. Bellamy named her after the woman who had been a huge political figure during her life in Rome. She even married Mark Antony at one point and won custody of their daughters when he left her for Cleopatra.

What Job Did Bellamy Have Before Octavia’s Discovery

When Octavia was discovered, it wasn’t just her life that changed dramatically. Aurora Blake was floated and Bellamy was punished for helping hide his sister.

Before her discovery, he was a cadet amongst the Ark’s guards. That’s how he intended to escort Octavia aboard the space station during her one night of freedom. He lost that position, becoming a janitor, when he tried to help his sister escape his superiors.

Were His Ration Portions On The Ark Sustainable

The ark in The 100.

When Bellamy’s work situation changes on the Ark, so does his living situation. His rations are also lowered. The show details his rations as “level seven” in which he gets two portions of food and two ounces of water a day.

Two ounces of water is only a quarter cup of water. Realistically, Bellamy would not have been able to survive on that for long. According to the Mayo Clinic, the average man needs about 15.5 cups of water a day, but 20% of that can come from food. That means he would need about 12 cups of water a day in order to maintain his health.

Is He Responsible For More Deaths In The Series That Clarke

The 100 Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin.

Clarke is often seen as the person with the most blood on her hands in the show, but that’s not entirely true. She might be called Wanheda by the Grounders, but Bellamy is actually responsible for more deaths than she is.

While they share responsibility for the deaths of the inhabitants of Mount Weather, Bellamy also helps lead a raid on a Grounder camp, which resulted in the deaths of nearly 300 Grounders. He also makes sure Raven doesn’t have her radio when she first comes to Earth, leaving her without a way to contact the Ark and prevent the culling of 300 inhabitants, making him indirectly responsible for those deaths as well.

Why Is Bellamy Missing For So Many Episodes In Season 7

Bellamy In The 100 Season 6

Fans haven’t been particularly thrilled that Bellamy has been missing for several episodes of the final season of the series. Prior to season seven, actor Bob Morley had also been absent from two episodes total. They can rest assured, however, that the decision was made by the actor himself.

After Bellamy is kidnapped in the season premiere of the final season, Jason Rothenberg clarified in interviews that Morley asked to take time off during the season and the storyline was written to accommodate his wish.