The 10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Wolverine, According To Ranker

The 10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Wolverine, According To Ranker

There have been plenty of rumors lately that Wolverine may be making an appearance in the MCU, although almost certainly not with Hugh Jackman leading the charge. As Wolverine’s healing powers means he can’t die, and as Marvel Comics has shown more than once, he might be destined to live to the end of the world, there are plenty of ways to carry on playing with the character.

Thanks to the fact that Wolverine can survive anything, many Marvel Comics creative teams have tried to come up with terrible things to do to the mutant, and then watch as he comes back with all the memories of pain and torture still implanted in his mind. When it comes to the worst things that ever happened to Wolverine, Ranker fans voted on the ones that left the biggest marks.

Note: Ranker lists are live and continue to accrue votes, so some rankings may have changed after this publishing.

Hulk Pulverizes Him In World War Hulk

The 10 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Wolverine, According To Ranker

In the crossover series World War Hulk, The Illuminati banished Hulk from Earth and sent him to the planet of Sakaar. It turned out to be a blessing, as Hulk fell in love and married a woman. However, the blessing turned to a curse when an explosion killed her and Hulk set off for Earth for revenge.

He sought Professor X and had to face Wolverine to get to him. This was World Breaker Hulk and no one would stop him. He didn’t hold back, and even knowing he couldn’t kill Wolverine, he punched him in the face so many times that he completely destroyed Logan’s head, leaving him out of commission while he waited for it to heal.

Wolverine Ate A Bomb

Wolverine eats a bomb.

Wolverine might not die, but that doesn’t mean he might wish he was dead more often than not. In the storyline Logan Dies, he faced a new villain known as Shogun. The bad guy shoved a bomb down Wolverine’s throat and then detonates it, grotesquely blowing the mutant up.

This remains a low mark for what Wolverine went through in his life because he ended up in a vegetative state and he barely came out of this alive in the end. It also remains memorable because Wolverine’s body pieced itself back together but he ended up temporarily brain dead.

The Death Of Wolverine

Death of Wolverine

The Death of Wolverine finally did what seemed impossible. Marvel found a way to kill Wolverine. It started out with him losing his healing factor. That then led to him seeking out and battling the man who gave him his adamantium skeleton – Doctor Abraham Cornelius. He killed the man, but then he succumbed to his injuries and died when liquid adamantium hardened over him, suffocating him.

This was a terrible way to die and one of the worst things to ever happen to Wolverine, but it was beautifully told. Before he died, Abraham asked Wolverine what he ever accomplished. Logan realized he had done enough and Wolverine died peacefully.

Nitro Incinerated Wolverine

Nitro blows up Wolverine.

The Marvel crossover event Civil War was massively popular, with an explosion killing children in a school leading the government to implement the superhero registration act. This then caused the superhero community to sever, with Captain America and Iron Man building their own armies. Wolverine was involved in this and was part of the registration team.

One thing that Wolverine set out to do was bring Nitro to justice. This was the hero who accidentally blew up the school. However, when Wolverine found him, Nitro exploded again with enough power to melt Logan’s skin off his bones. It was gruesome, but it wasn’t the first time someone blew him up.

He Was Tricked Into Killing His Children

Wolverine Killing His Children

There have been a lot of things that happened to Wolverine that physically hurt him, but more often than not, the most damage came when someone did something that psychologically scarred him. In Old Man Logan, Mysterio tricked him into killing the X-Men, but Ranker readers voted on a different moment.

In Red Right Hand, Wolverine was tearing through minions as he tried to reach his ultimate target. There was a problem. After he killed each of the Mongrels on his way to the end, he then learned that they were all his children. The Red Right Hand tricked Wolverine into killing his own offspring, emotionally devastating him.

Daken Forces Wolverine To Kill Him

Wolverine holding his dead son Daken.

Killing the Mongrels wasn’t the only time that Wolverine had to off his children. One thing that Wolverine learned was that it was his son Daken who gathered all his kids together for Red Right Hand to use against him. Daken had the same healing factor as his father, and that made their war a brutal one.

It is a misconception that Wolverine can’t die. There is one area where his healing factor wouldn’t work, and that is if he drowns. After Old Man Logan told Wolverine that he had no other choice, he drowned Daken to kill him. Sabretooth admitted he staged the entire fight to make Wolverine kill his son because that was the worst thing he could think of to hurt Logan.

The Punisher Steamrolls Wolverine

Punisher uses a Streamroller on Wolverine

Sometimes, the worst things that happen to Wolverine are also the funniest. In the case of this moment, it was a joke thrown into a book by Punisher author Garth Ennis. For most of his writing career, Ennis made no secret that he hated superheroes, and when he had Wolverine in his Punisher book, he made sure to humiliate him.

Punisher and Wolverine were both after the same bad guy, but Frank knew that Logan wouldn’t let him do what needed to be done. As a result, Frank shot him in the face at close range and when Wolverine came to, Punisher used a steamroller to squash him into the ground. He knew Wolverine would live, but that had to hurt.

A Cannibal Ate Him Alive

A cannibal eating Wolverine.

Sometimes, a villain is a lot more powerful than even the people who control him. In Wolverine #165 by Frank Tieri and Sean Chen, Wolverine and Beast are trapped in a supervillain prison, and things go very strong for them – especially as far as Wolverine is concerned.

He ends up trapped in a cell with an ancient being known as Mauvais. The guards want him to kill Wolverine, but instead, Mauvais starts to eat Wolverine. It turns out that he is a mystic and when he eats Wolverine, he gains the powers to escape. It was horrific, but it allowed both Mauvais and Wolverine to live to fight another day.

The Horseman Of Death Gives Him Every Disease

Death gives Wolverine every disease.

If there is one downfall to having a great healing factor, it is the fact that people can keep torturing Wolverine without stopping. This happened when Wolverine battled Death – the Horsemen of Apocalypse. It was bitter irony since Wolverine was once Death himself when he served Apocalypse, so the fact that Death did so much damage to Wolverine is karma.

In this case, Death knew that Wolverine’s healing factor would continue to keep saving his life. As a result, Death decided to try to kill Wolverine with everything. He gave Wolverine every terminal disease in history at once, leaving him helpless as his healing factor fought hundreds of different afflictions at the same time.

Magneto Rips Out Wolverine’s Skeleton

Magneto rips the adamantium out of Wolverine's body in Marvel Comics.

According to voters at Ranker, the worst thing that ever happened to Wolverine came in the story Fatal Attractions and involved Magneto. This story saw Magneto leave Earth and seek peace in space. He invited any mutants who wanted to go with him to live away from the hatred of humanity.

However, Magneto was still a threat and Professor X took his X-Men to stop him. Tired of the fighting, Magneto stopped holding back and he ripped out Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton in one of the most horrific moments in X-Men history. This left Wolverine in a feral state and changed everything about the mutant for almost a decade.